October 10, 2008

Formerly Feral Friday - Being On The Right Side Of The Door

This is one of my mommy's favorite photos of me ever.
You see kitties, I do this a lot when the door is open. I get up on my back toes and I look out. But I never cry to be let out and I never try to run out of an open door. Mommy says that's because I know it's much better to always be on this side of the door.
(And you know what kitties? She's right!)
Smooches to you and have a wonderful Friday!


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoor definitly on da right side of da door Parker. Living inside is so much better than outside.

Anonymous said...

Oh Parker...please promise you will always stay on the right side of the door and never try to git out. We love you, Parker!

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Lux said...

You look so cute. It is fun to look out though, isn't it? :)

Forever Foster said...

That's a lovely photo. We can understand why your mum likes it. You look very sweet!:)

Motor Home Cats said...

That is a wonderful picture of you Parker. I hope you always remember in is better than out.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

Anonymous said...

Mom muses about this issue every day, Parker. You see, for the first 2 years Gandalf and I had always been indoor cats and were always trying to sneak out when we lived in Florida, scaring Mom half to death! Now we can go out every day because we live out in the county in a very quiet neighborhood. We are a little bit scairty and we never leave the yard, we are always within a sprints distance to the cat flap!

On the other hand, Mom's office kitty Feather is an outdoor kitty. Feather waits for Mom to arrive at work every morning and runs to the door and spends all day inside with Mom. Feather hates to go outside, even when Mom is leaving.

It's a conundrum! -Grayson

Daisy said...

Parker, you look so sweet peering out the door. I am glad you know what side of the door is safest!

Felix, Garfield & Jawsy said...

Just watching the world go by eh, Parker? :)
We like how ur standing backview shows ur tabby markings down to the tail!

Anonymous said...

Parker, you clearly know when you are well off and I'm sure you would never make a dash for the big outdoors!

That's a very cute photograph.

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

That is a great photo, Parker!! No wonder your mom loves it!!!

Enjoy your view but stay where you are safe!!

Chrissie said...

Yep, the best side of the door is the one with the Kitty Treats. Outside is nice for sniffs and adventures, but there's no place like home!

Mickey's Musings said...

Mom & I think that is a cute picture too!!!! I am very curious about outdoors,but I know it is safe and cozy indoors :)
I am so happy you have a great home too :)
Purrs Mickey

Maggie May said...

We aren't allowed on the other side of the door either. Happy Friday Parker!
~The Creek Cats~

The Furry Kids said...

Aww Parker. That photo makes Mama all leaky-eyed. We're so glad you have such a great home. Happy Weekend to our friends in O Hi O.


PS - Mama thinks that someone (we have no idea who-hee hee) knocked the bar of soap off the counter and Titus just chomped it up. So please tell DD that he didn't woof any bad words or anything.

The Meezers or Billy said...

your mommy is right. I stand like that in the door too - unitl I see someone walking in the street outside then I run and hide. - Sammy

Unknown said...

You're such a sweet kitty, Parker. You know what a good home you have. You are a lucky kitty.

Dma said...

that is a great photo. i sometimes wish i could stay on the inside side of the door.

Anonymous said...

I can see why it is your Mommas favorite Parker.
I iz glad you explained it though coz you look like "sad kitty" watching someone leave like from a movie.
You are a very smart girl, inside is always best :)




You are right inside is better than outside. Ping is the only one of us that longs to go out. Most of the time he just wants to go out into the garage and he then he zooms back inside. The only time I am remotely interested in outside is when Mom is out there and then I don't think I would like it much. It is better to be safe and sound inside just like we are.


The Island Cats said...

Yep, Parker, I agree...it's better to be on the inside than the outside!


LZ said...

I always want to be out there but then when I go I get rather displeased. Inside is much better.


Tybalt said...

Parker, you are always such a cutie.

Maybe you should have a talk with Ivy and let her know that it really is MUCH better inside.

Whimpurr said...

Awww, I see why mommy loves this picture so much! Kisses to you, Parker! ~ Whimpurr~

Anita said...

We control better the world inside house!!! Muahahahahahaha!!!

Mr. Hendrix said...

You are one smart kitty Parker. That side of the door is waaay better.

We can see why that is one of your mommy's favorites, it is so cute!

thank you for your support when I discovered mommy's secret musical shame.

Gemini and Ichiro said...

You are very tall and balanced.

Leona said...

Very cool picture. Something good must have been out there!

Team Tabby said...

We agree, Parker, it is better to be inside looking out.

Mindy, Moe, Bono

Ana said...

Oh ya, she so right. Inside it's much safer! Chica also likes to stand like that in doors - to open them. But well, the entrance/exit door is unreachable

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Woo would think I would know THAT but I'm a Siberian -

An open door means get the khytty!

Good thing Mom doesn't let me!


Quill and Greyson said...

That made me misty eyed Parker. I too love this side of the door.

Anonymous said...

Parker yoo is smart! Outside is not fer us kittys either, we're ok wif being in all da time.

Astrid (…and the kitties too) said...

Hi Miss Parker,
ME is Salome (they call ME Sally) and ME is sayin' Please and fank you for joining WCB this weekend.
ME finks you is furry right wif this being inthe right side of the door thingie.
sandpaper kissies


Karen Jo said...

That is a great picture of you looking outside, Parker. You are a smart kitty to know that you are on the right side of the door.

Poppy Q said...

It is a sooper sweet photo of you my friend.

I am glad I am an inside/outside cat with my own door.

Jans Funny Farm said...

You have that right! I used to live outside. I moved myself in here 4 years ago and I have never wanted to go outside again!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

That is such a sweet picture of you. You are smart to want to stay inside where it is safe.

Pia K said...

That's one adorable pic:) And of course your mummy is right, it can be a scary, dangerous world out there unless there's a fenced in garden available of course.

Cat with a Garden said...

Hi Parker!
I'm really glad, that you came by to say hello. I was so impressed about this post because I ALWAYS try to escape to the outdoors when I get the slightest chance. Guess it's in my genes...
Purrs, Siena

Anonymous said...

It's good to be curious about what's outside, but it's better to be safe. As a formerly homeless cat, I can tell you it's much better being inside!

KC and the Giggleman Kitties said...

Parker, that is an adorable photo of you. Too cute.

Anonymous said...

That picture is pretty darn cute!

The Furry Bambinos said...

i totally agree with you parker, that you are on the right side of the door. i never wanna go outside either. panda bear and padre like to try to sneak outside, but not me!
