"I'm just mysterious, that's all..."
The cutest kittens in Maryland, Cloud and Niko tagged us for a meme, so we all gathered around the bed and peeked underneath and had a little interview with Powder. It's a great little piece of fun called The 8 Random Things Meme - Abby started it!
Ready Powder? Ok then, let's play!
1. I only weigh in at about 6 to 6 1/2 pounds.
2. I only have 1/2 of a tail and it's crooked at the tip!
3. Of the 4 of us kitties, I am by far, the hardest to get into a PTU (Mommy has the scars to prove it!)
4. Puff and I are true blood sisters!
5. That makes Rudy my true blood nephew!
6. Mommy says that I am her "heart." I like that. She's mine too!
7. I love Daddy, but I am what you call a "one person kitty."
8. I have the loudest meow of all my sibs!
So there you have it, Powder in 8 random facts.
She's tagging Toulouse!
We just wish she'd come out a little more!
6 to 6 1/2 pounds is so so light~!
I think that is very very sweet that your mommy loves you that much~!!! Wonderful~!
Oh Powder, you're such a little girl! I hope you cheer up soon.
Huffle Mawson
Powder, maybes you is just a little shy girl. We hope you come out from under the bed soon, but are glad you have found somewhere safe and warm to rest.
Mum got a tear in her eye when she read that you are your mum's heart. That is so lovely.
We hope you feel better soon, sweetie.
Oh Powder what is it sweetie? Has somebody jumped on you and scared you when your Mom wasn't looking? I hope you will be ok. Those are 8 very sweet things to know about you tiny Powder
Whicky Wuudler
I am the same weight as you. Although Momma says (very quietly) that I am getting a bit more round. It's all the love and of course the floof I tell her. I am my Momma's heart too. We hope that you can over come your shyness and join the rest of your siblings from out under the bed. You are such a beautiful girl, you don't need to hide there anymore.
We're hoping Powder comes out of her funk soon....
And those were furry interesting things about you...we bet your half a tail is really cute!
Maybe sweet Powder has the holiday blues. Our mommy gets 'em some years. She says sometimes she just wants to wake up on January 1 when it's all overs. Dear sweet Powder, try not to be skeert or worried 'bout nothin'. Everything is okay and you are loved by everyone.
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
P-p-p-powder... you can come play hide-and-funk with me anyday. I do that a lot, I mean a whole lot!
Your friend Maggy...
Awww sweet Powder, we hope you are feeling spunkier soon!
Sniffie and the Florida Furkids
Powder,the night stalker ;)
Just 6 pounds?!! Wow!! Tillie would make 2 of you!! Oooooooooooo!! That's a scary thought!!!!!
I hope your 'funk' passes soon. Daytime is nice too :)
Purrs Mickey
We have never seen the autumn funk around here...just some pacing by the door waiting for spring to return. Maybe Powder is just reflecting on the past year and she wants to be alone with her thoughts so she's ready to party for the holidays?
oh Powder honey, we hopes you come out of your funk soon!!
What a little cutie you are... come out come out. Maybe you need a sun lamp?
Bendrix: 6 1/2 pounds! 6 1/2 pounds! I've left litterbox droppings that weighed more than that! Jeez
Hendrix: Sorry about that gang. It is hard to rein him in sometimes. What's the matter Powder? Maybe your beans can spray Feliway to calm you or even liquid catnip around to perk you up. Feel better sweetie.
Very cool facts about your Powder. We hope you get out of your funk soon and come out again.
I'm sorry you are in a funk, Powder. But it's okay to be sad sometimes. You did a grate meme! It's funny that you are the loudest when you are so petite.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
Powder, sweetie, do you need a vacation? You can always come visit me and the twins. Maybe that will make you all frisky again?
Maybe Powder just doesn't like da snow, we can't blame her fur dat.
Powder, have you been under the bed since your Autumn Funk post?! You poor dear, I'll be right over. I'm small too, only about 8 lb., so I'm sure there'll be room for both of us. I'll bring my feather-butt mousies.
Your friend
Powder, we tiny girls can be very feisty! I hoep you will come out of your funk soon. Do not forget, Turkey Day is coming up!
Powder it was nice learning those 8 interesting facts about you!!! You sure are a purrty kitty!
~The Creek Cats~
Mysterious tends to worry moms. Its nice to see you gorgeous kitty.
My mommy is moping around like that too. In her case it's just becuz NASCAR is over til February.
couple of sammiches short of a picnic... tee hee.
Powder, it's ok to come out from under the bed. Your family rocks! They will take good care of you.
Poor tiny Powder. We understand that things are sometimes a bit rough. Hang in there little one!
Luf, Us
Poor Powder I hope all is okay with you(hug).
Great meme answers :)
Gosh, dat's amost as small as Nina was, but she growed. I meow more, but Nina walks into a room an ORDERS the beans round. Usually she's sayin "PLAY!" Hey, maybe sum play therapy would help Powder? It can't hert, unless sumone squishes her or bops her in the eye or steps on her tail or pounces on her or scratches her or knocks shtuff ofur on her or... gosh. Who knew playin was so dangerus?
PS Like yur new template, Parker!
Awwws Number 6 just melted the Momma to a little pile of wet on her chair..
they are all such lovely random things! I loves these random things :)
Poor little darling, I wonder why she does that :(
Awww sweet little powder, we hope you soon come out of your funk.
Awwwwww.......Powder we hope you get out of the funk soon!! Purrrs and ((((hugs)))) to you!!
Your FL furiends,
Poor sweetheart! Powder, I am teleporting over right now to give you a little snorgle behind your ear, then I shall curl up into a kitty loaf right next to you and share your funk.
Oh Powder, what is it? You really shouldn't hide down the bed the whole day, I bet you're missing out on so much. I hope you will be better soon and can have a lovely holiday season with your family!
Purrs, Siena
Don't forget, Powder, big things come in small packages!
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