Hey kitties. You know what? Next week at this time the 'rents will be over a thousand miles from O Hi O. And me? I will be stuck here with my sibs and a sitter. This sux. Why do they need a vacation? Aren't I a daily vacation? I mean...well...just look at all this cuteness!
No wonder you've had your pout on for awhile...have they had suitcases out?
It is bad when your people are gone. This time only Mom left and Dad stayed home with us!
Don't be sad that the 'rents are on vacation. We think its perfect time for a party!!
We would vacation with you Parker. Here in about a month we will know how you feel, we are getting left too. Why can't parents stay home and vacation like we do?
Oh I hate it when the people go away and leave me. Yours shouldn't leave you either!
Oh nos, you are being abandoned as well! Should make it illegal to leave kitties at home for more than a day.
Bless your little heart, Blossom feels awful now because she is coming on holiday with me next week.
After three weeks with her cat sitter last year I dare not leave her alone again! She would be as annoyed as you............
Aw dont be sad, I will be thinking of you. Yes you do look soooo cute in that picture mum was all oohs and ahhhs.
Did someone mention a party when your folks are gone. I am on he way just say the word.
Hugs GJ x
Oh, the cuteness! Don't worry Parker, they'll be back in no time. And they'll be missing you the whole time!
How could they leave you? I don't understand it either.
Your lilacs are blooming! We are still waiting for ours.
What do you mean they're leaving you? How long are they going for? Do you want to come and stay with me?
Huffle Mawson
I'm not sure why people leave. That always bothers me too.
Parker, we hope you milk this and get some extra treats all week before they go...
But just think Parker -- they will really, really miss you and you'll get all kinds of extra attention when they get back. You can use this to your advantage.
We always wonder why they have to go too! Have you tried getting in the suitcase? We have tried getting comfy in it everytime they lay it out. So far no success, but we feel confident that someday soon, we will prevail!
Sorry you are being abandoned, we will be abandoned next weekend, but only for 24 hours.
We know your parents are gonna miss you guys terribly!
Love your pic today!! Wanna give you smooches!
We love your pic and jus don't know how they could fink of abandoning you! BIG smooches.
You can teleport over to us anytime!!
I agree Parkerkins, that sucks and I would be completely annoyed and insulted!
I think retaliation in in order.
Yes, indeed you are completely adorable in this picture!
We don't like it when our 'rents leave us either. Can you get extra treats and pets from the sitter????
Thanks for all the purrs and prayers for our Daddy. We're so happy to have him home again!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
my boyz are going to be facing a similar situation soon. i hope your 'rents have a nice trip.
Ignore them when they come home, they will be so sorry you forgot about them while they were away.
Feel free to teleport over here and play with us. ~S,S,C & F
I'm sorry you're being left behind, Parker. Make sure you have a handheld device close by so you can monitor your pets while they're away. That's what I do. Texting nonstop helps human pets know they need to come back home. ;)
How can they leave all of that?
What a pretty picture today, honey!
Be sure the sitter knows where the nip 7 the temptations are kept.
Gorgeous again, Parker!
Is it their anniversary trip again? Mama and Daddy are going nowhere this year. Yay for us! hee hee
That's a lot of walks to get THAT far!
Parker, that is an absolutely gorgeous picture of you. I'm with you, why would they need to go somewhere and leave you behind?
Parker, I do not blame you for being a little crabilated over this news!
Our Beans left us for weeks when they went to Europe. Twice! We were furious! Humpf!
Hi Parker. Another gorgeous picture of you and the lilacs! we also don't understand how people can go away for "vacation" when they should just stay home and spend all their time with us! Meowmy is leaving us on Saturday to get our Grampa (her Daddy) and move him down here...we'll be so happy to see him more often, but it's quite a sacrifice to let her go for 3 or 4 days!
Parker, I just love that photo of you, although it looks to me like to have some mischief on your mind!
I'm so sorry the 'rents are abandoning you with a sitter, but at least you DO get to stay home. I use to feel double guilty when I had to bring my 'kids' to a boarder when I went on vacation. Now the boys get to stay home and be spoiled by their Nana and Grampy, and that is WAY better!
Head-bonks from Gandalf and Grayson!
Hmm, could be a good time fur a house trashing...not only is it fun but yoo don't hafta be alone and it teaches da beans not to leave!
I'll be right over to keep your company and leave a little floof in the process.
We are sorrys for you! You are very pretty behind the posies!
Mom and Dad seem to take us on vacation when it doesn't involve a plane. We're sorry that they are leaving you with a sitter - maybe you'll like yours? We're split on whether we liked ours - Charlemagne didn't and Tamar did.
Our momma loved the picture of you with the lilacs! You look so beautiful and they are one of her favorite flowers.
Try to enjoy the weekend with the parents before they go,
Charlemagne and Tamar
Why do beans abandon their kitties?
We are not sure how they can leave that cuteness.
You are a very very cute cat!!!
Aw - sometimes the beans just has to 'get away' - but you will be in their hearts every single minute!
Wish I was closer, I'd come be your sitter and snorgle with you!
Parker, I agree with you! You are definitely a daily vacation :-)
I always say about Sunny that a day without Sunny would be like a day without sunshine :-)
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