OK, OK, I admit it, I do need to lose a few ounces. I do need to play and move more. It's good for my health. But, I know the real reason we are being subjected to this - it's Mommy. She has gained some weight and SHE has gone on a diet too! This means that SHE has to exercise as well. What does that mean for me (
aside from my diet and exercise torture)? It means that she is going to have less time to help me type and comment and stuff and this has me a little sad. So kitties, it isn't that I don't love to visit and comment and be a part of the Blogosphere, but I'm going to have to be around a little less. It's important for my health and for Mommy's health. We have to be mindful of her Diabetes and we don't want that getting any worse.
The good news about all of this? She's spending more time with us playing feather and Cat Dancer and chase the mousies. And Mommy time is a very good thing.
I'll be around when I can kitties - but now it's important to focus on our health in O Hi O!
Healthy Smoochies,

Mommy and Me time is super important, Parker. You can help each other and have fun!
Yep, mommy and me time is better that all blogging. Take good care of your health, that's the most impawtant thing. Exercise makes you feel really good - once you overcome the laziness.... ; ) We are glad you look after each other!
Purrs, Siena & Chilli
It sounds like you have some fun times ahead of you, Parker. When I went on my diet, I was angry, until I realised how much more fun I could have. I can jump up high now without my big belly weighing me down:)
I hope the time together helps BOTH of you Parker!
Huffle Mawson
I will ofFUR up my services to both of woo! A khouple tugs 'round the blokhk each day....
PeeEssWoo: My mom should join your mom in the workout thingie but.....
Mum sez we have to go for more walks even though it is freezing our toesies off. She sez that if I could lose 5lbs she would be the happiest mum in the world. 5lbs!!! She wants a miracle!
I guess the beans have to take care of themselves as they do take care of us. The PM had a similar conversation with us too. She is going to have to do her "biking to nowhere" in the morning before turning on the computer. I may never blog again. ;P
Purrs Goldie
Well...at least it gets you more play time with your mom...that's one good thing about the D word...
What is it about Moms? My Mom is doing the exact same thing with me! For the same reasons (except Mom doesn't have diabetes, she has osteoporosis.)
So it means a few less treats, but more playing time.
well play time is good. our mom is on a "d" werd thing too. ugh
My mom exercises all the time...and you know what? I figured out a way to help...I'm her personal trainer! I meow at her to make her keep going. You know what else...if she needs to bench press an 8 pounds weight...I'm available! If she has to do a push up...she can kiss me on the way down. It works really well!
We know how hard it is to lose those extra pounds (our Mom is doing that too). Even though we'll miss seeing you a LOT, we know you'll be here when you can and will be healthier (and that's a VERY good thing)
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
good luck to you and your mom. arrgg. the dreaded 'd' word.
We will miss seeing you around as much, but health is very important for both you and your mommy! Best of luck to the both of you!!!
We will miss you Parker but your Mom has to take care of her health and make it a priority! Tell you a secret, our Mom could use some exercise too.
Time together is never a bad thing even though we will miss you. If it makes you feel any betetr, we are on diets too cause Fagin is getting fat. Its always the kitten's fault!!
See. I knew that weight thing was all about your human. That's what is going on here too... sigh. But mine is not allowed to cut into my time for her extra exercising..
It is important for you and your Mom to maintain health. Hopefully, we'll still hear from you now and then.
Maybe you Mom can get a cat stroller and take you for walks. Mom and Dad were doing that back when the weather was a little nicer and Maggie really liked it.
We hope you had a chance to see Oprah's show yesterday, I found it so helpful with what Bob Green was saying. It's all about taking Mommie time and putting Mommie back in priority! I am still working on going down the scale and so far I have taken off 85 pounds. I am letting the scale tell me where it will stop. But healthy eating is so crucial for successful control of diabetes. I wish you lots of good luck!
We understand how tough it is. Mom has lost a little over 30 pounds doing wait washers. She "flat-toed" though around November and has only lost a pound since then, but New Year's allowed her a fresh start and she lost 2 pounds Sunday at her weigh in! We wish you and your Mommy success too!
You can be gal pals and diet together & keep each other honest.
Nothing is more important than your health!
Oh, yoor health is more importint den anythin! And mommy and me time is really good too...we like being wif mom and playing games wif her. We'll see ya when yoor around and we'll be thinking of ya when yoor not...
Oh, so your Mommy's projecting. I did not think you needed to go on a diet.
I do understand why your Mommy needs this time to take care of herself. Last June I got a huge wake up call, when I was told I was pre-diabetic. Having seen how some older members of my family suffered with it, it scared the crap out of me. I made drastic changes to my diet and started exercising. I've lost 38 lbs, but need to start back exercising again, as I did hardly any exercise in December. Last blood check my levels were normal. I so do not want to get diabetes. It's a terrible disease.
I'm so glad your Mommy is taking measures to lose weight and exercise so she can be as healthy as possible!
Yeah the Woman re-joined the gym last night which means even less time....I'll tell you though, I've been on a diet for a couple of months now and I have so much more energy and am super playful. I guess I just feel better.
Yay for taking care of yourselves! We're in the same boat, Parker. Diets all around up here, too. :( But we did managed to score a super cool feather toy, so maybe it's not all bad.
Oh no...not the "D" word!
Don't let Mom see this. She's already talking about all of us being too fat. Well, all except Misty. She's too skinny.
I'm gonna sneak a treat to you, k? Don't tell your mom.
Abby Normal
New Year's Resolution?? Losing weight is fine as long as you still get stinky goodness.
Good luck with the D word Parker. My mum has been trying to lose some weight for the last couple of months. She was really pleased when she went back to work yesterday and three of her colleagues said, "you look like you lost weight!"
Lucky kitties all of you are to play with mommie. I never want to go to the rink and skate with mom, too cold! Dancing is fun. It is great fun to put on the fun jazz and dance around to the olde tunes.
Love good health and purrs
Must be January,Mom is talking diet too!! Hahahahaha
She is also talking about other changes,so I understand what you mean about Mom time. WE love our friends,but sometimes we need time for other things. Good luck with your "D" and your Mom too :)
Purrs Mickey
Health is good to take care of and so is da mom and dads it involves. We bet if yoo has lots of nip the exercise, er playing, will be more funner!!
Good luck to your Mom! seriously though, I think you look 100% OK and don't have to worry about the 'D' word.
Just do what you need to do and I will be here when you get back.
We are glad you are getting to spend more time with your Mom, but the "d" word is no fun. Good luck to both of you.
Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade
Parker, you're super cute!
Parker, toy time is very important fer gettin rid of those extra "ounces"...
I can never have enough time with my mom. Really.
Hehhe Miss Parker our Momma must be thinking alike. Other than spending the days with dadda while he is off on our normal blogging days she has been concentrating more on working out and keeping active, we have had lots less time also to try and get around to everyone.
We just do little bits here and there, but they add up so quick!! just after 3 days we had like 200+ new posts.. crazy!!!!
This is another reason Momma will only help us do new posts every few days so as not to add to the posts list for other peoples hahah
We wish your Momma very good luck! and know that our Momma is working hard right along with her :))
Good luck to you and your mom. Blogging is great, but you can't get much exercise sitting at a computer. Good health is important. We love you all.
Your mommy's health is very important. I think playing with kitties should be cnsidered an official work-out routine.
Dearest Parker! I know how hard it is to make changes in blogging routines...We had to post mew hours at the cozy cottage too this beginning of the mew year. Your mommmies health is th emost important thing right now. I will keep her in my special prayers and all of you kitties can send me a few extra pounds. I only weigh 4 pounds and could use them...the extra ones I will pass on to my special tiny friend Normie who weighs like me...we are runts. Good Luck with it all and we will see you when you can manage to post again. We would never forget you as you are a beloved friends so do not think that for one second!
Love Miss Peach from the stormie Oregon coast
I empathize with you Parker. My mom is on a diet and excercise thing and she goes to a place where there are tread mills and hundreds of other torture machines. All this has the same effect on Tommy and me...less time to visit our friends and/or blog. Sheesh!!
Your right Parker, Mommy time is 'portant. So you take all the time you need and we'll all be waiting for you when you get back.
Hope you and your Momma get fit soon though ... 'cos we'd miss you!
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