Hey - look at this! Does this mean I am smart?

So anyway, that got me thinking - "what do I think about?" I had to think about that...and...I thought of 13 things I think about! What a coincidence!
When I was a feral kitty I only thought about surviving . I don't think the same way anymore and I am glad that I don't! Sometimes I think about ways to ambush Powder and Puff - that's always good for a kitty chuckle or two. I don't do that very much, 'cause Mommy gets upset when I do it. I like to think about catnip a lot - I think about how excited I get when I hear Mommy shake the catnip tin and then I think about how fun it is to get stoned! Catnip makes me roll around and shake my head and run and squirm and wiggle and attack invisible birds...ahhh...I love it! I hope I never have to go to Detox! All of that catnip thinking made me think of eating! I think about eating a lot! As a matter of fact, I think that eating is my favorite pastime. I really eat as though I am still a feral kitty. I have had an inside home for a very long time, but there is something hardwired into my brain that tells me to eat as though I'll never get another meal. I guess that's just something that makes me me! Oh, here's someone I think about a lot - Daddy! Daddy rocks, he is my world, he is 'da man, he's my hero! He saved my life. When he comes into a room I chirp and give him my special love-eyes! Speaking of things I love to think about, here's another one - I love to think about eating Temptations! I don't think that they have made a flavor that I don't love! I also think quite a bit about the sun! Since we moved to O Hi O i seem to think about the sun more than actually seeing the sun and feeling the sun! It's kind of cloudy here. So another thing I think about is Springtime and I think about how much fun it will be to go out on our deck to enjoy the sun! I think a lot about grooming. Grooming is such an important part of a kitties life. I enjoy keeping a clean machine and while I am thinking about grooming, I also think about how much I enjoy the Furminator and the Zoom Groom when Mommy uses them on my furs! MMMmmmm, heaven! I think that the one thing that I think the most about is the love I feel everyday from my Mommy and Daddy. It's great to have enough to eat, it's wonderful to have fun with catnip, it's lovely to feel the sun on your fur and the fresh air on the deck. It rocks to get enough Temptations to make your tummy plump, and it's a riot to ambush your siblings! Getting groomed feels great and having all of the right tools makes it even nicer, but that love I always dream and think about? Without that love, the rest of it isn't worth a single thought!
That was fun. It's good to be a thinker, I think...
We just got a zoom groom! It should arrive any day now - we got it from ebay. We have Her account details.
Wow that is a lot of thinking. That makes us think we need a nap.Those Zoom Grooms are great aren't they. We don't know how we managed befurr mum got us one furr ChrisMouse.
Those are wonderful things to think on and reflect about, Parker. You have us curious about that Zoom Groom, though, we have to get mom to look into that for us.
Mindy & Moe
Parker, you are a very good thinker. I am glad you do not have to think about survival anymore; that must have taken a LOT of thought. I like to think about Temptations, too.
Thinking about good fings brings more good fings. Yur right, love is the best thought of all.
What does it say about us when a cat thinks better than we do???
Awesome stuff.
Congratulations on your award, Parker! Those are great things to think about. :) Of course, since we have no fur, we don't think about the Furminator or the Zoom Groom, but we love thinking about the sun, our mom and dad, and love!
Parker thank you for the tag! I will have to post tomorrow with this honor. I LOVE the zoom groom and furminator. But the zoom groom makes me all purry.
Did Tripper help you write that, perhaps? ;)
Parker, I think I'm tired from learning about all you think about! whew!
Congratulations on the award, and you are a thinker!
YOU are a thinker!
We learned a whole lot about you!
Concatulations on your award Parker! Of course you are a thinking poodin! We needz Maw to check into a furminator. Especially for Obi, the Pigpen.
Luf, Us
I think I will take a nap. That post wore me out.
Those are all wonderful thoughts, Parker! I totally agree with you about the love. Purrs!
Congratulations on your award Parker. Thank you for sharing with us all those thoughts you have!
Congratulations on the award :-D
I can see why you got it. You do think a lot and about a lot of different things!
Hi, I have tagged you for a meme. Come over and have a look.
Parker, that is an excellent post. I am so glad that you don't have to think about just surviving anymore!
I haven't found a Temptation flavour that I don't like either : )
Kellie is right and congratulations on the thinking award. I love our zoom groom...but Tommy hates it!
Congratulations Parker! This awardie is well deserved!
You are quite a thinker yourself and we really enjoyed all of your thoughts, they are sincere and good ones!
You are loved!
purrrs, Prinnie
Yup da best thing is not haffing to think about survival anymore...and love, it's so good to know we are loved.
Awwww, Parker! That's a preshus postie. And we Ballicai love our Zoom Groom, too -- efun Brainball, who nefur liked bein groomied before, so that makes Momma furry happy.
You and me are a lot alike in our attitood toward foodies! I love love love foodies. I showed up on Momma and Daddy's back porchie as a stray kitty and I still love love love love findin stuffies to eat and eatin as much as I can eat. I think that comes of havin been on our own fur a while, efun though we now have wunnerful loving homes.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
It is great to have a good home and beans to love you. Lucy and I were both strays. Lucy just showed up at our house one day. I was found by a road at only six weeks old. It is hard being on the outside and much better being inside!
Congratulations on your award, dear! You are a fabulous thinker. And what a precious post! I, too, am very riveted by food -- it comes from the days I was a stray kitty. It is so good to have a loving home! *smile*
Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.
Very nice post Parker. We loved the Tripper colors. You must be in thought all the time because those are a lot of things to think about. We are so glad that you have so much love, because the love is the most important thing. If you didn't have love, you wouldn't have a lot of the rest.
Congratulations on the award.
Tiki, Tavi, Cody and Camie
Oh that was a great post Parky Parks. You have a nice weekend and give your daddy a snuggle.
Poppy Q
Hey, congrats on the "Thinkin" award!
An we LOVED all those things ya think about. That was quite a list!
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