Yesterday my 'rents took Diamond and helped raise money for an organization that helps feed animals of low-income seniors and helps to spay and neuter homeless pets. Diamond had a blast meeting all sorts of new friends and he was given a blessing by a very nice minister! The day was perfect for a walk in the park and the organization raised lots of green papers to carry on their great work. Win-win if you ask me!
This was the first postie that popped up on my google reader this morning and I am so glad.
Diamond you are a great dawgie.
This was a great and very encouraging way for me to start my day!
there are more homeless pets now than ever. Mom visits Lilu at the vet when ever she can. She is a big girl tabby and very very sweet... except when mom tries to scritch her ears haha
bonks for great deeds
It sounds like it was a great day for a great cause :)
It looks as though your rents and Diamond had a good day yesterday helping to raise money for the pet rescue organisation. It looks like a very good cause.
That is so wonderful and I'll be Diamond is thrilled to have helped out so much!
Your 'rents and Diamond must have had a great time and all for a great cause.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Belated happy anniversary to your rents. That walk sure did look fun and was for such a worthy cause. ~AFSS
WooHoo Fur Diamond!!!
PeeEssWoo: And a WooHoo fur pawrents fur letting him hike!
Congrats to your 'rents for spending their special day raising $$$ for some special animals!
Grete is very proud of Diamond for helping out homeless pets! Tail wags from Grete to you!
And a few purrs from us...
Hi Parker and thank you for stopping made my pink nose blush...with your very kind comments. What a nice Saturday event to help animals....
Madi and Mom
Good work Diamond dawg! Glad the fundraiser was a success!
Sounds like a fine day to me.
That's teh awesome. Good work, Diamond. You are a great ambassador for your kind.
A great cause and Diamond is gorgeous...Happy Sunday friends...xo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Hooray for you, Diamond! You are a Good dog!
Diamond--how wonderful for you to go out and help! YEAH!! The Woman did not take me to the Average Joe Cat Show to help raise money--but she did help out. I am certain I would have been quite a draw...
What a great cause! How awesome that you all helped out!
Great work you guys. FAZ
Sounds like it was a fun day! We are glad dogs like to go out cuz we are complete homebodies! Mommy would have to take "flat cats" of us instead of the real thing.
Woohoo, hurray fur yoor 'rents and Diamond!
What a great idea. Looks like you had a great day.. Brilliant.. Hugs GJ xx
And from the pictures it looks like you had a beautiful day for it too!
Way to go Diamond!!! Great cause and a great outing for you too :) You have mighty fine 'rents!
Happy Belated 12th Anniversary to them :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Good job helping your beans wif their cause, is a furry good one =^_^=
That was a good way to spend the day!
That looks like a great event! I need to kick my human's butt and get her more involved in events like this.
Dat sounds like a pawsome charity to be supportive of.
Diamond is a good pup to help others!
That is a great cause!!!
Yay, are a very caring pup and worked and played hard for a good cause!
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