June 21, 2010

The Rudy Report

Hey there kitties! It's me - RUDY! with your Rudy Report! The 'rents are home! They are sunburned! They are tired! They are happy to see us and we are happy to see them! I guess the Cubs that they went to see won the game of ball that they were playing and it made the 'rents very happy. The seats that Mommy got for them to sit in were in the what is called the "Bleacher Seats" and if the sun is shining it can get very hot. It is not a good idea to sit in bleacher seats when you are very pale and forgot to wear any sunblock. Mommy looks a lot like a beet. I don't care what she looks like, I am just glad she and Daddy are home!
We have a surprise for you this week! Mommy met a wonderful lady last April at Blogpaws who has an awesome store and the lady sent us a box of goodies to have a giveaway with! Trust me, you don't want to miss out on entering our contest. More on that later this week.
The hots have landed in O Hi O with a vengeance! No deck time for us and Daddy has to spend a lot of time keeping his "maters" and other plants watered so they don't shrivel up and die. We spend a lot of time in the cool house taking naps. Mommy needs to help us catch up on what's been going on in the blogoshere. So, what have you been doing? We sure have missed you!


The Creek Cats said...

So glad you're rents are back!!!

Can't wait for the pawsome giveaway!

Yes, the hots are here in NC too. Mom says she can't even breathe when she goes outside!

Poppy Q said...

We would gladly trade some of your hots for our cools at the moment.

Glad to hear the oldies had a nice break away and are letting you all loll around the house.

Take it easy wee friends - keep cool.

Poppy Q

Daisy said...

Hooray for your 'rents being back! I hope your mom's sunburn isn't too painful.

AFSS said...

Well the Hots are here 2x worse then anything you can imagine in Ohio. We has to make sure all the plants get water, some of our tomatoes are splitting they gots so hot. And we knows all about beans that looks like beets. (MOMMY HAVE YOU PUT YOUR SUNSCREEN ON TODAY?????)

Glad you are back.

Marg said...

WE got the hots here too. Like really bad hot. Sure is good to have the Rudy report and glad the beans are home. Hope Mom is all right with all that sunburn. Sounds like great fun to go to a ball game.
Have a great week.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

i think their should be a new rule rudy! if they go away whoever takes care of you has to blog with you! k? tell mom...

smiles, auntie bee

Cory said...

We have a case of the cools here...the weather is not very good...lots of rain and clouds and brrrr...maybe we'll be in the 70's this week. I need some sunbeams to sleep in. Now.

The Whiskeratti said...

It's always good to have the 'rents back home, even if they are all red and stuff.

Keiko said...

We are happy to hear that your parents are back, Rudy! Our parents are so naughty they never really wear any sunblock...
Keep cool my furriends!
Purrs, Keiko, Kenji, Pricilla AND Yuji!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We're glad the 'rents are back home - be good kitties and don't touch the back of your mom's neck - you could hear some words you shouldn't.

The Meezers or Billy said...


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Thanks cod the 'rents saw a game that they actually won! What an embarassment on Saturday but they made up for it yesterday. Did they like our two horrendous storms on Friday? Hope they were safe and dry.

Stay cool you guys!

Shaggy and Scout said...

So in other words you don't get bleached out when you sit in the bleachers, you get the opposite.
Mom went to see her favoritest hockey team in the entire world last winter when they made a rare visit to town and they lost for her. :(

Gemini and Ichiro said...

It sounds way better there than it was here. The Reds lost all three games and Sunday when the humans were there it was pouring down rain (fortunately Safeco Field has a dome that closes)...

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

Glad your rents are home. We are also catching up a little at a time with what is happening in the Cat Blogosphere.
~ Napoleon

Anonymous said...

glad to hear your mommeh and daddeh are home and everybuddy is happeh even though maybe someone looks like a beet. curious to see your giveaway coming up! thanks for the report, Rudy.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh it's so good when the rents come home Rudy. I remember that 'cause my rent got home last weekend. So far I don't see that packing box out.

We got bad hots here too. Mommeh said 97 or so every day. I don't even lay in my windows right now.
Good to see you with the Rudy report. We been waiting.


Brian's Home Blog said...

Nice to see you too! Yep, been lots of hot down our way too!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Good thing da 'rents got home, now tell dem dey is not to leave fur da rest of da year! Dem hots made it here along wif da humids...yuck.

Jacqueline said...

Glad your parents are back...Looking handsome as always, Rudy, we've missed you guys!...We've got the hots here too, for weeks now=it feels like August with 100F just about everyday...Happy week sweet friend...kisses x3...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Raymond and Busby said...

Hello Rudy! Glad the Cubbies won and your folks got to be bleacher bums for a day. The weather was VERY hot last week while our Moms were in NW Indiana, so they know exactly what your 'rents experienced at Wrigley.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We like giveaways, Rudy! The hots have landed in Texas, too! We are suppose to have triple digit heat this week! We are so glad there is air conditioning!

The Island Cats said...

We're happy the 'rents are home now, Rudy, but we're sorry your mom got sunburned!! We got the hots here too...but not too bad! Last week was Wally's birthday...he turned 7. Now we got some introoder cat hanging around our house. We think he/she lives on the next street over. We just wish he/she didn't come over uninvited!!

Cat Street Boyz said...

Do the happy dance....we are so happy your pawrents are home!! Today we posted catwalks and cat enclosures we found surfing the net....they are pretty cool=^Y^=

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are glad for ya that yer parents are back. Red an tired or not...

Kate (Pablo's mum) said...

Hope you kitties can stay cool... it's super cold down here!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad the 'rents are home Rudy, but we hope your mum's sunburn isn't too sore.

The Florida Furkids said...

We're glad your 'rents are home! We hope they stay home for a while now even if they are RED!

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Sparkle said...

I wish I had been busier - there was a cool cat party held by Devo... and I WASN'T invited! But my human went and took photos of the party cats. Plus I am still collecting votes on my Shelter Cat contest! And sleeping, and playing and getting annoyed with my human.

Tell your human she needs to remember the sun screen, always. These skin creatures need to be careful! Stay cool!

A few Good Cats said...

The Rudy Report has lots of good news today. Even the hot weather isn't so bad when you consider that just a few weeks ago in O Hi O that it was snowy and way too cold.