January 22, 2008

Tagged and Tattle Tails On My Sister

If you haven't met Phoebe The Siamese Kitten, you should stop over and say hello. She has lots of energy and is quite amusing. She eats doughnuts and like to play with bathroom tissue! She tagged me for the 7 Random Things Meme and since I've already done this Meme my sister Powder, who has recently gotten quite bossy and demanding wanted to take a swipe at it (and me!). Who am I to refuse such a petite, sweet, little darling (snort!)?
"I demand you stop saying I am demanding!"

Anywho...here are 7 random facts about Powder -

She's TINY (under 6 pounds), but LOUD! She will be 10 years old on April Fools Day along with her littermate Puff. She has a floofy half-tail that's all bunchy-boned at the end. She ADORES Mommy - I mean ADORES Mommy. Powder is happiest when she's snuggled in Mommy's neck, it's a shameless display I tell you! She eats like a starving bear that just woke up from a long hibernation, her metabolism would be envied by supermodels! She has a special friend, Beau Beau that she has little kitty-dreams about! Oops, ouch! Powder! Stop smacking me! Ow! Dang it! It's no secret you like Beau-Beau! Ow! Ow! Gotta go now! OOWWW! Sheesh!


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hehe, she may be small, but it sounds like she packs a punch!!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

We think snuggling with mom is a wonderful thing! We are both happiest when we're snuggling on mom or dad. We enjoyed learning more about Powder - we didn't realize she was so tiny!



I am under 6 pounds too, although my body type isn't one a supermodel would envy. I am typically Manx shaped. I am rounded, Momma says with a playful wink that I am a roly poly. She loves my little rounded body.


Kaz's Cats said...

Hey Powder, nice to learn more about you. It's okay to be assertive, but try not to beat up your sister too much,


Gypsy & Tasha

The Furry Kids said...

Thanks for sharing more about yourself, Powder. We didn't know you were so little! How does you keep your girlish figure with all that eating? Please share your secret.


Louche Tabby said...

.......8.....she oozes 'older woman' sex appeal....duzza.....

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Uh oh - she's may be tiny but she certaintly is tough!! Watch out Parker! She may whap you good one day if you keep teasing her :)

Tybalt said...

Powder shouldn't be embarrassed . . . who can resist Beau Beau's sweet and handsome face?

Parker, I tagged you for a meme! I don't think you've done it yet . . . comy by my blog to see! Purrs!

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

I love to know she is tiny but very powerful~! That is the super idea~~~

Shaggy and Scout said...

We didn't know you were such a tiny girl either Powder!
Our guinea pigs like to snuggle in moms neck too!

Daisy said...

Powder is beautiful! I would never guess by looking at her that she is almost 10.

Shilgiah the Cat said...

I like Powder's attitude!
Tommy (Shilgiah's bro)

Sunny's Mommy said...

I had no idea she was so petite. Her big fluffy furrs make her look bigger. Or maybe the camera is adding pounds? At any rate, she is a very beautiful girl kittie :-D

Forty Paws said...

Wow! Powder is all fur then because she looks bigger.

Luf, Us

PB 'n J said...

Heh Heh, Pearl's little and loud and annoying too, and bossy (ow, Pearl quit it!)...


Monkee said...

She is very pretty. She sounds like my brother Kukai, who is a six-pound Japanese Bobtail with the energy of a split atom.

Donny and Marie and Casey said...


My big sis angel kitty Missy was only 6 lbs and was mommy's shadow. I think if Missy got to know you before, you and her would have been best buds...she understands you....


MaoMao said...

We didn't know Powder was so teeny, eithur! She's efun smaller than Dorydoo -- Dory weighs only sefun poundies.

Powder sounds like such a sweet kitty gurl!

Kittyhugs and purrs from MaoMao!

Anonymous said...

Awww, I loved reading about Powder -- she sounds like such a sweetheart! And she and I have a lot in common -- I love both Mom and Dad, but I'm just crazy about Mom... if I could lie in her arms 24/7, on my back with her scritching my face and rubbing my tummy, I would be in purrfect bliss!

Purrs and snuggles from Marilyn.

Mickey's Musings said...

I always find that small cats have a big attitude Heeheehee!! Powder is a nice looking Mamma's girl too , in the floofy category :)
But demanding? Hummmmmmmm
Purrs mickey

Team Tabby said...

Powder is a very pretty cat! It's great to know some things about her we didn't know - like how small but mighty she is!

Moe & Mindy

Boots & the Interlopers said...

Could Powder be practicing to join in the whapping wednesday crowd?

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Oh, hit her back... MOL!

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Ooops - I wuz so taken aback by Powder's beauty dat I forgotted to say hi!
Purrrrrrrrrrs, Beau Beau

Mr. Hendrix said...

Big things come in small packages! I think it is sweet she likes Beau Beau. Perhaps he will be her special Valentine???