Hi everykitty and 'rent - I wanted to stop in and say hello. I'm taking lots of naps and eating lots of leftover turkey. I found a sunspot too - it felt good.
We had company over for Thanksgiving and I was able to visit with them. I still feel pretty OK, but I am very tired. The 'rents don't hover over me too much, but they sure do stick close. That's OK 'cause I'm always up for a cuddle or two anymore. No pain, good appetite and very tired. That about sums it up.
I hope your Thansgiving was full of turkey and love.
Miss Parker, there's nothing wrong with a nice nap and a lovely cuddle. We are so very happy you aren't hurting. We love you!
So THANKFUL for this update this Thanksgiving weekend.
Gentle chin scritches and purrs to you, Parker, from the Purries of Purrchance To Dream.
I am glad to know you aren't in pain, Parker, and that you are doing okay considering. Purrs to you.
We are sorry to hear that you are so tired, but are also glad that you are doing so well otherwise. We purr for you everyday.
Cody and Gracie
We purred when we read your update today, Parker. We are glad you are being hovered over just enough, and that you are not hurting...we know you need your rest and you have a good excuse to nap, unlike us who are kinda lazy at times...Wishing you many more happy days (and some turkey would be nice, too!)
As long as you are not feel pain, I hooray for you, Miss Sweet Parker : )
More Hugs and Purrs for you sweet heart
Smoochies to you from alla us, Parker Pie! xoxo
Parker we like that you are doing well and getting turkey! That is excellent. And sunspots. Always good too! Purrs and headbumpies!
Yea for Parker! Glad you are getting loves and and sun. Stay away from that pain stuff, yuck.
Parker, we're really glad that you are having turkey and sunpuddles and just the right amount of attention from your beans.
Purrs and kitty kisses.
We're always thankful to hear from you. We're glad you are doing okay. Every day is precious.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
Love ya Parker! We think about you lots sweetie!
Aww Honey, we are glad that you are resting up and taking it easy. You enjoy your cuddles girl.
Poppy Q
Parker, we're so glad you are enjoying the sun and all your cuddles! We think about you often and continue to purr for you.
Miss Parker Pie
We are glad you've found that special sunspot and that you are feeling ok. Keep up that beauty rest and we all send you smoochies!
Glad to hear you had a good Thanksgiving and got some turkey. Enjoy the cuddling. Healing purrs & Hugs
Enjoy the cuddles Parker. We'll be purrin' for you.
Sasha, Sami, & Saku (and our Mom)
You enjoy your naps and sun puddles. Mom is going to post about an evil squirrel tomorrow .He came to Thanksgiving dinner!
So glad to hear from you and you can enjoy eating and luffin. Purrs fur you and your fambly. xoxo
Hi Parker-
Turkey and naps...oh, happy day.
Wyatt and Stanzie
Glad you're doing okay!
You keep on noming my dear, and we keep on purring for you.
Thanks for the update, Parker. Turkey does make one sleepy, so naps are good. We send lots of purrs and woofs for your comfort.
We'z glad to hear yoo are not hurting and haf a good appetite. Food, cuddles and sun puddles to nap in, dem is all good things. We is purring fur yoo Parker, always. Smoochies to yoo from us.
That is a superb sun puddle. Big big smooches to you, Parker Pie.
Parker, we are so glad to hear that you had a good Thanksgiving and now have a great sun puddle. We all take lots and lots of naps too. Take care Parker.
Missie Parkerflower, this is a good update. wE like to know how you are doing and feeling. every day we purr for you, and your people too. I am glad that you had a very nice thankies giving. We have so much to be thankful for.
love and bonks forever
We are pleased to see you enjoying your sunbeam Parker and are eating well. We know your Mom and Daddy will never let you hurt.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
Smoochies to you Parker! Enjoy your sun puddles.
Parker, it's good to know yoo are surrounded by yoor loving family and feel no pain. We love yoo sweet gerl. xxxx
Glad you had a nice thanksgiving.
Glad you got your share of the turkey....we would love some sun to curl up in right now. :)
You found a wonderful sunspot!!
We are glad you are still feeling all right.
Many Purrs and Love coming your way,
~ Napoleon
we are glad you're getting lots of turkey and cuddles. we love you!
we loves, loves, loves turkey--but we love, loves, LOVES YOU efen more!! we are glad you are haffin' good days an' good eats!! *gentle headbonks*
Cancer can make a poodin tired. We are glad that you are getting tons of turkey. Turkey is one of the best meals in the whole world!
Luf, Us
Sittin inna sunpuddle an getting cuddles sounds pretty good Parker! Keeps the appetite up...
Oh Miss Parker, I'm sorry you are feeling so tired. Spending lots of good cuddle time sounds like a good plan.
That sounds like a good report Parker. May your dreams be sweet and happy :)
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ
Naps, cuddles and turkey. Sounds like our house too.
Thank you for the update precious Parker Pie. I want to tell you again how much mom and I truly love you sweet one. Many many warm hugs and kisses to you, darling.
We are sorry to hear of your tireds! We see you has found a great solushun- Cuddles and sun-puddles are the bestest!
Big purrs fur you sweet Parker!
Lots of purrs and cuddles to you, Parker. We are glad you enjoy eating.
Nothing like a good sunspot is there? Hope you enjoyed your sunbathing.
Have a great Wednesday Parker!
Marilia & Bavarescats
Sweet Parker we are so glad you are in no pain but sorry you are so tired. We hope you are getting lots rest and enjoying all those cuddles. Hugs and nose kisses
Glad you are enjoying naps and sunshine and cuddles and treats!
We are sending you strong thoughts and purrs!
Hi sweet Parker, so glad you had a good Thanksgiving day...ours was tasty too! Mommy has been busy shopping, shopping and shopping! We now have food and litter through February!! Mom and Dad have an SUV so they can get out in most weather but they prefer to limit trips in the winter. Stay warm, wuv and purrrrrrrz=^Y^=
Hi sweet Parker. We're so glad you're feeling good, other than being tired. We're also glad you're getting lots of cuddles and good fuds! :)
How beautiful you look in the sun puddle Parker. You are glowing. You just enjoy those long naps sweetheart and of course that turkey too!
luff from
Gerry & Oliver
I'm glad you are finding sun puddles to nap in. They're the best. We are sending you lots of love and purrrrs,
Boni Maroni and the rest of the Hotties
Hi Parker! Sorry we haven't been visiting much, but we wanted to stop in and check on you. Glad to hear you had lots of turkey to enjoy. We love you, Parker!
The Creek Cats and Maggie May
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