What kind of "human" lets this happen? |
Late in the afternoon after everyone had left the shelter for the day, the board president came back to the shelter to do some more work. These two puppies, plus another were found dumped and abandoned outside the receiving door. You can see every bone, they were covered in fleas and they were starving. I cannot tell you how sad this is. These poor guys were fed and given a flea bath. Please pray that they make a great recovery, our little shelter is determined to see that they get healthy and find awesome forever homes.
Mommy does not cry very often, but last night...she did.
The mom speaks: it broke my heart to read this. I am so grateful that they ended up at the shelter where they will be loved back to life and health ~ that is the only consolation I have upon seeing this tragic photo.
I will NEVER NEVER NEVER understand how anyone can be so cruel, heartless and vile ~ as to let animals suffer in this way. The people that inflict this type of cruelty should be imprisoned for life and given hard labour.
We will pray and purr for the recovery of these beautiful animals ~ please let us know how they do.
We feel the same way too. What heartless people to treat their sweet pets that way.
We hope the wee darlings get some comfort and loving at the shelter.
Julie and Poppy Q
That really is so sad but thank heavens they were dropped off at the shelter. Hope they get all better and find a wonderful home. People are just horrible that treat animals like that. Take care.
Purrs hard for them to get the good health back and purrs more for them to find a lovely good home.
Hugs to both of them
i hope they regain full strength and health and are able to find good homes...
We are purring for the poor dogs to regain their body weight, get well and have wonderful forever homes. For the heartless b's who dumped them we hope they die a lingering death of something painful.
Luv Hannah and Lucy & their mum
May fate visit a just deserved fate upon people who are capable of such negligence. Those little guys need names deserving of surviving and finally making it to people who will care for them.
We'll send purrs and prayers their way.
Oh Parker, it is ok to cry at this situation. It's very sad that people look at their pets as something they can just dump.
We hope the shelter can fix them up and find the right forever home!
Will they try to locate the "person" who did this? We will all band together to do a major yak and poop session....
purrs for their recovery, purrs to you and Big purrs to your mom for doing such great work.
The Cyclone Cats
We are purraying for a full recover and fantastic forever, loving homes for these poor unfortunates.
Boots, Ozzie & Brenda
I look forward to the day you post about their full recovery and adoption to forever homes. Please keep us posted.
Oh no! This made us cry too!! We are purring for these poor woofies and hope they make a full recovery and can find happy homes.
Some humans can be EVIL!!
poor sweet pups!
We don't get it either....we know it can be hard to ask for help, but that is why groups are out there. And why let it get this bad if you are going to leave them somewhere anyhow??? We will be purrin for these babies!
We are so glad someone came back and found them. It is a hard time for all right now - many folks have lost their homes and have no money to care for themselves let alone their pets. At least they did bring them by - many others are just left behind in an empty house. Sending lots of purrs for all the animals and people in trouble right now.
We are praying for a full recovery and hoping these pups find forever homes. We know this was hard on Mommy Helen.
Be sure to keep us posted.
Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady
Oh no! Our purrs.
How very horrible! My sisters and I are all sending purrs to those sweet woofies.
Thank goodness the president went back to the shelter and found these poor emaciated, flea bitten babies. And we are glad that the despicable humans who had them brought them to the shelter instead of dumping them out in the country. At least now they will have a chance at a great life! It is ok to cry at times like this.
Luf, Us and Maw
Poor babies, we are purring for them to make a good recovery.
They're safe now. We hope their youth will help them recover quickly and have no memory of the horrible treatment they received.
The person who was responsible for their mistreatment... we want to believe that what goes around comes around and that karma is a bitch, we really do...
My human does not get sad when she sees things like this happen - she gets FURIOUS! Sometimes I worry about what might happen if she were to actually encounter some of the humans who do these cruel things to animals. Fortunately, she tries to channel her anger into positive change, otherwise she might get in trouble.
I'm with everyone else. For the life of me, I cannot understand someone not taking care of a living creature they "choose" to bring into their home. I hope they can recuperate and find a forever home where they'll be loved and taken care of.
Mom Paula
Those who give no thought to life, in my mind there is no difference between the life of an animal to that of a human, have been like that all my life, therefore I treat all lifeforms the same. The people who did that need the same doing to them, to allow someone to suffer in that way is in my view beyond words, but, rest assured, the universe has a wonderful way of giving such people all that they deserve. Many hugs and much love sent to those beautiful lovely souls ♥♥♥
Mom is all leaky eyed after reading this too. We will never understand why people are so mean to sweet, innocent creatures. We're purring that these two get strong and healthy and find loving forever homes.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
the fire in hell burn hot for thugs who do this kind of stuff...it goes down in the great book of names....and a line gets striked right through it!!!
Soft hugs for you dear Helen...
Oh, those poor sweet babies. I am purring for them to recover soon. At least they finally have some food in their empty bellehs.
It makes me cry as well, but like Sparkles mom..heaven help them if I ever EVER personally see someone abuse a precious innocent spirit. I give money and supplies and love woofies and kitties and pray for their good. This sort of thing makes me sick with sadness and then anger. The "people" responsible for this...I hate to think of what they will receive.
I know the dogs will be all right.
I am most sad about the Peoples who treat animals so badly.
Paws 'n Claws,
We send our bests prayers and good vibrations to the little dogs!!!!The dog´s lucky started to improve them to find your mother!
We are so sad too!! THose poor little creatures :(
WE do not understand some people.
One day, God will ask them why!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia
What is wrong with humans?! Purring!!
It hurts to see this! Purrs fur these little guys quick recovery! xoxo
(((hugs))) we are glad that the shelter board president came back to work and those poor doggies didn't have to stay alone in a parking lot overnight. Does the shelter have cameras? Ours does and they do prosecute people who abandon their animals in the parking lot.
After we wiped the tears from our eyes, we smiled. Because there are beans like yours and the other shelter workers/volunteers to give these sweet woofies a chance at wonderful forever homes and happy healthy lives
We feel bad for the puppies, but angry at those responsible for their deplorable condition.
They are in good hands now, thank goodness....praying they recover their health.
Wow, poor little guys. We will have them in our thoughts and prayers to recover and find a wonderful home that gives them the love and care they truly deserve.
OMC - that is horrid! Whenever my ooman sees cases like this - she just gets livid and wants to take a "gun" to their head. They aren't even human - the believe worse than some wild animal. It's so good that those doggies ended up at the shelter because they would have starved in a couple of days if left on the street. Those poor poor babies.
It just makes us cry to think of the suffering these poor woofies endured before being dumped at the shelter. We have joined paws in a purr circle. We know they are in good loving hands now and have a chance at forever happiness. We hope they can fully recover.
Cory and family
Oh, that is so horrible! How could someone neglect those pups like that??? We will purr and pray that they will flourish under your love and care.
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