November 9, 2007

Formerly Feral Friday - Home

Missing Kitty
Where are you Monty???
I have been looking everywhere for my pal Monty. He has been missing from his home and his family is sick with worry. I don't think he is here in O Hi O. Mommy said she looked in Atlanta and did not see him. This is not a very happy start to the weekend. Everykitty, let's purr and pray that our friend Monty comes home right away. And Mommy? Hurry home too - I miss you a lot!


Tommy and Teaghan said...

We am sick wif worry too. Not Monty Q. He must come back home.

Yur Thursday 13 stuff wuz furry cool. Hope yur Mommie comes home soon. We will put yur Diabetes sidebar on owr bloggie too.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

OH NO!!!! this is terrible news!
WE are going to look around our neighborhood.... oh yeah, we can't get out. we will look out of all of the windows!!

MONTY!!!! go home!!!

The Furry Kids said...

We are worried about Monty, too. We didn't see him in the Mitten State. I just wish he would hurry up and go home!

Spike William and Angels China Cat and Willow said...

I haven't seen Monty here in Missouri but Willow and I have been purring like crazy, telling him to go home. I hope both Monty and your Mom get home soon!

Purrrrs, China Cat

Anonymous said...

We are purring and purring for Monty!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We looked in Atlanta too and did not see him. We are very worried and are purring that he comes home very soon!!

Daisy said...

I been looking all around here for him, too. I am so worried and I sure wish he would go home now.

Forty Paws said...

We're sending lots of purrs for Monty Q to come home very soon.

Luf, Us

Pee Ess. Da Ham will be serfed at 2pm on turkey day.


We are very worried about Monty and his family..We will continue to purray for his safe return.


Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

We looked out our windows here in our part of Texas for Monty but we did not see him. He'll come home soon we just know it!

Chrissie said...

We're looking, too, Parker. And purraying as hard as we can for him to come out of hiding. Come home, Monty!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

We thawt he would be home by now...we'z purraying and sending Zippy out in da back yard to yell...

Anonymous said...

He's home, Parker! Monty is home! Go to his blog. He really is back.

P.S. I waved at your momma this morning. I think that I even saw her!

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh we guess Henry already telled you.
did we menshun that MONTY'S HOME?

Tiger Lily said...

Monty is home! We're so glad!!! Please don't feel sad any more Parker.