Last week we got a gift from Mommy and Daddy.

Daddy worked all afternoon putting it together.

It's very tall with 3 perches for us.

He put it in front of a window so we can lay around and watch the neighbors and the wildlife.

So...anyone wanna' guess how many of us have used it yet?
I'll give you a hint, it rhymes with one of the emperors of Rome who enjoyed playing the fiddle.
How could you not play with such a cool thing! Maybe you are just afraid it might tip over and break the window.
Hmmm.... perhaps the tower is not stinky enough?
oAH My~!
I am so jealous!!!!
That is one perfect cat tree!
It's such a cool present, Parker! Oh, wait for the sprinking of nip first! :D
That is a seriously cool tree! You guys wait till you get used to it, then we bet you'll be impossible to drag away. We are glad we are not the only ones who love to spy on the neighbours. Mum always says we are nosy.
Wow, it is REAL carpet AND right in front of a window, how could you guys NOT use it???
You should haz read the post MOmma did in like a million postss about my play toy..
IT tells you there that they just up and wasted their money ;)
I does sit on the highest perch when I iz in trouble coz I thinks I can gets away from Momma but that it.
Oh well, at least there is somewhere for kitty parties to be held now? ;)
Sprinkle it with some primo nip and call it done!
That is funny. Please play on it for your daddys sake. I think you might need to put some ham on it. That would entice you all up there.
.....put an old t-shirt on the tree....that'll do the trick....yes, I am serious.......
Hahaha! That reminds me of a certain heated cat cup that lives here that I don't ever use either.
I dunno, though. I think I might play on that thing. Especially in the middle of the night.
Did you play with the box it came in? Boxes are great toys and for some reason it annoys the beans when you play witht the box and not the toy. ~S,S & C
Haha! you are cats after my own heart. If da humans buy it especially for we cats, then it's our solemn duty to ignore it for the longest time possible.
Your tree is in the perfect location! It took me a couple of days before I started using my tree all the time. I think you just need to get used to it!
ha ha ha, nero?? zero? mommie had to think hard cuz its 5:30 am
If you don't play with that cool tree right in front of a cool window I'm going to have to send you some home grown nip to sprinkle on it so you can't resist it!
We agree with Gandalf and Grayson....maybe it needs a little nip!
~The Creek Cats~
I fink ALL of you purrlayed wif your new tall toy! I want one too!
If yoos guys don't wanna play with da tree, yoo can send it over here. We LUV to climb.
We haf some suggestions for your beans if you still won't use the tree:
like ofurs said, nip is a good idea
also perhaps put a few of your furs on the tree, or some favorite toys
also we cant tell from the picture if it has carpeting, but if not, maybe put some blankets or towels on the perches to make it softer
also putting twine on the bottom part of the tree "trunk" might encourage yous to use it as a scratching post too.
we hope this helps. daddy spent a lot of time building a tree for Texas and it took a long time to convince him to use it but eventually he grew to love that tree.
Haha, that's a funny story, Parker! I bet it was really fun to snoopervise your daddy while he put that together. I think you should leave it for a few more days before checking it out, just to give your momma and daddy something to talk about.
Your buddy, Jimmy Joe
that looks like so much fun.
If they sprinkled it with catnip would it entince you?
That's too bad . . . if you aren't using it, can I come over and try it out?
What a cool cat tree. I wouldn't use it either.
That's such a cool tree, a special gift for all of you and you are ignoring it? Hm... Maybe Temptations on the last perch can help out?!
Hee hee! We're guessing ZERO! :)
That tree looks awesome! We want one of those really tall ones, too, but Mama doesn't know where she'd put it. Something about our toys and beds and tents being all over the house. Whatever.
Happy Tuesday!
Zero! ha ha ha That sounds familiar. Maybe they should tempt you with Temptations...and Nip...and Whisker Lickens...
Hahaha! You'll use it...just takes a little time for you to check it out and make sure it's okay. Tell your beans to put a little catnip on it...then you won't be able to stay off it!
Rub it alll over with nip. That'll work! Just make sure your Dad now adds some guard rails.
Poor Daddy.
Purrs Shade
What's up wiff not pwayin wiff your new tower? Maybe it needs sum nip on it? I don't know but I'd sur pway wiff dat! ~confuzzled, Redfurd~
That is one great tree! It took us a few days to get used to ours and it is just a little one! Mom actually had to put us on it to get things started.
I'll climb it!!!!
ummm, beero??? ha ha ha
now y'all go get on that thing right now, you hear?
smiles, auntie bee
hehehe, that's a kool cat tree! But Mom's laffin cuz she gotted us Ballicai a new kitty house/tent and we've hardly done anything with it, just resently I've started sittin in it a little bit.
Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!
Heh heh it is fun to confuse the humans. But it does look like a furry cool tree and that is a furry nice window, so maybe you could give it a go.
Parker dat is a pawsome tree! But if it doesnt has kitty smell then we know its not playable yet. Did yoo at least get some nip fer it?
Ohoh, dey furgot to put nip and treats on it. Yeah, nip and treats fix effurything.
Ha! Good snubbing!
Did they put it in the 'wrong' place? I wouldn't go on our cat tree when it was behind the sofa, even though I could hang over my OTW's head there. But I liked it when she moved it in front of the window.
Is it too wiggly? I don't go on the top level of mine much unless I'm put up there, because it shakes when I jump up on it, and I don't like it.
Or does it just smell suspicious 'cause it desn't smell like any of you or your stuff?
I am guessing zero! Mom says that is why she isn't going to spend her hard earned green papers on buying me something that I probably won't use! I hope you eventually try out the new tree. It looks cool!
We'll be right ofur to check it owt for yoo. I bet if one of us went running up it den all of yoo will be finking, hmmmmmm, how come they are there and we are not? We has to use yur cat tree coz owr humans haf not gotten us one yet.
What??? And beans say cats are curious!!!!! I would at least like to see what the neighbours are up too ;) heeheehee
Purrs Mickey
Sounds like it needs a bit of catnip!
That's right make them work for it!
That's right make them work for it!
I have a feeling it won't take too long! ;-)
Thanks for the bucketful of purrs, Parker!
That is such a cool cat tree! I really, really, really NEED one of those. In a couple of days, your brother or sisters is going to claim the best perch as their own,...unless you get there first.
I wish our trees wuz in front of a window. Yoo is lucky!
When Mommy first bot a cat tree thay tole her that if it got ignored to lay it on its side and that mite git kitty attenshun. Then once they've played on it a wile, put it back uprite. Worth a try maybee?
Doodz. We hast one like dat an we use it ALL THE TYME!
Luf, Us
I think your Mommy and Daddy should rub some nip into the carpet ;-)
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