August 3, 2008

Easy Like Sunday - I Hope!

Hi everyone. I have had a rough few days. First I had to go to the V.E.T. for my check up and they shot me - twice! It was time for my Rabies shot and my FELV/FRCP-C shot. I was shot in each of my back hips and they made me sore and sleepy. You can see below I was sucking up the sympathy big-time yesterday. I was even given a whole can of stinky goodness! I weigh 11 pounds 1 ounce and I am very healthy. I have good toofies and gums, so I don't need a dental!

Mommy and Daddy tricked us into our P.T.U.'s (That stands for Prisoner Transport Units Island Cats!) by letting us out on the deck then bringing us in one by one and stuffing us in! Diamond was watching over us while Daddy brought the car around. We were not very happy.

Here we are at the V.E.T.'s I am giving the hairy eyeball to a Chihuahua named Mickey who thought he was tough. The lady in the picture was waiting to pick up her new kitten who had just been spayed.
A close up of me and my hairy eyeball look.
Powder was very brave and didn't cry very much. She tried to be Zen like me. She weighs 6 pounds and is also very healthy. She doesn't need a dental cause her toofies are good too! Puff weighs 11 pounds (I have a whole ounce on her!) and her toofies are great! The V.E.T. said that we must have very good genes.
And then they examined Rudy. His toofies are NOT OK. He has gingivitis and has to have a dental in a few weeks. He's the biggest of all of us, he weighs a very Mancatly 13.8 pounds. The V.E.T. said that we all weigh just about what we should. No diets are necessary!
The poop that they stole from us was negative for bad things. We were happy about that. The V.E.T. said that we were the most well-behaved kitties he had ever met. None of us hissed or tried to run away from him while we were being examined. Well, maybe Rudy hissed just a little, but that was when the V.E.T. was poking at his butt! Mommy likes this V.E.T. His name is Dr. Joe. He and his wife, Dr. Wendy seem to know their stuff when it comes to kitties.

Diamond tried to give me a kiss when we got home and were released. I tried to give him "The Paw of Death."
Then I took a bath and a nap. The nap lasted most of Saturday which was probably good because blogger wouldn't let me on my blog. What was up with that? It wouldn't let me on a lot of blogs as a matter of fact. I think blogger must have had to go the the V.E.T. and have shots too!

Look at this! That lovely little Tabby, Abby thinks I am a cool cat! Thanks Abby, I think you are a pretty cool kitten your own self!
I hope every kitty has a very easy Sunday. I plan to have a few naps and some snuggle time with Daddy. I deserve it!


The Island Cats said...

Wow, Parker...after a day like you had, you all deserve a big rest! Mom says she couldn't imagine taking all of us to the V.E.T. at the same time! Glad your visit went well (even though you did have to get 2 shots..OUCH!)

Have a restful Sunday! And thanks for letting us know what P.T.U. stands never heard that before but we think it's quite appropriate!!!

Wally, Ernie & Zoey

The Whiskers and Purrs Gang said...

Dearest Parker,
We is so glad that your trip to the Vet is over! Don't worry 'bout givin' the hairy eyeball...sometimes you just gotta do what ya gotta do.

Enjoy your Sunday!

Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang

Anonymous said...

All in all, you did wonderful at the Vet's, Parker! Mom and Uncle Allen take all 6 of us every year. It's not so fun for us, but everyone seems amazed that Mom would dare to bring 6 of us at once. Mom says it's the Vet who's got the tough part. Cosmo Kitty and Tucker Scissorhands turn into, well Scizzorhands and Big Bitey Monsters.

Relax. Renew. Refresh. You all deserve it!

Daisy said...

Thank goodness the terrible torture is over! I am glad that you are all healthy and good. Except, I wish Rudy did not have to get his teeths cleaned. That seems a little bit unfair for him!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Socks is very well behaved at the vet, and Whiskers was always a perfect gentleman no matter what.

Us girls on the other hand are very vocal about our displeasure. Scylla even gave Mommy the bitey last time we went to the vet. They just laugh at us though. ~Scylla & Charybdis

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Not the dreaded V E T. We're glad you are all healthy apart from Rudy's teefs. We can see that you are the queen of the household as you have the biggest PTU. When mum had ten kitties before she had us, she used to take them to the V E T two at a time. It was only a short drive to the V E T she had then.

Forty Paws said...

See. It's the curse of the orange cats. They are "more sensitive" according to our V-E-T and seem to have "more issues". Whereas the rest of you guys are just fine. Poor ol' Rudy.

Doodz. Come ofer fur Dorf & G.T.'s 8th Purrfday Par-Tay!

Luf, Us

Milton said...

Boy, what an icky day!
I's glad that you are all healthy. Having good health is very important. I hopes you takes it easy today and enjoy a good nap.

Boy said...

concatuwations on your award! I'm gwad the twip to the V-E-T showed you all to be healthy!

Cat Street Boyz said...

Ok, the worst is over and you won't need to visit the vet for awhile...except for poor Rudy, guess you'll have ta teach him how to floss!Yeah on your award...we want to pass ours on but mommy has to learn to to link in the post :(=^Y^=the Cat Street Boyz

Tesla and Hansel said...

wow dats a lot of ptus! An i haffa go git meh shots in sept.

yoor vet cheaper den ours. an ours better den a lot odders in area.

Last time i saw da doctor when he took stitches outta meh butt... an i growled at him.

Said "Yoo dun enouf! yoo hears?!"

I dunno wat i say to him dis tim...

meemsnyc said...

We're sorry that you all had to go to the vet and get shots! Yikes. You all need hugs and stinky goodness for the vet ordeal!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

What a horrible way to spend the day but I am glad that you are all healthy! YEAH!

Anonymous said...

We're glad all checked out ok - Please tell DKM that no cat should be on a diet!

(angel) Grrreta and Fam said...

Your hairy eyeball look is very intimidating.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Glad everything checked out at the vet. So sorry that Rudy has to get the teeth cleaned (I have had that a few times and it isn't much fun!).

That was a very inexpensive bill from the VET for all four of you! Mom says it costs her that much for just me (and that's without the bloodwork).

Dma said...

glad everyone got a clean bill of health. speaking of bills I cringed when I saw the total.

Anonymous said...

I'm very happy to hear your all healthy and congratulations on your award :)

Willow said...

I am so sorry that you all had to go to the v-e-t but am so happy that you are all healthy! I mrowwwwl the whole way to my v-e-t - I don't like to leave my house! And congratulations on your award!

Purrrrrrrs, Willow

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Our dad can't beleeve dat yoor beans take all of yoo to da vet at da same time...he sez der would be kay-aws and may-hem wif alla us der. We is haffing our woofie frend and cuzzin over on Tuesday cuz he haf a vet appointment and da nefew and effuryone is working so dad is taking him, or mom, or both, we don't know. We just know it is gonna be party time at our house. Glad all of yoo is healthy, health is furry importint.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

We am so glad yoo had such a great v.e.t. bisit! Phew. Bet yoo am glad dat is ofur! We am sure dat Rudy will be fine speshully since yur v.e.t. seems so concerned about yoo all (unlike owr toofie stealer v.e.t.).

Teddy Westlife said...

I think my next V-E-T visit is coming up in a few weeks, I hope it's not too traumatic. I cried last time.

Huffle Mawson

Moki The Wobbly Cat said...

Wow what a day you had. We definately think you deserves a nap after all that!

Mickey's Musings said...

Ya know what? Your beans are sneaky!!!
Good thing you had a good check up after all that!!!!! A can of stinky goodness too :)
Now you really need to relax after all that,heehee
Congrats on the award too :)
Purrs Mickey

Mr. Echo said...

Its good yoo had eech uther for support. Good to heer yoo is all doin pritty good. Dont tell my sisfur but she gotsta haff her check up soon. Shhhhh.

Just Ducky said...

VET day is no fun, but we all have to do it. At least you have company when you go.

Motor Home Cats said...

Your mom and dad are brave taking you all to the vet at the same time, but the good thing is you all have the stinky vet smell on you, so no-one smells different. Congratulations on your award. We hope you had a good Sunday.

Tiki, Tavi, Cody, Camie and Miss Jade

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

What a day.....Parker~!
And all of you~!!!!
Big big hugs to all of you,
I am so glad it's over!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

Parker, we are sorry to hear that all you kitties had to go to the vet, but we are happy that everything checked out okay, except for Rudy's teeth.

Sunny's Mommy said...

The vet visit doesn't sound like it was too bad. At least you don't have to go back and have your teeths done. Poor Rudy :(

Congratulations on your award :-D It's very well deserved.

Meowers from Missouri said...

it sounds like the new v-e-t staff passed the test. we are glad it went well, an' you are all home safe. sorry to hear about those toofers, rudy. we'll be purrin' for ya!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Ooh, bein brought in from the nice sunyy deck ta the PTU is VERY sneaky!