January 2, 2009

Formerly Feral Friday - The "D" word!

Help! Send HAM!!! - send stinky goodness - send Temptations! My treats have been cut in half and I am being encouraged to move around and "play" more.
It's a travesty I tell you!


Gemini and Ichiro said...

You can come play with our flingamastring...

TabbyNormal said...

We got put on rations too. We didn't like it at first, but it's not so bad. We really like how our mom stands and watches us eat, we like her company.

Abby & Stygia

Forever Foster said...

Poor Parker. Life can be so unkind. You'll just have to learn to open the cupboards;)

Everycat said...

Poor Parker, we will send you your own special cell phone, so you can keep the ASPCA on speed dial!

Whicky Wuudler

Teddy Westlife said...

I can send you some ham Parker! Don't worry, I'll save you!

Huffle Mawson

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hmphhh! We commented just now but blogger must have eaten it.
We said we have had the D word thrown at us too all because when mum picked Eric up she hurt her back. We still get our Stinky Goodness at night, but our crunchies have been halved.

The Creek Cats said...

Oh no! We have been cut back too!
We got into trouble for opening the pantry doors and eating some dog food as a midnight snack!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

How how awful, Parker. I know you will be suffering greatly. Maybe I can mail you some

The Island Cats said...

Poor Parker! Did your mom read Max's book? What are the first 3 letters of the D word???


I'm afraid Momma is gonna try to do something similiar to me, she says I am getting a little squishy...I don't think that is a compliment...


Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh krap! i hate it when that happens!

smiles, auntie bee

The Florida Furkids said...

Mom is thinking about the D word for herself! We hope she doesn't look at us next....well Tamir does anyway since we are tiny girls but he's a BIG manly mancat.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Cory said...

Uh Oh...! Bennettes secret to staying slender is playing THoE in the middle of the night...by herself! Maybe I can send her over to you?

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

I would be glad to help khoordinate an exercise programme fur woo!

I wonder how many khalories khan be burned whilst being chased by a furry lovable Siberian!?!


Honey P. Sunshine said...

its just yor winter coat.....

Kitikata-san said...

Happy New Year Parker! Oh, the D word is tough. Sorry about that. I have been on the D word for years now. It was so long ago when I kissed that open buffet bowl goodbye.

Daisy said...

Well, the more playing part sounds good. The reduction in treats sounds very, very, very Not Good!

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Yikes!!!! Kind of a slap in the face first thing in a New Year!

I won't keep you long, you better start climbing your cat tree.

Purrs Goldie

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ack...shoot Parker, we kinda wish dem silly vets would mind der own behinds, ya know. We haf been deprived too, all because Speedy is a fat A$$...Zippy still gets her cheese tho cuz she's so darn tiny. Da playing part is good tho, get mom to play feather wand wif yoo or chase yoo around. It's fun!

Anonymous said...

Aaaack! It must be an epi-diet-demic! Mom cut our treats in half a while back. It's just awful!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Oh Parker, this is horrible news. The Mom says Scylla has to go on a diet too and that means all of us, cause she can't give us something and not give it to Scylla. Scylla wake up and go chase a squirrel or something. ~Socks & Charybdis

Parker, I think we should revolt. Dieting is NO fun. ~Scylla

Anonymous said...

Remember Cat rule #2: "When fat, arrange self in slim pose."

A happy and healthy 2009 to you and your human staff from us 3 Good Cats!

quiltcat said...

Hi Parker. This is our first visit to your blog. You are a beautiful kitty and your eyes are gorgeous! We also looked at the catster pages of your sisfurs and brofur...what a nice looking family you have. We saw the gifties that you sent to Goldie, Shade, and Banshee...wow, what nice loot, and that bed fits Banshee perfectly! We hope you won't find *urk* dieting too hard...our Meowmy is doing WeightWatchers at work which seems to mean she watches our weight???
Louie, Fuzzy, Sylvie, and Gingy

Shaggy and Scout said...

"D" word for us too Parker!
Did all the moms of the blogosphere get together and plan this??

Cat with a Garden said...

THAT IS NOT A GOOD WAY TO START A NEW YEAR! You tell'em, Parker! NOT good!

Cafe Cats said...

Oh No! Parker, that's awful! We'll send treats right away!

Fat Eric said...

*gasp* the D word? Oh nooo. Tell your mum to take away all the crunchies and put you just on stinky goodness, a low carb version with jelly not gravy. I have this for my diabetes and I have been steadily losing weight since I stopped eating crunchies. Luckily I love stinky goodness!

And of COURSE you don't need to diet, Parker! You are furry svelte!

Lux said...

WHAT??? Is this any way to start off a new year?

I am aghast.

Mr. Hendrix said...

Oh crap. What kind of horrible New Year's torture is this?? Perhaps your furry sibs can sneak you food???

Happy New Year to you all!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Steal food from plates! And remember that the kitchen counter is often unguarded.


Laila and Angel Minchie said...

We thought that was just for the beans to do! Happy New Year!

Sweet Purrfections said...

I've got bunches of Temptations and stinky goodness at my house. Come on over!

Quill and Greyson said...

Oh No Parker, maybe you can just say it's floof?

Kimo and Sabi said...

Happy New Year 2009!

Anonymous said...

Maybe you need a new little brother is sisfur to chase you around some? :) I helped my big sisfur Mushka lose weight mwahahha


(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

When I started to put on weight, my mommy got me a new brother to chase me around the house. It worked. I get lots more exercize now.

The Army of Four said...

I don't have any ham..... would tuna do?
Play bows,