June 29, 2010

Flying Fur

Hi kitties, how are you? I'm going pretty good - hangin' on the dining room table and catching the breeze of our fan. It feels great with all of the hots going on. Mommy says that I need an UBER brushing - something about my furs flying all over the house! I'm pretty sure that it isn't just my furs, there are plenty of furry suspects in this house. It is supposed to be a little cooler and if it is we will all go on the deck for a Furminator Fest! Well, all of us except Rudy, he'll just watch.


The Monkeys said...

A Furminator Fest sounds kinda fun! We love ours!

The Island Cats said...

Our furs have been flying here too!! We got the cools today...only 72 degrees...maybe you'll get the cools in O-HI-O too!

Teddy Westlife said...

Rudy doesn't participate in furminating? I need all my furs because it's very cold so I'll hold on to mine thanks.

Daisy said...

Sometimes I feel a little bit envious of cats who can get furs all over. Mine do not shed very much at all.

The Taylor CatSSSSS said...

Hi Parker. Sorry that we haven't visited in a while! We have furs flying all the time over here!!! Furminator Fest indeed!

Love, uSSSSS

Dma said...

yeah we got a lot of fur flying at our place too...

The Meezers or Billy said...

our furs fly all ofur the house too! it's fun!

Raymond and Busby said...

We aren't having the hots here, we're having the fog. As long as the sun burns through it by noon each day, we will be happy.

The Whiskeratti said...

Hey, what's wrong with Fur-All-Over Decorating? Best there is! Hoomins have no appreciation for true art.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

If it is that warm, I bet all the fur is flying--not just yours!

JC said...

You look pretty cool but fans sure do help ...

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Well we think yoo look VERY cool!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Maybe we could have a FurFlyingFest because it seems to be everywhere!

Shaggy and Scout said...

I tried to meow & meow to get mom to furminate me yesterday but she was too sick to do anything but moan. We all need it!

The Florida Furkids said...

We need to be furminated too. Mom is sooooo lazy!
Good help is hard to find.....

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids


Miss Parker
Watch out for all the flying furrs!


A few Good Cats said...

If your human staff wants to help you feel cooler, then Furminate away!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

It's really nice in Whiskerconsin today! Zippy is outside helping mom hang sheets on da clothesline...okay, not really helping, more like getting unnerfoot. Hope yoo get dis weather tomorrow, alla da doors and windows is OPEN!

Mariodacat said...

he he - I get furminated outside too - dat is when M can get a couple of "swipes" in. I no like it very much. I'm with Rudy on dat one.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We got flying furs too. We both love the furminator.

Sparkle said...

A FURminator fest?! Is that anything like a spa day? Sounds heavenly!

Ivan from WMD said...

That's what we need! (Mom keeps threatening to vacuum us, we're so fuzzy!)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Go fer the UBER brushing! Yall be happier... We just had only a slight bit of furminating taday and while we hated it at the time, we are already more comfy outside!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Oh my. Mommy has to brush all of MY floof every single day and still my furs are all over the house and in the air enough that sometimes the tiny filaments if the under furs mama gets out from brushing float into her poor eye and they irritate her eye.

I hadda go to the v-e-t today!!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Mom loves to furminate Angle and she loves it too!

Karen Jo said...

I get furminated every day because of my tendency to form mats. Mom's not getting much any more, so I must be done with my Spring shed. See, Rudy, getting a lion cut has some advantages.

Karen Jo said...

I forgot that you only got your hiney shaved and not a lion cut, Rudy. Sorry for the mistake. You really should get furminated. I like it.


Lisa + current cat said...

You have lovely eyes. Baby's furs fly all over the house too. And even though Jack is her biological brother, he barely sheds.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Same stuff here! The PM has the Zoom Groom on the window sill for daily attacks!!