It's no big secret that I am very food motivated. Food + Home + Love = Happy Parker. Mommy would like to ask all you kitties if it might be time to cut back a little on the food.
She submits this photo as evidence. I say the more there is of me, the more there is of me to love. Mommy says I am a plus size love-muffin!
Hey! I resemble that remark!
ps - this morning at 9:00, I am saying a prayer for the victims of 9/11/01. Never, ever forget.
Parker, I wouldn't worry about your belly unless your weight becomes a health concern. Being overweight isn't healthy for either kittys or people, after all.
Here, we are taking a minute to remember all those who lost their lives on that horrible day.
Love Muffin...oops I mean Parker...I think you are just showin some fluff. The happier you are the fluffier the furrs. That's all it is. No need to keep you away from the food bowls. Nope, I can't see any reason to cut back.
ha ha ha...a plus size luf muffin....
Hmmmm, we're not good at this stuff. (Mom thinks that I'm scrawny and that Tazo's floofy, and I wish she'd quit worrying about it). Mom looks at us from above - if a cat is overweight, then their shape is rounder from above. Like their tummy poofs out at the sides. So far, Tazo has passed that test - heh heh. We don't think that the hangy, poochy belly means a whole lot. The V-E-T said that that happens to fixed cats. I'm skinny and I have a poochy belly. I hope you don't get less foods over this. That would be horrible.
Your Mom wants to keep you "healthy", but I say d-i-e-t is a 4 letter word!!
Pleasantly plump, I'd say (from a girl who can relate....).
We will also have a moment of silence today.
Nope, I see fur, nut pudge. I have to show you Alice....that cat is wider than she is long!
Well, Maw sez dat until da V-E-T has trouble readin yur x-rays becuz of too much pouchy pooch, den dunt worry bowt it.
Luf, Us
Looks like floof to us.
Parker, I think you have a cute figure!
if the tummy is not scraping the ground, it's not fat.
We agree with efurryone else, just floof! We knows your mom just wants to make sure you're healthy. You look purrfect to us!
Yoo is no fat - Zippy only weighs 6 pounds (da vet sez she shood be 7 but he's not worried she's unnerwate) and she has a hanging belly too. So it's not fat.
and then, when you are 16 yeers old... it looks even cuter, trust me on that one.
You are beautiful just the way you are.
That's a mighty nice tummy. Just more tummy to love!
Parker, you are beautiful! Tell your momma that you should get to eat whatever you want whenever you want!
i thinks that you are beautiful just as you are Parker!
Vincent who came before peaked at almost 29 pounds. Our cousin Merlin weighs even more. We think you are very cute just the way you are. Mommy says you remind her of a skinny Vincent. Hear that? Skinny. :)
We think you are just fluffy and beautiful~!
~~Bandit, Gracie and Timothy
Perhaps you should have a contract drawn up that states you're never to be photographed in a way that makes your belly look big.
Mine sways when I run. I think it's a problem all us girls face after we're not kittens any more!
It looks like floof to me.
Hiya, Parker! I don't think you're ofurweight at all -- you've got nice tummy floof goin', hehehe!
Plus Size Love Muffin -- that's really cute!
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Whats she talkin about?
Well Parker,
It might not be "healthy", but a plus-sized kitty is the most aesthetically (and squeezically) appealing kitty to YOU KNOW WHO.
A big floofball can comfort YOU KNOW WHO in the night during an insomnia fit like nothing else.
As a matter of fact, IF she keeps Annie the Evil One, she plans to ship her off to S. Korea to understudy with Kami of I Got Two Shoes. Have you seen that baby? You got pounds to go before you diet, Baby Girl.
Floofy (not FAT) Sadie
You look very good to us Parker! I have a belly, too. (Sam)
Your FL furiends,
A fluffy love muffin.
I love your tummy, it's always cute~!!! I like to snuggle with your tummy, that must very warm I think~!!!
O-HI-O must be grrreat! Maybe I can come overrr and eat some trrreats too! My lady bean feeds me yucky food--and she watches my weight--she thinks if I get too pudgy I won't be able to climb trrrees orrr fences and escape frrrom the woofies. So it's eitherrr feast orrr famine. I only get yummy stinky goodness once in a while.
No way is it *ever time to cut back on the food - we could *starve!!!
I think you're only floofy!
Parker, don't all kitties have hangy bellies like yours? I have one too.
Wow... I sure am glad your
Mommy isn't around here to
photograph MY big tummy!!
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