March 8, 2008

Saturday Caturday - Complete With More Snow!

Here we are all 'nipped out and sunbathing last August. Doesn't this look wonderful and warm?
Here's what I am looking at out of my window this morning. In March.
Bah... This kitty is going back to bed...


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Brrrr that looks really cold and misty. We agree, bed's the best place in that sort of weather. The August weather wuz much better.

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Wow Parker, that is like the weather we had here in St. Louis and it really does suck! It was 78 degrees this past Sunday and then Tuesday we had about 8 inches of snow ... you should check out the pics momma put on our bloggie this past Wednesday. Just looking at the picture of you kitties on the deck makes us want warm weather really bad, even though we don't go outside.
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon

Monty Q. Kat said...

Holy snow!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

Poor Parker, that look REALLY cold!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

picture #2 looks like a nightmare! say it ain't so... blah winter.

here we are getting rain.... not so bad, but NO sun.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Woww.w....this is so so cold in here~!!!! Good luck!!!!!
Stay in warm!!!!!

ZOOLATRY said...

Ah spring is just around the corner... well, maybe not around YOUR corner... tee, hee.
At least you don't live in hurrycane-alley!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dis winter has been dismal and far to long...

Cecil the Cougar: said...

Brrr grab your favorite toy and snuggle up!

Daisy said...

That sure is a startling contrast!

Just Ducky said...

Now you know what I have been dealing with all winter!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

I don't know that I could have made myself get up at all on a day like that!

Leslie said...

Crikey mates!

MaoMao said...

Wowie, that's a lotta snow! We gotted some snow in Tennessee, too, but not that much. It's furry cold today, though! We are happy to be indoors and nice and warm and snuggies.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Tesla and Hansel said...

Hello! I'm fine! Everything went well. Beanies have been taking good care of me! thanks for checking in!

My beans and i appreciate your kind words!

Wow... i wanna go sunbathing like you and your friends.

I'd go back to bed too!

Lux said...

I like the looks of that first picture much more than the second!

Halloween said...

Hi Parker. This looks like a good time for the beans and cats to snuggle up in front of your fire and enjoy each others' company. Take a trip over to my blog for a taste of spring!


Tommy and Teaghan said...

Paahkah are yoo buried in snow?

3 Cat Blog said...

OMGoodness! Yes, that first photo looks like heaven. We're getting the same depressing!

Tyler said...

Wow, we wonder what it would be like to live in that weather just for a little bit. What a difference a zipcode makes. That looks positively freezing. Brrrrrrr.

Here in California, we're already shedding our winter coats. I bet you still need yours. Stay warm.

Hot(M)BC said...

Yeps, goin bak to bed sounds like a good idear!
Alla Us Hotties

Mickey's Musings said...

Find out who sent that and send it back!!!!!!!!!!! I'd go back to bed too!!
Purrs Mickey

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We would go back to bed too. But weve got green grass and flowers fer some reason, so we went out yesterday.

Poppy Q said...

So it seems a good choice to move to tropical OHIO? Wow, we never has snow like that.

Keeps sooper warm Parker fambly. We will send the sun back soon.