Powder watches and waits...

The 'rents had a great time. They had such a great time that they even spent the night away from us. Our sitter rocked. We wanted for nothing and even made appearances every once in a while. The above photo is the littlest member of the family staring out of the window waiting for her Mommy. It had to be taken with a zoom lens since sitters are not allowed to get close to the Princess!
I, too, am thrilled to have the 'rents back. I have noticed that without thumbs, it's very hard to blog, or open a can, or the treat canister. The bed is not as warm.
I missed all of you!

I hope everything will be back in normal soon.
I love to stay with my beans as well.
We are happy to hear that your parents had fun. A break can be great! It's good seeing pretty Powder out and about. She always makes us smile to see her.
Wow, a very nice romantic date! The 'rents take such good care of you everyday, surrendering their opposable thumbs to your every whim, so we are glad they had some time to themselves!
Oh man! Google ate my comment. I mean I can understand being hungry but that's ridiculous. I really need someone who takes care of my every need... someday I will.
Well I'm glad you all survived the night without the people.
Huffle Mawson
Oh, man, tell me about it! It's so hard to blog when the beans are away, or unwilling... you think that Kate would have helped me blog HEAPS since she's been on vacation, but nooo!
We're glad the sitter was a lot of fun...did she forget about your d-i-e-t, Parker???
Sweet Powder, patiently waiting.
Sounds like you guys didn't make out too bad though, all considering.
We were wondering about the old D-word too, Parker.
We like the pic. You can see the Pensive Powder clearly!
Abby & Stygia
wow, you allowed them to have an overnight? that was nice of you!
Did you turn your back on them when they returned? We usually do that to make sure they don't try it too often.
glad your parents had a good time. speaking for a species with thumbs, i have to say they are overrated.
Powder is a calico floofy beauty!!
Poor Powder! Bless her heart. We're glad that your sitter was great for you guys.
Luf, Us
Woo. Very artsy shot.
I'm glad you're all OK.
We are glad that your 'rents came back, it is no fun when they go away! Powder is so cute and very floofy!
That picture of Powder is so sweet! Yes, once in a while we have to let the rents out. Absense makes the heart grow fonder.
We're glad the 'rents made it back. We waved at them as they drove by, though. :)
Sorry about the D-word. We're going through that, too. It sucks. :(
My mom has never left me overnight - I wonder what it would be like?
I'm not sure I'm ready to find out!
Parker I tell you you are right without Mom it is hard to get the computer turned on and she has had the case of the lazy b*tt and hasn't turned on the computer so we can all go visit...and she wont get our pictures off the flashy box...what can we do?
Yikes! You let them leave for the whole night? We let the Lady and the 3 teenagers leave for a whole day last week, but they came home just after midnight (cuz Disneyland closes apparently). We thought that was bad enough. Dinner was practically served at breakfast time!
Glad they're back. You have some serious attention due to all of you.
It's nice to get the parents back and get things back to normal. At least you had a good sitter.
It's really nice to haf a good sitter. It was good of yoo guys to let yoor beans haf some time to demselfs. Our sitter sleeps in da beans bed when he is here and we all sleep wif him cuz he leaves da door open...not like daddy who closes us out!
Its gud when the 'rents go out but its even better when dey comes back home !!
We're glad the 'rents had a good time! Powder looks so floofy and beautiful!!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
We're glad your 'rents had a good time, but it's better when they are back to keep the bed warm for you.
That's such a sweet picture of Powder. I'm glad your 'rents had a great time.
Hi Parker,
Thank you for coming by our blog and leaving nice words for us about Bandit.
We are glad your 'rents are home. Sounds like you have a very good sitter!
We will email you.
~ The Bunch, minus one
Hate to admit it but people are good.
Our humans like to think that we sit by the window and wait for them when they leave but we cause trouble while they are gone and just keep going to check to see if they have come back.
-Patches and Nemo
Glad your parents had a great time! That shall be it for a long time now! ;)
awww welcome back Momma and Dadda!!!!! I hope tehy are still smiling!! :)))
I am glad you all had a wonderful time with the sitter also :))
Yep, Alfie and I hate when the 'rents are away too.
Hope they had a good time though ... and brought you presents back wiv them!
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