March 7, 2008

Formerly Feral Friday

Further proof that I put the Formerly in Formerly Feral!

I saw these photos of myself and I was amazed at what a large furchin I have!
I think I need to call Jenny!

Here's a little Frootbat for you too!

The JCAHO beans go away today at Mommy's hunting place! This is a very good thing 'cause Mommy isn't sure she could endure another day of being inspected. Five days seems to be her maximum! The news is saying that the snowstorm we are going to get is "the snowstorm of the decade." Isn't that wonderful? <----I am being facetious here...
Have a fun Friday everykitty and be grateful you have a home. It's good to be formerly feral!

And Jan, I think you and your farm are Toadally Awesome too!


The Misadventures Of Me said...

We all's here agree, it's great to be formally feral! (Mommy Bean has a weakness for feral kittys I guess.)

Happy weekend to you all's and stay warm near a fire with all that snows you are getting.

Peeeeee sssssssss: Diamond woofie is a great frootbat!


Oh Parker
I hope your ferious snowstorm turns out to be nothing...we are having bad weather here too, but wet stuff not white stuff...have a great weekend.


Mickey's Musings said...

Oh Parker, you are just pretty!!! With the coming storm,it really is good to be indoors!!!! Stay safe :)
Purrs Mickey

Anonymous said...

Parker, you don't need Jenny. You are just gorgeous!

We're very sorry to hear that you'll be getting the "storm of the decade".

It's raining like crazy again here. They're predicting 5 inches today. We had 7 inches last week in day and a half. A tree limb just fell on Mom's work garage. Hopefully, it didn't go through the roof! We had a severe drought last year and all kinds of wildfires. Jinkies, the weather in the world is just nuts lately!

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Stay warm! We hope they are exaggerating on the snow. We never get this kind of snowfall in March!

Anonymous said...

Eeek, more snow! I think it is trying to be spring here but it is taking an awful long time.

Don't worry about your furchin Parker, we have them too!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Oh geez, more snow!?!?!
You have a cute furchin, and we know Tripper adores you for it!!!
Diamond Doggie Frootbat is cute!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

More snow? I am sorry.

I love your furchin.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Me was never ferals but we was leans, now my skin flap to make me run fast is turns into a furchin. AH! But da ham calls me so... Empress

Cecil the Cougar: said...

I am glad that you are FORMERLY feral Parker. If you were not you would not be able to blog, and you certainly would not have such a nice figure. I bet you would be all stick like and that is not very cute in a cat! We should look fluffy and cuddly!

Daisy said...

That's not a furchin, those are your womanly curves!

PB 'n J said...

Sorry about the snow - we hope it misses you guys!

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

I'm sure that once spring gets there, you'll be able to get around more and you'll work that furchin off. Of course, that assumes they ever unbury spring after the snow storm you have this weekend. Stay warm!

LZ said...

Face tissues? What does that mean? Does that mean you are sneezy? Hmm...well hopefully the snow storm is nothing. Spring is coming!! We kitties are willing it so it shall be so.


Monkee said...

Mom says that a lot of formerly feral kitties tend to get a little pudge. I still think you're very pretty.

jams o donnell said...

Oh aren't you so handsome. My feline mistress Bebe was feral too.

Ivan from WMD said...

I'm glad you're formerly, too, and only have to look at the snow and not live in it!

Parker, you know, I think you might be right about the time change and dinner thing! I get so confused with this, it's awful! But I'm going to let my sisters and brother think it's an hour later, and that way I'll get more dinner!

Just Ducky said...

Parker, mum showed me the radar and where you live is all covered with white stuff. I am not happy that you are getting this, but for a change it missed us in Whiskerconsin.

At least being a formerly kittie you can stay inside and watch the snowflakes.

Gretchen said...

Hmmm...I just learned a new word. I didn't know all that hanging fluff under my tummy had a name. Fruchin. Is that a good thing?

I love your Zoolatry picutre. It is comical.


Sunny's Mommy said...

Oh boy the snowstorm of the decade. That's not good. I guess I'll have to check in later this weekend to see how many inches/feet you got :-0

Congratulations on your award.

PS: What you call furchin we call toe warmers around here. No need to call Jenny, toe warmers serve a useful purpose -- they're good to have ;-)

Team Tabby said...

We sure hopes the snowstorm misses you. We are formerly feral as well, Parker.

Mindy & Moe

Rosemary B❤️ said...

your furchin is astonishingly floofy and furry.

I hope you do not get the snowstorm of the decade... that sounds awful, bleh. stay warm and cozy sweetie

purrrs and happy week-end and <3 <3

Unknown said...

Oh Parker you are so funny! Your furchin isn't too big, it is just the right size.

Diamond looks very cute sitting in that chair, is she watching tv?

Dr Tweety of da Fab Five said...


You iz not F-A-T! Why da Delilah weighed 16 poundz before she started her diet. & dat stuff under her tum tum iz juste some loose furz dat occurz when you've had your fe-mail surgery. You should see da momeez loose flab, er, fur.

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Happy for you, Parker~~
You are just perfect size for me~!!!!
Like Mine~!!!

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Feral kitties are the best. Being formly feral is the greatest. Nothing beats finding the perfect home with just the right bean!

Artsy Catsy said...

I agree, pretty Parker, FORMERLY is the only way to be feral! Although some supposedly formerlies stay a little bit feral ... like our Callie! When things don't go her way, she goes from formerly to feral as fast as you can gobble Temptations!


Motor Home Cats said...

We hope the weatherman is totally wrong with his prediction. We are glad the inspectors went away - that can't be fun.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Um, yeah, I'm kinna hanging low too. I hope The Big Thing doesnt notice!