Hi-ya' kitties - the 'rents got back late Monday night. They got the Back of Disrespect for about 3.7 seconds - I had really, really missed them! Our sitter is great, but nothing is as good as Mommy and Daddy. They slept a lot yesterday and today they go back to hunting and being not-on -vacation anymore.

And what did they get for me? Tahoe Catnip? A T-Shirt? A Mountain Mousie? Some fresh California fish? Noooooooo.... I was brought a Pine cone. A Pine cone...gosh, thanks...

It does, however, smell interesting...Powder and I gave it a thorough sniffing.

I love the 'rents, but their choice in souvenirs leaves a little to be desired...
Honestly Parker, if all I got was a pine cone, I'd be very disappointed too.
Huffle Mawson
Well I'm glad they're back for you ... but a pine cone? Mind you ... it's a magnificent pine cone, isn't it? If you planted it would a tree grow?
A pine cone? What are you supposed to do with that? They could have at least rolled it in nip first. We are glad they are back safely though. Just make them feel guilty for the lack of presents.
Very intersting choice in souvenirs!
We are glad you parents are back safe and sound!!
I think your purrents has a strange sense of humor and that's why the pinecone! Becuz they knew you were pining fur them.
Well, at least it's smelly (the pinecone that is) and you could purrobably bat it around a little too.
I understand totally Parker...3.7 seconds for the back of disrespect. I can barely hold that pose for 1.1 seconds. Glad they are back safe and sound.
Oh well!
I think they something about it being the thought that khounts...BUT I think it was REALLY fur them and they are just trying to khonvince woo it was fur woo!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Diamond!
I... err... umm... hmm....
I'm glad they're back, Parker - but I STILL think they could have brought you a whole tuna or something.
Play bows,
a pine cone? for all the duress of leaving you? wow. but i shouldn't be too critical. i'm leaving on a trip and it's doubtful the boyz will get anything even as good as a pine cone...
whap it honey, maybe there is nip inside!!!
smiles, auntie bee
Well all that time they were gone and you get a pine cone, no wonder you are miffed.
Hugs GJ xx
that's a freaking HUGE pinecone!
A pine cone eh. Well, what can I say. I have one in my garden but its not as big as yours. You could try and bat it about a bit !!
Uhm, we gotz lotz of dose things in da dirt in our yardz. Dey coulda' brought you some 'nip☺
Sometimes they just don't think. But it could be that the only places to shop were either so expensive (airport shops) or did not have any kitty gifts! And some think the only gife we need is them!
Maybe you need to peel it - there may be hidden treasures inside!
We think that pine cone would be fun to knock around!
Glad the 'rents are home!!
Well, a pine cone is a nice present. As long as it comes with lots of treats and toys. I hope your mom and dad had lots of fun!
Maybe there is nip in there?
Glad your parents came home,I bet they missed you a lot too. What do you do with a pinecone? At least it smells neat.
Pinecone, huh. If dey like dem things we could send dem a whole bunch...our nayborhood has lots. Glad dey are back and dat yoo managed 3.7 second of da back.
Maybe they thought that it had the scent of some odd Lake Tahoe critter on it!
They brought you a pine cone? That was very ummm...thoughtful of them :)
woot woot welcome home momma and dadda.. I am glad that they are home safely.. I thinks they is playing a trick on you.. i bet they got you something else.. patience grasshopper.. hahah
We don't understand the pinecone, but we're glad your 'rents had a good time and are back safe and sound!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
That pine cone looks very whappable. It actually looks like a lot more fun than most of my toys. We're glad your 'rents are back, and hope they had a wonderful trip.
Welcome back! Maybe if they ground up some nip and put that with the pine cone.
You have to admit that that is a big pinecone tho. We agree they should have brought something better back for you. We are glad they are home tho.
Tavi, Cody, Camie, Miss Jade and Gracie
Hi Parker. We know what you mean about the very short back of disrespect...we miss our Meowmy so much, we run to the door when she comes home, even if she's only been off working. (the only time we don't run is if one of us is sound sound asleep...then she comes looking for us and snorgles us!) Um...pine cone...nice...yeah...um...maybe it smells like California squirrels have nibble on it? otherwise, sort of a lame souvenir...sorry.
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