April 29, 2011

Communication Breakdown...Kinda Sorta

We're here, with our new computer. Mommy is learning all sorts of new things. Mainly new words to add to her bad word list. She does like the computer. Did you know that you can't save/edit your Blogger profile with your gmail address? You can use any other address, but not your gmail...the very gmail address that Mommy wanted to switch to so she could lose her Outlook address...WTH?  What she doesn't like about the new computer is that it's way, way, way smarter than she is...
Hope to be back posting soon!

April 26, 2011

Godspeed Sweet Praline

Sweet Praline
September 25, 1995 ~ April 25th, 2011

We lost a very dear friend yesterday. Sweet Praline acheived angel status at the Rainbow Bridge. Praline was such a beautiful kitty that had a loving and devoted Mommy. I know that her Mommy must feel all kinds of sad and heartbroken over the loss of such a special kitty. We send her our love and we hope that soon her memories of Sweet Praline will make her smile more than they make her cry.
In honor of Miss Sweet Praline -

Where to Bury A Cat

There are various places within which a cat may be buried. We are thinking now of a tabby cat, a striped cat, whose coat was like watered silk, and who, so far as we are aware, never entertained a mean or an unworthy thought. This cat is buried beneath a cherry tree, under four feet of garden loam, and at its proper season the cherry strews petals on the green lawn of his grave. Beneath a cherry tree, or an apple, or any flowering shrub of the garden, is an excellent place to bury a good cat. For beneath such trees, such shrubs, he slept in the drowsy summer, or chased bees, or lifted head to challenge some winged intruder. These are good places, in life or in death. For if the cat be well remembered, if sometimes he leaps through your dreams actual as in life, eyes kindling, questing, asking, laughing, begging, it matters not at all where that cat sleeps at long and at last. On a hill where the wind is unrebuked and the trees are roaring, or beside a stream he knew in kittenhood, or somewhere in the flatness of a pasture land, where the most exhilarating moles burrow. It is all one to the cat, and all one to you, and nothing is gained, and nothing lost -- if memory lives. But there is one best place to bury a cat. One place that is best of all. If you bury him in this spot, the secret of which you must already have guessed, he will come to you when you call -- come to you over the grim, dim frontiers of death, and down the well-remembered path, and to your side again. And though you call a dozen living cats, they shall not hiss at him, nor resent his coming, for he is yours and he belongs there. People may scoff at you, who see no lightest blade of grass bent by his footfall, who hear no mew pitched too fine for mere audition, people who may never really have had a cat. Smile at them then, for you shall know something that is hidden from them, and which is well worth the knowing. The one best place to bury a good cat is in the heart of his owner.

by Ben Hur Lampman, Portland Oregonian, 1921

Godspeed Sweet Praline,  you were loved so very, very much...

April 25, 2011

The Rudy Report

 おはよう kitties! It's me - RUDY! with your Rudy Report! I hope your Easter weekend was a nice one. We had the mother of all meats - HAM! and I am here to tell you it was very, very nommy. Parker was so happy about this that she couldn't stay out of the kitchen while Mommy was preparing it. She kept yelling "HAM! HAM! HAM!" That cat sure has a set of lungs on her.
After our feast I was feeling quite generous and allowed Parker to share the 'nip infused Turbo Track with me. We actually played together with no whapping from either side. Hey, it was Easter, I felt the need to be good. Too bad the weather was all rainy and chilly. I bet the Easter Bunny had to wear a sweater!
One more week until the new computer is supposed to be here.
Keep those tails high kitties!

April 20, 2011

Diamond Has A Boo Boo

Mommy, can we please get out of here?

Last Thursday Diamond was caught doing a lot of licking on his left front leg. So much, in fact, that he had licked some fur right off of his leg. He was also favoring the leg. This bought him a trip to the Vet on Friday. Diamond does not go to the same Vet that we do, he sees Dr. Babbit. Diamond does not mind going to the Vet until he remembers that's where he gets his claws clipped. Lemme' tell you kitties, Diamond does not like to get his claws clipped. Ever. At all. He gets pretty stressed and wants to climb on Mommy's lap. Good times kitties, good times...
Anyway, Diamond was examined and they checked his bones - nothing wrong there. Then Dr. Babbit did a skin culture and found out that Diamond has an infection in his Boo Boo. She thinks that's what is causing Diamond to lick and favor his leg. She thinks a bug might have bit him. So now Diamond is on antibiotics and has to have goop spread on his Boo Boo. Dr. Babbit says it may take a few weeks or more before we see progress. Diamond does not mind taking his pills, but is not fond of the goop. Three times a day Daddy has to put it on his leg. Daddy is not fond of doing this because Diamond does not like it.
But you know what the worst part was? He still had to get his nails clipped! Talk about insult to injury!

April 19, 2011

My Idea Of A Manicure

Never mind clippy-claw time, just let me on the deck and I'll take care of my claws thank-you very much. This wood does a very good job of getting rid of the old stuff and it's great for keeping my claws nice and sharp - you hear that Diamond Doggie? I still possess my "Paw of Death"!

April 18, 2011

The Rudy Report

Tja kitties! It's me - RUDY! with your video Rudy Report! What you see in this video is our very first time on the deck in 2011. History being made! Parker, Powder and I all have a speaking role. Parker checks out a dead leaf and loves on our lounge chair, oh, and she chases Puff. Me? I'm just being my adorable self. You'll laugh, you'll cry at the injustice of Puff being forced out of the shot and you'll marvel at Mommy's mad film-shooting skillz.
So what else is new? WE FINALLY ORDERED A NEW COMPUTER! It isn't here yet, the Dell beans are saying that we will have it on May the 4th. It only took Mommy six months to make up her mind. Hopefully this old machine we are using will last another few weeks - and hopefully Mommy can figure out how to use the new one.
The flowers are blooming and we are all enjoying open windows and doors. I hope you are having a groovy day. Keep those tails high kitties!

April 12, 2011

Out and About

I know you'd rather see photos of me and all of my beauty, but I thought I'd share some outside stuff...

Lookit' Mrs.Ladybug! I wonder where her kids are...

This ugly mess is going to be Mommy's herb garden.

"Anticipation, Anticipa-a-tion..."

Mommy says that these smell very good and make her smile.

April 11, 2011

The Rudy Report

Greetings from O Hi O kitties! It's Me - RUDY! with your Rudy Report! Oh sun, lovely sun, you were so nice to come and visit me. Everywhere I looked there were great sun puddles for me to soak up. I took full advantage, even when I was snoopervising Mommy cooking in the kitchen. I snoozed in a big sun puddle next to Mommy while she was computer-hunting on our molasses computer, I snoozed in another sun-puddle next to Daddy while he read the newspaper. I hope this means that Spring has moved in and all of the cold and gray weather is going to leave us alone.
There are flowers popping up and Mommy started to plan her herb garden. Daddy planted some catnip seeds in a big pot. We hope to enjoy some fresh 'nip on the deck this summer. There are signs of new life everywhere I look. That's the best part about this time of year. New life, hope and sunshine. A kitty like me could not ask for more. Well, maybe a little more. How about some of that chicken in the fridge Mommy?

April 7, 2011

Farewell to the Fireplace

 Puff is a kitty who enjoys a good Hammick in front of the fireplace. It's really more of an addiction. If she hears the fireplace kick on, she comes a-runnin'. It's still chilly enough here in O Hi O for a fire in the evening and Puff is making the most of it. Soon she will have to endure months of no fireplace to warm her teenaged floof and bones. She makes herself feel better about all of this by remembering that it's almost deck time!


Double Yay!

April 5, 2011

Computer Snoopervision

Gosh, I'm breathtaking!
I am having to spend a lot of time snoopervising Mommy and her computer work as we are buying a new computer machine in a few weeks. The one we use now is well over seven years old and it's being held together with bubble gum and spitballs. We have a hard time commenting anymore because this old laptop will freeze up and lose Internet connection if we travel too far or too fast. Mommy has been too cheap thrifty to shell out the green papers for a new one, but even she has lost her patience and she is now researching which laptop to buy for me  herself. One of the chores that I have been assisting with is the transfer of the bazillion photos of me and those other cats (and doggie) that live here off of this machine and onto jump drives. No small feat kitties, it's a lot of time and work to do this the right way. Bad words get used and hurt my ears. So, to re-cap, old computer sux, new computer being researched, hard to visit and comment anymore but this will change, I'm still gorgeous.
One more look at myself. Stunning!
(What? Doesn't everyone keep a lint roller on their dining room table?)

April 4, 2011

The Rudy Report

Just waiting on dinner...hurry up!
Sanibonani kitties! It's me - RUDY! with your Rudy Report! What a week it was here! Puff and Powder are now officially teenagers and we had a great weekend celebrating their birthday. The actual day of their birthday was on Friday and we want to thank all of you who came over to help them celebrate. On that particular day, I did not feel as though I had a lot to celebrate. It started with the PTU making an appearance and from there things just went downhill for moi. Mommy stuffed me in the PTU and we headed down the road to visit Dr. Joe and Dr. Wendy. Now don't get me wrong, I love them both but I have seen enough of them to last a long, long time. I was overdue for my Rabies shot and my FeLV shot. I could not get them when they were due because I was still recovering from that awful, horrid, no good Hemobart. So into the room I went and I was treated like a rock star. Lots of the staff peeked their heads in to see me and they all remarked on how handsome and wonderful I looked. Both Dr. Joe and Dr. Wendy came in to check me out. You see, Dr. Joe is the guy who does the day-to-day Vet stuff and Dr. Wendy is the gal who does the surgery and critical care Vet stuff. Dr. Wendy wanted to see for herself how I had progressed. Let's check my weight first, shall we?
Crappy phone shot courtesy of Mommy
Holy Cod! 12.2 pounds! When I was sick, I was down to 7 pounds. My normal weight was about 11 pounds. So, I guess I showed that Hemobart where to go! Everyone was very pleased with that number. After the great weigh in, I was poked and prodded and they looked in every opening I had (geez!). My toofies are good, my ears are pretty clean, my ticker is fine and apparently my butt is pretty nice as well. Time for the shots. Dr. Joe first gave me a shot of cortisone behind my head so I would not be as sore. Then in one flank I had the Rabies shot and in the other flank I had my FeLV. Dr. Joe said that since I am an indoor-only kitty that I never have to have another FeLV shot again. Yay! I took my shots like a good mancat and never even flinched. After that I was more than ready to hop back into the PTU and head on home...
Open the door, will ya'?
So kitties, that was that. I hope I don't have to go back to see Dr. Joe and Dr. Wendy for a long, long time. I spent the rest of the weekend in laps and inhaling some 'nip leftover from the Calico's party. Not a bad way to recover from a trip to the Vet's.
Oh, one more thing. Lobster is good. Very, very good. You should try it if you get a chance. Where has it been all of my life?

April 1, 2011

Happy 13th Birthday Puff and Powder!

Here are my two oldest sisters, fresh from the farm and enjoying their first meal at home. Their dog-brother at the time, a wonderful, happy and silly Golden Retriever named Jordan, was being kept at a safe distance. We did not want Puff and Powder to have little tiny kitten heart attacks right away. Jordan was 20 times their size and so friendly he probably would have licked them to death! (Notice that Powder has her face in the food leaving no room for Puff - Powder has always enjoyed her food...always!)
If you would like to read their Gotcha' Day story - it's right here!
Puff has a serious case of the cutes

Powder would always hide behind her sister.

1998 - about 8-9 weeks old. SQUEEEE~!
Teen Mom Puff and Aunt Powder with the Rudester.

Puff circa 2000 - 2 years old - lookit' them peepers!
Powder circa 2000 - 2 years old
Puff at 10 years old - Wowza!
Powder's tough look - 10 years old
Powder at 10 years, enjoying a pet from Daddy
We love you very much girls, Smoochies!
Look what Zoolatry made for us! We are going to frame it for Mommy's office. We hope you have enjoyed this little celebration of the calico gals journey into beeing teenagers! I'll be forever grateful to them for blazing a trail for the rest of us kitties. I'm proud to be in their family!