Here is my brother closing his eyes and ears because a lot of bad words were used during the Michigan/Oregon game by our parents.
After the game, he hid in shame. It's going to be a long season.
The Bears game was even worse, Mommy went upstairs and took a nap with us 'cause she thought Daddy was gonna' "throw a clot" ...whatever that means.
So sorry about the bad bean behavior.
Ours were shocked and amazed that the Redskins actually won yesterday. Shocking!
Happy Day to all you you there
I hope things have settled down
at your O Hi O house since the game!
~ Timothy
Hahaha - ohhhh, my head - that picture with the covered ears is funny... I am going back to sleep and cover my head....
Those are some funny pictures.
You mean American Football, right? Because over here in Europe, Football is what Americans call "Soccer."
Sorry that your ears were hurt by all the bad words, Parker!
Oh Rudy, you don't look too happy! You were right to go hide when your parents were using bad words!
We Buckeyes love Lloyd Carr. We imagine poor Bo is spinning in his grave. Of course, Woody isn't too happy with our offense either. Maybe you'll have better luck against Notre Dame. We watched them play against Penn State. We think you can take them.
Ooo it was like that yesterday in our house too. None of the Florida teams did well at all......
We is soooo happy mom and dad stopped watching da football long ago! It's hard enuff when mom gets going about all da junk dad has in da can use dat bad werd list like we'z neffur heard!
you are furry brave to watch the football show - i don't like the way my mom & my Jim yell and werst of all, they don't sit still, so i can't sleep in their laps!
thanks you so furry much for nominatin' me for the Nice Award - you made me & my mom's day! my mom says that it was incredibly sweet & thoughtful of you!
mommy's kollig team winned, but our "local" NFL team blew it in the last minute. but there was a player that gotted really hert on our team that might nefurr walk again, so the game ended up not being that impawtant.
I am very sad today because my team, the Miami Dolphins, lost. In overtime. It made me cry a little bit.
that is sports, right honey? i don't know anything about sports...
smiles, auntie bee
Oh oh, it's ok Rudy. It's not your fault!
hehehe, Rudy looks cute in his cap!! I like how his kitty ears is stickin' out.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Oh man, that must be very disturbing on Sundays now. I hope you guys are able to get enough napping in.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Tee hee. Beans are furry weird.
Luf, Us
It was a rough weekend at our house, too. But Dad's beloved Lions finally won a game. Momma thinks it might be the only win this year. tee hee
We like your post and photos as much as the labels!
Our momma loves Oregon...but she is more intos the NFL( go Seattle!!)...howevers, she cants watch many games cause she has the bad word disease too!
We use our claws to discourages those bad words!!
Rudy and Parker we know exactly how you feel! Our Daddy's college team just barely won their second game, but during the first 1/2 they were losing and oh my gosh! And it was a no named team! We hope the season goes fast.
Your FL furiends,
Hi Parker,
Is it your fambly that won the millions of dollars lottery in Ohio? I hope it was - you deserve something nice.
Poppy Q
Go Bucky Badger, Go Packers!
Hi Parker thank you very much for all ...
Much hugs ...
Yep - we learns a few new werds each year from our daddykitty during football season!
Cute pictures, though! Sorry about the bad words ...
link added!
Oh, my, poor Rudy. Beans can get very excited about football games. I hope your ears recover soon.
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