...started Saturday night. The 'rents left the coziness of our home on Saturday morning for a snowy fun-filled day of getting a new muffler and brake system on the car and then they shopped for furniture for the living room. I thought that they were crazy - it was wicked bad out there! But off they went and when they returned I was ready to snuggle and help get them all warm again. And the thanks I get for this unselfish gesture? I get a picture of me and my beautiful blue eye all laser-ee!

See kitties? Would you go out in this?
I didn't think so...

Only cats have the wisdom to stay inside when all that snowy madness is going on.
Cat, you got some cheek saying that's MY SNOW and I have to come and get it! As far as I am concerned this snow is from YOU!
Hell no, I won't go!
If I'm gonna visit O-hi-O
I'll bring you back
your OWN snow!
We got lots of snow yesterday too...our mom was gonna go out (dad was already at work) but decided against it cuz of all the snow...we didn't mind that one bit!
My Mommie says she would not go out in that to get stuff for the car, but for new furniture, maybe! I hope you stay warm and cozy.
Parker, that's why Cats are smarter than the beans...we wouldn't go out in that (unless there were huge bags of temptations and nip...)
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
I wanted THAT....
I SOOOOO wanted THAT!!!
I'm glad to see I'm not the only one with an alien eye!
Brrrr so are you going to send it off to Millie?
i know i wouldn't go out in that!
smiles, auntie bee
Thank you for stopping by, and glad to see you on your blanket!
:) You being so kind really means a lot. Hopefully we can all stay together! We have some hope!
We do not think it would be fun at all out there, but we have never seen anything like it!
Glad your 'rents got back safe and sound.
Thank you so much for your kindness for our Bandit. We miss him so, so much... but think he is talking to the other Rainbow Angels, a lot.
We are trying to get Momma back to blogging for us.
~ The Bunch
Our mum thinks your yard looks like a wonter wonderland. We think she is mad!
The best place to enjoy the snow is from the inside of the house!
Dear Parker,
Actually, we think your single lazer-eye is super cool, and we are envious cause we can't do it. My mom says it's like the human equivalent of raising one eyebrow.
Abby & Stygia
Hi Parker. Hoomans sometimes seem so sensible, and then they go traipsing off in their cars in the snow, when they could stay at home and snuggle with us! We think you look really cool with one lazer eye!
We finks we gotted yur storm too. Crazy beans goin owt in dat stuff. Did da 'rents get some new furniture for yoo all to put yur scents on?
That snow's pretty to look out the window at, but no - I wouldn't want to go out in it!
Well, I wouldn't wanna go OUT in that snow, but it sure is pretty an' tranquil to LOOK at, right?
Hi parker!
Just stopped in to say goodbye. didn't want to just up and leave without saying bye to our dear friends. We will miss you!
I think I'd have snuggled inside as well with that. Stay warm
Our dad went shopping in da snow yesserday, mom went out and pushed it off da sidewalk and driveway while he was gone. Dad brawt home a bunch of icky stuff...apples, potatos, tomato gunk...no kitty treats! Why go out in dis mess if not to get something good fur da kitties? We haf more sense den dem silly beans. ((((hugs))))
Thanks for that Parker sweetheart. We are in accord. :)
Parker, I don't blame you for staying inside where it is warm. You can come and share the warm space in front of my vent!
Hey, Parker! I'll take that snow if you don't want it! Seriously!
Play bows,
I won't go out like that as well, too too cold~!
I think you had the right idea of staying warm and cozy inside.
You are much to smart to goez out in dat stuffee!!! Leevez dat to your beanz.
Our beans are weird Parker!! Why go out in a storm when there are cozy cats at home??? Why take laser eye pics?? Why don't they listen to us cats??
Purrs Mickey... who is cozy warm indoors while it's snowing outside!
Stay in and stay warm.
Dear Parker, I'm gonna post pics of my uber cool package you sent me. Look for them on Tuesday! (Newman got me all riled up and distracted me...)
oh boy, that is a lot of snow, I wouldnt want to go out in that!
It's not even snowy here, and I still say stay inside!
We love to see the picture but are glad you stayed in the warm. Brrrrrrr ...
PS: BIG smooches right back to you!
Our Ham-Mick has the same fabric as your blanket!
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