Mommy was still in undergraduate school living with her roomates in this picture. She and T-Gray were still getting to know each other as he had only been with her for a few days, yet Mommy was smitten with that kitten! Later in the evening on the very day this photo was taken, Mommy learned the importance of having a screen for the fireplace because curious kittens love to walk into the fireplace in the middle if the night after the fire has died. Then they like to walk all over the house with ashy paws.
T-Gray learned that same night that he did not enjoy baths...
Mommy learned that kitten claws are very sharp and so are little kitten teeth!
They both learned that love is really all you need.
Aw, what a sweet picture of your mom and T-Gray. And you have to worry about kittens walking into a lit fire...Wally did that when he was a kitten...walked all around the firebox while the fire was going! Can you imagine???
(we have a gas fireplace, not a wood burning)
Sounds like many important things were learned that night! Darling little kitten. A HUGE thank you for helping out our cause! You are so sweet!
Way to go T-Gray...walking around the house with fireplace ash is a good way to let new Mommy know who's boss...I ure will read your stories.
That is a cute photo of your mom and little T-Gray.
that's a cute piksur! you look mischievous!
T-Gray was adorable! We're glad T-Gray didn't get hurt in that fireplace.
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
What a wonderful old photograph of your Mommy and T-Gray. She is beautiful as was T-Gray handsome. We had read your stories before. It always makes Mommy cry but in a good way.
Kissies and purrs,
Normie (from the Bridge), Mika, Sasha & Grady
T-Gray was such a cutie. Those who came before deserve to be remembered and honored always.
Hi Parker Mom! What a great picture and story. Mom goes crazy for a gray tabby baby.
Awe .. that is so sweet
That was a great story,heehee
I bet is was funny to see little kitty paw prints ALL over the place! hahahahahaha
T-Gray was mighty cute too :)
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
those are all very valuable lessons to learn.
your mom is very wise.
love is all you do need.
What a cute story! We bet the kitty pawprints are cuter in hindsight than they were at the time ;)
Awww such a sweet post and photo...Hugs
That is the most important thing isn't it?!
What a sweet piccy of yer mom and T Grey. How tiny a kit and how big a place in yer mom's heart he took.
Awwwww, how sweet. Thanks for sharing that story.
Such a wonderful story and picture! You're lucky your Mom learned that lesson early so you don't have to endure baths!
CUTE photo -- and great life lessons! Ha roo roo roo!
Play bows,
Yes that is a lovely picture and I think you are right all you need is love.. Hugs GJ xx
Cats can teach people all the most important things in life!
Too cute! Love that story. Nice picture.
That is a very sweet picture of T-Gray and Mom!
We feel a real simpatico with T-Gray. He was one smart little mancat!
They seem like the kind of lessons one wouldn't furget!
Tank woo fur sharing the pikh and the story!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Diamond!
What a great story...the kitten that started it all!
Sweet story. Love the old photo.
It sounds like T-Gray and your Mommy had a wonderful relationship! It was lovely of T-Gray to teach her how to love you all.
Very lovely sweet story and beautiful treasure photo~
The picture is wonderful, what a precious memory!
It's a baby Dorfie!
Luf, Us
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