June 28, 2011

The Puffster

What did you say they're gonna' do to me?!?

I believe you all know my big sister Puff. She's gorgeous and she knows it. A while back we wrote about her "eye speckles" and through the years they have become larger. Her sight is fine and she still acts like a kitten. Next month Puff and Powder are due for their annual geezer geriatric check-ups. On the list of questions Mommy will be asking is for them to check out the eye speckles. In her past wellness checks our vets have said to just watch and as long as there are no symptoms of Puff having eyesight troubles (or any other issues), we'll just continue to monitor it.
Geezer Geriatric wellness checks are much more extensive than younger kitty wellness checks. Blood panels are run and the physical exam is much more extensive. Since the Puffster is 13 years old, she has to be subjected to more pokes and prods and up close and personal stem to stern checks.
Yeah, she can't wait...


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I wouldn't like that much either pretty Puff! We call Gemini pretty Puff sometimes--but you are even prettier!

Angel Prancer Pie said...

You don't look a day over 10, pretty Puff. Hope your check-up is a good one. Purrs.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Puff, you really are one of the most beautiful girls we know. my mommy specially loves looking at you. by the way, I am 13 also. my birfday is in december. mom typing with 1 finger left hand..she's quitting now.

Fuzzy Tales said...

Gorgeous Puff, we bet your eye speckles are okay. Derry has one eye freckle, and so far he's the only cat the mom has seen with one (in purrson, we mean).

As for the v-e-t...Ugh. We'll cross our paws that all will be well when you go.

Mariodacat said...

WOW Puff - you are gorgeous and do not look like you are 13 years old. It's good your mom is a responsible cat staff, cuz she knows what you shouldh have for yur age. Hope the check=up goes well.

Cory said...

My Madison brother has tons of speckles and they are now almost changing his eye color. Bennette now has her first eye speckle.

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Boy, does Jack know about vet visits as an old, sick cat! He's always like, geez, do I have to go again? We hope the speckles issue is okay, though.

Dma said...

puff is a babe. i hope she doesn't need glasses. (diego-san has some eye speckles too that I'm keeping an eye on...)

Sparkle said...

Binga and I have both had those blood workups, and we are both fine! I hope Puff's and Powder's checkups turn out just as well as ours!

Meowers from Missouri said...

our xingxing hafs a BIG reddish speckle in her lef eye. it's furry noticeable against the green iris, but our vettie sez the same--if there's no prollem wif sight or pain, it's fine. we fink they just add character!

an' those geezer checkups . . . well, let's just say even beans hafta have 'em, an our mom's not a fan, either;-)

The Crew said...

Oh my Cod! I'm going to be 14 in a few weeks. Does that mean I'm (gasp) geriatric?! I suddenly feel the need to lie down.


Marilia said...

Wow! I absolutelly in love now!

The Island Cats said...

Puff, we hope all goes well with your checkup!!

Motor Home Cats said...

If you remember Jade had a huge speckle in one of her eyes, and our vet said it was nothing to worry about. We hope the same continues to be true for Puff. Good luck with your check-ups.

Cody and Gracie

Quill and Greyson said...

Yep I get the full gericatric every six months now. Joy!

Daisy said...

I have an eye freckle in one of my eyeballs, too. I think they might be beauty marks.

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh, we hope Puff's Geezer Exam goes ok...if there is an ophthalmologist in your area, that might be something to think about...to put your mind at rest and give you more information, too.