May 24, 2010

The Rudy Report

Well Hello there! It's me kitties - RUDY! with The Rudy Report! What a nice weekend it was, we had very nice weather, perfect for nippin' and lounging. And just when I thought life couldn't get better, the 'rents threw me a big buzzkill. They are leaving us for a vacation! That's right kitties, the 'rents are packing up and flying to our old hometown of Kansas City to visit friends and they are leaving us behind! They get to eat BBQ and we get a sitter. They get to shop on the Plaza and we have to stay home! They get to meet our friends in Brookside and we stay stuck in the house! Sure, sure sure - we get a live-in sitter and she's great, sure, sure sure - we hate to travel and would probably not enjoy the trip, but still - they are leaving us!
I have four days to figure out a way to foil their plans. All ideas are welcome kitties - what should I do?


Kea said...

Hmm, we don't think there's much you can do to prevent your humans from taking their vacation. But maybe a house-trashing party while they're gone? Okay, okay, the live-in sitter might be a problem....You'll have to ditch the sitter before you can party! :-D

Anonymous said...

Give it up, Rudester. They're leaving. ::shaking heads knowingly::

Daisy said...

Oh noes! How dare they leave you?!? That is very, very wrong.

The Island Cats said...

We're sorry they are leaving you!! That is so unfair!

The Creek Cats said...

It's so not fair when the rents leave. But, the live-in sitter sounds great! She will be at your beck and call!

The Meezers or Billy said...

the live in sitter sounds great. our the mom would nefur do that for us 'acuase we would keep the sitter and change the locks to the mom could not get back inside.

Marg said...

That is just awful Rudy that the rents are leaving you. How could they do that??? But just remember they have to being back extra special toys and some great nip too.
Maybe the sitter will give you extra treats too.
Have a great week.

Mariodacat said...

Hey buddy - if you figure out a good plan, let me knoow because my rents are leaving too. At least you has other kitties to keep you company. I'm being left all alone except for the sitter who will come in 2 x a day. Not fair.

Keiko said...

Oh no! That's not good. We want to know a good plan too, because our mummy and daddy are leaving for a few days this week! They are taking us to a hotel. Actually, I like the hotel (it's fun and they LOVE me!), but Kenji get so clingy! ew!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

well you could fake appendicitis rudy, but then they'd take you to the vet and i don't think you'd like that either. never mind.

smiles, auntie bee

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

That is so rude of them to leave you. We will see if we can think of something U can do to foil their plans. U don't want to do anything too drastic like get sick so we will try to come up with something else. Hmmmmmmmm maybe you could give the beans a virus. (Mad Scientist kitties hard at work to invent a virus that makes it impossible for beans to leave their kitties). ~AFSS

Dma said...

psssst. rudy, consider yourself lucky in a way... i'm going on a vacation too and i haven't broken the news to the boyz yet. at least your parents warn you.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh no, I hate it when that happens!

Forty Paws said...

Maybe you should leave deposits in their luggage.

Luf, Us

Hannah and Lucy said...

Try a little blackmail before they leave on vacation - practice a really good 'oh woe is me look' then at least if they still go they will feel very guilty.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

NO! That's not fair that they are leaving. Just when things are good. I always look pathetic... and like I am trying to sicken.

JC said...

The sitting in the luggage doesn't seem to work. We've tried it. Maybe they'll come home with gifts ...

The Purr Gang
(Mom is getting coffee)

Raymond and Busby said...

Ugh! We hate when our humans travel. Is there any chance they will bring you some BBQ?

Anonymous said...

Well, you make sure you tell them 'beans of yours they BETTER be bringing back LOTS of treats and toys for you all!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Throw up big time. Then they'll be so worried that yoo're sic that yoo they wont go. Do it on a shag rug just in case they go anyway (as a sort of punishment). 'Cos it's horrible getting sic off shag rugs! MOL!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Well, da last time mom and dad tried to leave Speedy started barfing and haffing really skwirty poop but I don't think yoo can do da skwirty poops on purpose. Maybe yoo should all start faking sneezes...

Pip said...

Well whenever my mommy pulls out the big bag, I always gets in it so she can't put her stuff in... Truthfully though this never really works.
Look really sad though, maybe they brings back guilt-treats!

Katnip Lounge said...

Time to face facts Rudy...they always go. BUT...they always come home, too. Make the best of it and we will come to your house-trashing party if you have one!

Jacqueline said...

Just look forward to their return sweetie=they will come back soon, Rudy and then you will get lots of extra cuddles and treats to make up for them leaving you!...kisses handsome boy...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Shaggy and Scout said...

We think the live-in slave...err....sitter sounds like an awesome deal.
If you & the others can pull in your sides and give the sitter the pitiful starving look maybe you'll con extra food from her.

Sparkle said...

The only way I've ever been able to keep my human from going on a trip was get sick, and I don't think you want to do that. To be honest, I really like our live-in pet sitter. The only times I dislike my human leaving is when her fiance is still home - I don't think he takes proper care of me. He's a dog person and he totally does not understand me.

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh noes! And oh noes for us! Our mom wants to go too since she's from K.C. She's been to all those places. Whenever she would go there for a visit, she would always go to breakfast at Sharp's in Brookside. Now she's all homesick for K.C.!

One thing about 'rents going away, they always come back! Hang in there!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Being deserted is not fun. We know! You can try all sorts of things to keep them home, but nothing works. We've tried everything.

The Florida Furkids said...

What's with these 'rents? We hear rumors that ours are doing the same thing!!! Mom says the best part of going to KC is BBQ! She's only been to Bryants though. She loves the Plaza! Dad still has a lot of family there.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Just Ducky said...

You need to pack yourselves up and go along. Don't you get to visit your furiends?

Cory said...

A live in sitter sounds like a blast! You can convince them that you are entitled to all sorts of things that you aren't entitled too...yeah...that's what you should do!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

A live in sitter! Can you talk the sitter into extra treats?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, we sure are glad The Big Thing just stays at home alla time!

But we'll all try ta keep ya an Parker company while they are gone. We might even be able ta teleport over with some fresh Nip. Our plant is growing big...

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...'re really lucky, actually, to get a live-in sitter. We only had someone come over for a little bit 3 times a day when our mom went away. You could try laying down inside their luggage though.

Quill and Greyson said...

I hate the V word. Vacation! Sheesh