Leave it to Siegfried and Roy to know how to be stylin' on National Straw Hat Day!

No one out-cools these two!
I'd also like to say Happy 11th Anniversary to my 'rents who have abandoned us. We love you anyway and hope you are having fun in Lake Tahoe - wherever that is...
They are very stylish cats.
Happy Anniversary to your Rents!
Siegfried and Roy have nice straw hats!
That's pretty cool.
Happy anniversary to your parents. My mom went to Lake Tahoe two years ago and loved it.
Cool cats!
Very chic. Happy aniversary to the parents. Hope they are enjoying their hols.
Hugs GJ x
Sigfried and Roy are pretty cool.
Huffle Mawson
You're right! Lions in beach comber hats is very cool!
Wow! These two are cool cats, for sure! (walks away taking notes...)
They are a couple of stylin' doods!
Happy Anniversary to your 'rents!
Yes, they are definitely stylin in those straw hats!!!
Happy Anniversary to your 'rents from us!
Seigfried and Roy look good in their hats. We hope your 'rents are having a good time, and that you are not too lonely Parker.
happy straw hat day.
Happy Straw Hat day indeed! I had no idea there was such a thing...
Seigfried and Roy look very stylish! Happy Anniversary to your 'rents!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Woo yes!
Khwite the hep khats!
Maybe your 'rents will bring woo some strawhats from Tahoe!
Happy Gotchaverrsary to them!
Hope your people have a wonderful time and bring you home likes of presents.
Happy Anniversary to your 'rents! Mama and Daddy's 11th was last Saturday, but thank COD they didn't ditch us this year. Yet.
Happy Weekend!
Siegfried and Roy as in Las Vegas? Mom was there in the audience when the terrible accident occurred. ::shock:: But your S & R have super hats!
Hope you're Ok - they'll be back soon - so don't worry.
Siegfried and Roy are "stylin'", do dey still say dat? Happy Anni-ver-sury to yoor 'rents...even if dey did abandon yoo!
They look very cool with their hats. Happy Anniversary to your Parents.
Happy Straw Hat Day, and also happy Anniversary to your parents!
Happy Anniversary to your humans! And what a cool Straw Hat celebration!
The boys look great! Happy anniversary rents!
Happy Straw Hat Day! Siegfried and Roy look very stylish in their straw hats. Happy Anniversary to your Mom and Dad, even though they did abandon you.
100 in sac today 80 in tahoe woohoo!!!
They ARE cool! Happy Anniversary!
Siegfried and Roy! How cool can you get!!
They are pretty handsome!
Dat's right we 'amember it is yur rents anniversary cuz it am close to owr beans anniversay too! Happy anniversary, Happy anniversary, Happy anniversary, Haaaaaaaaappy Annnnnaavvvvsary (sung to da Flintstones version).
Tahoe is on owr beans list of places to go. We bet dey am lovin efurry minute of it there.
Wait. Who's feedin mine Powder while dey am gone? Powder, I'll be rite ofur.
~Beau Beau
Happy 11th Anniversary to your rents :-D
I know they abandoned you, Parker, but it's a very special day for them and has to be celebrated. Sometimes even with a special trip.
Happy Anniversary to your 'Rents! We hope they have a wonderful trip.
Looks like they are ready to party!
Thanks for all of your hard work on CCSI V: The Old Famous Caper. This week marks when the show will air. You did a fantastic job in helping that this will be another award winning show.
Those cat definitely cannot be out-cooled! Your people are a laugh riot!
OH KRAP! It was Nashunul Straw Hat Day??? I didn't know!!!! Does a sombrero cownt if it's made of straw?
Hours away from the showing of CCSI V: The Old Famous Caper! Thanks for all of your hard work in making sure this production will be tops!
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