November 24, 2010

Parker - I Am Not Being A Pest!

My lookout spot
There's a lot of action in the kitichen today kitties! From the looks and smells of things, I think we are going to have company comin'. Mommy is whipping up all sorts of goodies and try as I might, nothing is landing in my mouth. But don't worry, I am nothing if not persistant. And if it comes to it, we can all work as a team! I think the five of us can take her!
I hope all of you are at least enjoying some good kitchen smells - and hopefully some treats! Oh, and not being called a pest...


Mariodacat said...

I do hope a few of those scraps happen to fall on the floor and land in your mouth.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Have a super fun day, Parker, watching all of the activity. Your mom is bound to look away for a few seconds and you can jump up and have a good sniff and maybe a lick!

bonkbonkbonk to all of you

The Creek Cats said...

Parker, we don't have any good smells in our kitchen today.....mind if we come over to your house?

Raymond and Busby said...

Yep, our kitchen will be the hub of activity later today too. We love this time of year! Parker a pest? Phooey!

Hannah and Lucy said...

If your mom should happen to trip over a well placed Diamond tail some goodies would surely land within reach.

AFSS said...

We could come over and help.

Dma said...

the boyz are going to be smelling some tasty frozen pizza.

Kea said...

We can't believe you ever would be "a pest." Besides, if your mom shared the goodies, she wouldn't have to call you that!

Cory said...

We have NO good smells here. Mom and dad will desert us tomorrow for another house full of smells and food and all we can do is command them to bring us leftovers.

The Island Cats said...

We think you need to snoopervise all that kitchen activity, Parker!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I think when there are good smells in the kitchen all bets are off!

Forty Paws said...

Oh goodness! We hope that you get a turkey!! That's the best part of Turkey Day!

Luf, Us

the teacher's pets said...

Haha! Looks like you have 3 other cats behind you who'd love to help you grab a few slices of turkey as well! Very funny photo!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

i believe our stuff starts tonight as it's just the Male and the Woman this year...

SeaThreePeeO said...

How could you be a pest Parker. I hope you and your siblings get lots of turkey!

Sparkle said...

Feh. No good kitchen smells here. I think the humans are going elsewhere for their Thanksgiving dinner and we cats are out of luck again this year.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Eh, just pumpkin stuff today. Da walnuts mom was putting in something were good but Speedy gets to eat pumpkin effury day so it was no big deal. How come stuff dat is kinda blah smells so good when it gets baked? Oh, mom sez da turkey goes in da oven tomorrow morning! We can hardly wait!

Daisy said...

I feel certain that eventually some of that deliciousness will fall directly into your mouth!

Noll's Nip said...

We are smelling pumpkin pie, french bread and green bean casserole. We are waiting for turkey smells with baited breath!!!

Carolyon said...

It is always hard to be patient when good smells are coming from the kitchen!

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

You are very lucky. Our Mom goes to her sisters house, and she does not cook anything!
Hope something lands in your mouth!!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours,
~ Timothy and The Bunch

Just Ducky said...

As usual, mum is not cooking but eating out with Grampies at his spot.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Happy Thanksgiving to yoo all. We hope the year ahead is healthy, wealthy and very happy.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Don't give up Parker, something tasty should land in your mouth soon.

Jans Funny Farm said...

We hope you get some turkey!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Happy Thanksgiving Day to all of you!

We were pests during food prep AND during Dinner. Over the course of the day, we got 2 different kinds of Stinky Goodness, some treats, an some real HAM. We even got ta lick a little bit of cheese sauce!