Oh, wow, look at that turkey! There's enough to send us some -- we had our Thanksgiving last month and have to wait another whole month for Christmas dinner! Some leftovers would be nice! :-D
Yum, turkey! We eat raw turkey and it's great. We love to watch all the activity going on in our kitchen! Plus the house smells great and the oven makes it warm in here.
That is a big turkey. Maybe you could ask Trip to come and share with you.
That's a good dream!!
Hollie Mollie - dat's one supersized turkey. Guess thee will be good eating at your house.
There is nothing like a Young Turkey!
Oh, wow, look at that turkey! There's enough to send us some -- we had our Thanksgiving last month and have to wait another whole month for Christmas dinner! Some leftovers would be nice! :-D
Me and mommy are really smiling! I will join you in those dreams. I have a crush on Tom myself ♥
what a delicious dream...
We think there might be enough turkey there for you to get a tiny piece!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!! We're dreaming of turkey day, too!!!!!!!!
WOW! We could come over if yoo lke ... ?
Yum, turkey! We eat raw turkey and it's great. We love to watch all the activity going on in our kitchen! Plus the house smells great and the oven makes it warm in here.
us too!
Turkey time! Hurry up and arrive :)
That is a lot of turkey! Are you having a lot of people to help eat it?
Hmmm...looks like you'll have enough for all your friends. Better tell your Mom to set out some extra bowls.
Woow!! That is one BIG bird!!!!
So...what are your 'rents having for Thanksgiving? hahahahaha ;)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Dat's a nice dream Parker...um, is company coming to help eat dat giant bird? Well, either way I'm sure der will be enuff to share wif yoo guys.
On Thursday, the best Bird TV is going to be... at the refrigerator!
Nice dreamin! So, what are your beans going to eat?
Turkey, Turkey, Turkey!
Hahhha, Awesome!
That is some big turkey!
That turkey looks bigger than me!
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