Happy Mother's Day to all you groovy Moms!
The rent's are getting ready to leave us on Thursday for 5 whole days! They are going to a place called Lake Tahoe. I don't know where it is, but they have to fly to get there. They are celebrating their 11th anniversary. And they are going to take a ride in a helicopter!
Rudy-Toots celebrates his 10th birthday on Wednesday! He gets to have a special post that day. Parker is none too happy about that! Puff and me have our 11th Gotcha' Day a week from today and the 'rents won't even be here! That's just wrong!
Our sitter is coming Wednesday night. She's very nice and gives us treats. Diamond and Rudy are in love with her. I don't let her see me very much when she's here. Maybe this time I will. I just don't know...
Well, I need to go and make sure Parker hasn't tried to stow away in Daddy's suitcase for the squillionth time.
Have a groovy Sunday/Mom's Day!
We hope that your parents have a safe trip and a Happy Anniversary. You have a lot of important dates coming up, wow. Happy Mother's Day to your Mom.
Happy Mother's Day!
Make sure woo do all woo khan to make them feel guilty fur leaving!
We pout quite a bit when Mom leaves us, too. But for the time being, enjoy your 'rents!
Happy Mother's Day to your Mom!
We've been quite successful in guilting our parents into staying home. At least your rents are leaving you to go to one of the prettiest places ever...and it smells wonderful too (like fresh pine). Maybe the suitcases will come back with wonderful smells.
"Wow" that's sure alot of important things to remember.5 days is long yet I hope they have a safe trip and Great Anniversary.Also Happy Mother's Day to your mom...Hugs
There's a lot going on in your world! We're sorry to hear the 'rents are leaving all of you...we hope Parker can survive!
Happy Mother's Day to your mom!
Gosh, you all do have a lot going on there! Happy Mother's Day to your mom, and I hope they have a wonderful time in Lake Tahoe. The weather should be wonderful there this time of year.
wow! so much going on! Happy mother's day, hope they have a good trip!
i hope they bring you back presents!!!
smiles, auntie bee
They should not be away on such an important occasion! Don't believe them when they say anniversaries are important occasions too, because the critters always come first!
Hope your mom has a wonderful day too! Sounds like a fun trip!!
Hopefully Parker will be ok!!
Us kittiez wish youz and your momma and youz m♥mma's m♥mma all de bestest day ta day. M♥mma's iz just 'bout da mostest 'portant 'bean in da whole, wide world!
Lots of dates comming up. Hope the beans have a good time and that you enjoy time with the sitter.
My mums aniversary today.
Hugs GJ xx
I hope your parents have a great trip - though it would be WAY better if they took all of you with them!
Powder, you look like you found a nice, sunny spot. Can I come share it with you?
Happy early birthday to Rudy! And happy Gotcha Day to you and Puff!
Play bows,
I would be put out if I were Parker too. However Happy Anniversary to you folks! And happy Mother's Day.
We had lots of catchin' up on your past posts! Verizon is not much help in fixing our internet connection problems. We has rain for 9 1/2 days, today it is sunny but now cooler and windy. We had posted but the comment was all jumbled up.....that was a first! Hopefully this post will come through OK.....Your lilacs are beautiful and we enjoyed reading about your past fur family.HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY to your dear Mommy=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz
Happy Mother's Day! At least you have other people coming to stay with you when your regular people leave. That won't be too bad.
Lots of exciting things going on at your house! Please wish your Mom a Happy Mother's Day from us, and we hope your 'rents have a wonderful vacation:)
There's a lot going on, hope your rents enjoy my state.
Well,we know your Mom will ;)
Going for 5 whole days???? Man,that's harsh.
Maybe your sitter will be pawsome and you will love having her.
Guess we will have to drop in to makle sure you all are OK :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Happy Anniversary to your Beans and we hope they have a lovely trip.
At least you get a sitter for five days. We got locked in the garage for fourteen!
I sulked this time and told the lady who comes in for us to email mum and make her feel bad. A mousie came in and visited us so I ate him!
Happy Anniversary to your Mom and Daddy. My Mom says it is very nice that they will do something special to celebrate. We hope you are all OK while they are gone!!
Happy Mother's Day!
It is a bummer when our beans leave us, but at least it is a special occasion for your Mom and Dad, and a helicopter ride, that sounds like bunches of fun for them! Tell them Happy Anniversary for us, and tell your Mom Happy Mother's Day for us too!
Purrs and headbutts,
Sabrina, Sam and Simon
Happy Mother's day to your mom bean, too.
I hope they have a nice vacation and you have a good time with your sitter.
I hope you have a good time!
Ohh wow, that totally suxors for you guys but YAY for your momma and dadda and congrats big time on their anniversary!!! :)
We hope they haves an extra wonderful time and a safes one :))
They will be back before you guys know it hehe
Hope your humans have a wonderful trip and Happy anniversary to them.
It's a good thing your sitter is nice, so you'll be fine while your humans are away.
Happy anniversary to the 'rents! We guess it's okay for them to desert you for this special occasion.
Oh boy, there is a lot going on at your house. I'm sorry your Mom and Daddy are leaving all of you for 5 whole days. But I know cats will stop by and visit all of you while they're gone.
I hope your Mom had a great Mother's Day and that her and your Daddy have a wonderful anniversary :-D
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