November 10, 2007

Sleeping In On Saturday

+ This
Mommy had a five hour delay in Atlanta 'cause a runway caught on fire yesterday. (Yikes!) This caused a lot of back-ups with flights and there were a lot of cranky beans. Mommy did not get home till the early hours of this morning. She was very tired. She did tell me that Monty is home! We are all so very happy. I predict a nap or two with Mommy today. So even though Friday was not the best way to start a weekend, we are going to make the most of what we have left!
Welcome back Monty! Please don't ever do that again!


Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Oh no, your poor mommy! Yes, you'll need to comfort her with lots of loving naps with her today! ;)

How is it possible for a FIRE to happen on da runway??? We just can't figure it out.

~Donny and Marie

Mickey's Musings said...

WOW!! A fire on the runway!! Glad yer Mom was lucky and got home. It's good when Mom is home and she tells you great news(Monty).
Have fun snuggling today!!

Willow said...

I am so happy for you that your Mom got home AND I am so happy that Monty got home too! I think that we will all have a great weekend(I hope so anyway!)

Purrrrrrs, Willow

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I'm sorry to hear your mom's flight was delayed for so long! Enjoy spending the rest of the weekend with her.

I am so glad Monty is back home. :)

Tara said...

Oh, my mom hates hearing about things like that. She goes back east on Monday.

But really, how does a runway catch on fire??


Sunny's Mommy said...

Your poor Mommy getting in so late. You better spend all day in bed keeping her company :-)

ZOOLATRY said...

Anymore flying really is For The Birds... our mombean used to love to fly, not no more!

Anonymous said...

I am glad that your Momma is home as well as Monty!

Daisy said...

I am glad your mommy is home safe and sound where she belongs. And taking lots of naps sounds like a great way to spend the day!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Ugh traveling is the pits, so daddy tells us!

We are so happy to see you waiting here. We will wait with you.

The Furry Kids said...

We're so glad Monty is home! We're glad your mom is home, too. Now if the Wolverines can take care of business...
Happy napping, Parker!

Tiger Lily said...

Whoa! A fire on the runway sounds very bad. I'm glad your Mommy is home safely!!

mister jeter harris, hizself said...

hmmm ....
a fire on da runway?
well ... at leest she'z home an u get a full day uv nappin!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

A fire on the runway sounds bad, but we're glad yer mum got home safely. Give her plenty of purrs and snuggles cuz she's sure to be tired.

Anonymous said...

A five-hour delay. Holy Cat!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ack, how's a runway catch fire? Dis is why mom and dad stopped flying...dat and da fact dat she knows now about maintenance shortcuts dat management makes dem take to save money!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

We all's are happys for you's that your mommy gots home safely.

Artsy Catsy said...

Yep, sounds like power naps are definitely in order after long delays and burned up runways! Yikes!

& the Artsy Catsy staff

Forty Paws said...

Yeah, we heerd bowt Atlanta shutting down fur awyle. Purrsonally, Maw tinks traveling sux all da tyme since 9/11. She uzed to travel wen one could race thru da terminal wid 20 minutes afore takeoff an still make it. (She used to travel a LOT fur wurk.) Now she sez "screw it, too much hassle".

Glad yur Mom ist home agin.

Luf, Us

Anonymous said...

Sorry for the delay in ATL. It was a fire in Concourse C, not on the runway. Lots of flights canceled and delayed. Not a lot of damage, just inconvenience to the traveling public.