Our Ones Who Came Before.
Mommy's first cat. To this day she still gets leaky over him leaving for the Bridge. Please read about this wonderful boy here (part one) and here (part two). He's the reason we are all here today. Mommy says that if and when she goes to heaven, T-Gray and his love eyes will probably be the first thing she sees.
Jordan 1997-2002
Then there was dear, sweet Jordan. I am the only kitty who never met Jordan. I am told that he was a very, very good boy. He loved Puff and Powder and Rudy, he even got to see Rudy get borned! Jordan also left the family much too soon after he got Lymphoma. Jordan was only 5 years old. Daddy says that Jordan never had a bad day. He was the happiest creature on earth. He is dearly missed and he is the reason that Diamond came into our lives.
I send all of my love to the Ones Who Came Before. They paved the way for me to have a loving and happy home. We owe them a debt of gratitude.
Then there was dear, sweet Jordan. I am the only kitty who never met Jordan. I am told that he was a very, very good boy. He loved Puff and Powder and Rudy, he even got to see Rudy get borned! Jordan also left the family much too soon after he got Lymphoma. Jordan was only 5 years old. Daddy says that Jordan never had a bad day. He was the happiest creature on earth. He is dearly missed and he is the reason that Diamond came into our lives.
I send all of my love to the Ones Who Came Before. They paved the way for me to have a loving and happy home. We owe them a debt of gratitude.
Those are wonderful tributes to their memories. I'm sure they are very happy for you, Parker.
My mom is getting a bit leaky. She loves stories about those who came before because she has her own special stories too, and the love that is shared is so amazing that she never tires of hearing about it. Her special cat soul mate Morgan came into her life when she was 20 and she left for the Bridge when mom was 38. Thanks for sharing these stories today.
Today, the mom has leaky eyes as she reads the posts. But they are leaky for good reasons. Those that came before us make a huge impact on our beans and paved the way for the special love we now have with them.
What lovely stories and tributes, they had happy times and had a loving home.I am sure you will all play together at the bridge in the future.
Hugs GJ x
We had to go get a box of kleenex for our leaky eyes and noses. Your fursiblings sure are beautiful.
Even though these posts are sad, it is nice seeing all of the other cats who people loved.
What wonderful tributes to the ones that came before! They may be gone from our sight...but they are never never forgotten!! Thanks so much for sharing their stories with us!
There is so much love involved in this week's PhotoHunt. We read T-Gray's story. It was beautiful.
These are all such sweet photo hunts. It is nice to hear about those who have gone before
More leaky eyes fur my mom....
Tank woo fur sharing...
Such beautiful furriends who came before - thanks for sharing their stories with us,
Gypsy & Tasha
Parker I am very touched by the wonderfur friends who have shared and paved the way for you in your family. SO much love surrounds them and their stories...we all have them and I thank you for sharing your family with us today and everyday...we love you all and you are very special to so many of us.
Gosh, Parker, you are so right! We all owe a lot to the ones who Came Before who paved the way for us.
*sniff* Yoor right Parker, we all owe those that came before fur paving the way fur us to get great furever homes.
That is a beautiful tribute, Parker. It made our Mama hug us real tight.
What a sweet tribute! We all has ones that came before us to remember this weekend!
Parker that was such a lovely post! I went back ad read the older posts which were before the Gray Boys or I started blogging.
The ones that came before are never forgotten!
Head-bonks from Gandalf and Grayson!
It is always sad to see a post about those who came before because they've already left and are missed. But they brought great joy into lives when they were here and part of loving them is shedding tears too. We're glad your mom and dad had such wonderful furries before you.
We wanted to tell you we have FINALLY gotten the Orange Crush Gizzy quilt you gave us posted.
We enjoyed hearing your stories about the ones who came before. It is good to remember them. We are the first cats our beans belong to. The ones before us were all dogs. They had no fur buddies for 6 or 7 years, then we all needed homes so we changed all that and now we are five kitties!
Mindy, Moe, Bono
and the fosters: Mike and Cookie
Fitting tribute to all the loved ones who had gone to the Bridge. One day, we will all meet and play together.
What a lovely in memory tribute!
Such a beautiful tribute to the ones who came before. It shows that they never really go.
Happy Mother's Day to your Mom.
What wonderful tributes!
Mum has the leaky eyes over those stories.
Huffle Mawson
What a truly beautiful remembrance post - it made us all leaky eyed. How lovely to be part of such a loving fambly and be so lovingly remembered.
Wat a moving tribute fur an awesome family.
~Slash & Bronzy
PS. Here's wishing your Mom a Hoppy Momma's Day! May there be many many cuddles together tonight!
Thank you for sharing those sweet little bits of memories with us.. I bet there are a zillion more wonderful ones.. it is good to remember :)))
What a beautiful tribute to the Ones Who Came Before. Thank you so much for sharing. It made our Woman think about the Ones Who Came Before Us.
awwwww yoo maked Momma's eye leak there!! She really loves Jordan, he looks like he was a true sweetheart. *headbonks*
These are such sad stories, brought a tear to my eye, I love animals and always hate to hear when they go to the bridge, which is usually a good thing when they no longer can make it.
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