December 4, 2008

Where'd It Go???

I know I stashed a Temptation back here!
I think I've been robbed!

Anykitty wanna' fess up? No?

To quote Jeter Harris..."Duhr!"


3 Cat Blog said...

lol - love that facial expression in the last photo! HA!

Stealing temptations is a serious offense.

Forever Foster said...

Have you called the Police? We hope it was insured.

That last photo is brilliant!:)

Teddy Westlife said...

That look on your face is very funny Parker!

Huffle Mawson

Anonymous said...

If one of us walks away from a Temptation - it's anycat's game! Duhr!

Cat with a Garden said...

That last picture is hilarious. You really don't know who did it? Maybe the humans in an attempt of "cleaning"... who knows?
Purrs, Siena

Daisy said...

That is the perfect "missing Temptation" face you made! I hope you can track it down and it has not gone missing for good.

The Island Cats said...

Hmmmm...maybe you ate it already and forgot about it? Go ask your mom for some more!

Anonymous said...

We 3 kittys fink Jake stole it! He likes to steal our foods and treats all da time!!! Whap him good Parker!

The Meezers or Billy said...

uh oh, tem-tay-shun theft is a really big offense!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I promise I didn't steal any of your Temptations, but you are welcome to one of mine.

Love the expression in the last photo.

Maggie May said...

Oh no, there is a treat thief on the loose! Hope he doesn't hit our house next!
~The Creek Cats~

Everycat said...

A missing Temptation? Oh dear, that's DREADFUL! I think you need to look more serious when you are interrogating other kitties Parker. We'd just giggle if you looked at us like that.

Giggling Wuudler


The look on your face was totally priceless.


Dma said...

yeah in our household i think the boyz know it's not a good idea to be stashing food. all three boyz are excellent stash finders.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh man i hate it when that happens!

smiles, auntie bee

Ana said...

That last photo is priceless! We are so sorry to hear you've been robbed... most of the times the criminal is a family member... did you check them already?

Monty Q. Kat said...


It isn't over here...

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

I get that trouble with Eric. If I leave one for later, he always scoffs it down.

Cat Street Boyz said...

That is the purfect picture for the Temptations..."Where's my temptations?"...bag! You gave us a big {{{GIGGLE}}} to start the day Parker=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Der is no "saving" treats in dis house. We gerls try to save one fur later and Speedy always finds and eats it. We get mom to put it up fur us and den ask fur it later...yoo might want to try dat.

jenianddean said...

I hope you find your Temptation!

Cafe Cats said...

Iago always runs up and takes the last Greenie or Temptation. I can't stash anywhere! Well, at least not in the 2 foot radius of where I sit ...


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I think it is horrible that someone would steal your emergency temptation! And then to make fun of how you look. Simply terrible!

LZ said...

Hehe, that is a funny face. I sure hope you found them!!


Anonymous said...

Uh-oh a missing Temptations is no good! How could someone take your Temptation??

We love your face in the last picture.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are sorry about yer missing treat, but the rule in OUR house is that abandoned (or even stashed) treats are fair game for whoever finds them...

Great look on yer face in that last photo!

The Florida Furkids said...

Temptation theives????? Oh no - we're going to go check ours out right now!!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

The Furry Kids said...

I hate it when my treats get stolen! I hope your mom hooked you up, though. Temptations are delicious!

Sunny's Mommy said...

So your stash is gone, but why should you lay off the Temptations? It's not like you need to go on a d i e t. Your figure is purrfect :-)

Parker's Mommy, give that girl some Temptations!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

It surely wasn't me!

I would have taken the khat and left the treat!


Just Ducky said...

Somecat found your stash? Gotta stash it better.

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

I think the guilty party might be the kitty with Temptations breath.

The Army of Four said...

Yikes! I'm ready to confess and it wasn't even ME!
Play bows,

Anonymous said...

LOLOLOL that last picture is so funny!!! Was you on catnip at the time?!?!?
Momma wants me to say that she just LOVES your Peacock window, she made that same pattern in a small mirror in copper foil for her first copper foiling project at lead light school. How gorgeous is it on a window! :))