December 11, 2007

Tuesday is a Day For Holiday Spirit!

Santa loves kitties, I know this for a fact!
SO...don't be a Grinch! If you'd like a holiday card...
Please e-mail me at hmiller013ATwohDOTrrDotcom
I don't expect one back in return! I just like to spread a little holiday spirit around! ps - 5 more days on my Project HAM! Piggy auction! Go here to bid! Thx!




You're is the time of the year to spread some holiday cheer!

Abby and Boo

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Owr beans are finally puttin' owr cards in da mail. We were waitin' for owr picture cards to come in. It's on it's way today to O-Hi-O!

ZOOLATRY said...

Hi Parker, happy day happy home happy Christmas. All looks so warm and lovely. Our mombean still gots her head-in-da-sand over the wedding belle blues and is still refusing to "do" Christmas this year! She won't even mail our cards! We're lucky she lets us blog a bit.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That is a great plate with Santa on it, Parker. :) Happy Holidays to you and yours! :)

Samantha & Mom said...

That's a cool Christmas Plate Parker and a very nice tree! We love grinch!
Your FL furiends,

Tyler said...

Parker you're such a cutie! Thank you for being such a generous girl. Have a great day Pretty Girl!

ASTOR CATS said...

Our mom is working up to get in the holiday spirit. Our Nanny yesterday asked our mom about putting up our Christmas tree. Mom was being a grinch but we think she's going to give in and get out the old tree. Nanny is soon to be 85 years old and mom needs to get with the program. Hopefully, more to come.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

Forty Paws said...

You guys have a lot of Holiday Spirit at your house! And your Mom & Dad have lots of energy!

Luf, Us

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

We love your stocking hangers!! And you have a very pretty tree too. Has it been climbed yet? it looks good for climbing!!

Daisy said...

Your house looks so festive and pretty! I think your home must be filled with love and happiness.

Spooker said...

Your house is so pretty!
We especially like your stocking trees!
& Not The Mama

Tybalt said...

You are right . . . Sandy Paws LOVES kitties. =^_^=

Great pictures today, Parker!

Anonymous said...

We already know that Santa loves cats, our mom told us that. We are trying so hard to be good, but sometimes, well you know.

Leona said...

Everyone loves least they should.

MaoMao said...

I'm sure Santa loves kitties -- I bet he loves kitties efun better than reindeer! hehe We kitties are a lot cuter than DEER.

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Unknown said...

My Mum is in love with that plate where Santa is petting the cat!

My Mum hopes to put up the Christmas tree tonight, she is so very behind!

The Furry Kids said...

Parker, you look like you're ready for Santa! That is a very cute picture of you.

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Parker your house decorations are really pretty, and then... you are even prettier!


HRH Yao-Lin said...

You are maing me feel festive Parker! xx

PB 'n J said...

Your decorations looks super! We love those kitty stands next to the tree!

Anonymous said...

Oh, you and your family have such a beautiful tree! And what a gorgeous picture of you, Parker dear. *smile*

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Christine and FAZ said...

You guys sure are into the holiday spirit - we like that. Purrs

Chase and Mel said...

i can't find your email link but my mom's email is if you email her there she will give you my address.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

You do look like you are spreading holiday cheer. You go!!!


Milton said...

You've got lots of Holiday Spirit!

My special Secret Paw pal sure has given me lots of cheer. Its really getting to be a festive time.

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Oh my! I really like your tree! Sure wish we had one. Do you like to climb up it at night when your people are asleep?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh cool, a friendly Grinch. We want that!

Gretchen said...

Parker, your tree is so pretty. We got a really small one this year. It's really different.

I'd love to get a card...I'll email you.
