December 13, 2007

Thursday 13 - Stuffing My Sock

Here are 13 things that Santa should Leave in my sock!
(Do you like my sock? You'll get one just like it minus my name, of course, if you win my auction!)
A Honey-Baked HAM!
A dozen shrimp
An self-cleaning litter box (oh wait, Mommy wants that!)
A squillion fake mousies
A Catnip plant
A new collar with fishies on it
A case of tuna
A heated cat cup
A new camera (stop putting your stuff on here Mommy!)
A box of Temptations
Another Gizzy quilt that my sibs won't hog
A new feather wand
Here's the most important thing I would want in my sock -
A list of forever homes for kitties that don't have one! Then I could scoop all of the homeless kitties up and go with Santa and drop them off to their new homes! Wouldn't that be the best gift of all?
ps - A lot of you were worried that Diamond Doggy got left out in the snow yesterday, don't let that conniving Canine fool you, he was out there with Mommy playing with his ball in the snow.
pss - My auction for Project HAM! ends on Saturday, if you wanna' bid - go here!


ZOOLATRY said...

Watch out Parker. Those beans can be real sneaky about getting their stuff on your list... snow, loverly snow... any flakes on your tail?

jenn said...

Cute list.
Happy tt!

The Meezers or Billy said...

ya know, since your mommy putted HER things on YOUR list, you'll prolly only get her things in your stocking. you better get a bigger stocking for the ham.

Sharon said...

I'm sure the cat would enjoy the camera, too. ;)
Happy TT!

Monty Q. Kat said...

That's a great list!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Dat is a furry good list, espeshully da last one. We knew Diamond Doggy din't get left out in da snow cuz some bean hadda be taking his piksher.

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

That's a great Christmas stocking, Parker! :) I hope you receive many of the items on your list. Some of them wouldn't fit in your stocking though. ;) I would like all homeless kitties to find Forever Homes too.


Yeah Parker

I fink yu needs to get a bigger stocking furrs yur ham too...and I fink yur wish to find forever homes furr all da homeless kitties is da sweetest nicest fing on yur list...we wishes all da kitties had homes

Abby and Boo

The Misadventures Of Me said...

I woulds say that is a goods list for a kitty to has, minus the stuff the mommys wants.

The Furry Kids said...

Awesome list!

Hee hee about Diamond. We knew he was fooling.

Rian Fike said...

A squillion fake mousies... isn't that the name of a band?

Smiling big time!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Excellent list. even your mommie had some good choices!

That stocking is super cool. we have our own and they have our kitten pictures on them!

WE knew that Diamond would not be force to stay in the cold and snow.
Dogbrothers like to try everything though!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

A ham... sigh. That would be so cool.

Unknown said...

We LOVE your idea about helping Santa deliver homeless kitties to new furever homes. Think of all the Christmas trees with happy little kitties under them.

LZ said...

I WANT A HEATED CAT CUP TOO!!!!!!!!! But I have to agree that wanting forever homes is very important. Of course, hopefully you at least get some goodies for you. We have a stocking that we have to share! Chase is pissed because it has a meezer on it. We're all mad because the LL says only our Secret Paws gifts will go in there as she can't get to the store for kitty stuff and the TM...well he doesn't even do stinky goodness.


Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Oh we love your idea for the list of forever homes so you can help out kitties along with Santa. So thoughtful and nice!!

Tybalt said...

Parker, that last one is the most perfect! I wish all kitties and doggies and furries had loving forever homes just like we do! I sure hope Santa puts that in your stocking!

(And the ham!)

Anonymous said...

We like your list for Santa Parker, speshally the one about the forever homes for kitties.

Daisy said...

Oh, your wish for Forever homes made my eyes mist up a little bit. It sure would be fun to help Santa bring all the homeless kitties to their new Forever homes!

Unknown said...

What a great list Parker, especially the forever homes for the kitties!

I definately think you guys should buy your Mum a new camera, she has used her phone camera for long enough : )

Boy, Diamond sure had us all fooled! He was looking so pathetic.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Momma says old woofie Sandy loved to play ball in the snow. She was a golden retriever and when momma was young sometimes Sandy would run so fast to bring her back the ball she would knock them both off the icy walkway in their backyard! ~Queen Snickers

Sunny's Mommy said...

Parker, a lot of those items are big. I don't think they'll all fit in your Christmas sock. However, a new camera for your Mom would definitely fit in there.

Shaggy and Scout said...

Our mom sneaks stuff on our list because she knows she's been naughty and that we have been nice. So she figures there is a better chance if she sneaks onto our list.
We want the heated cat cup too!!!!!!

ASTOR CATS said...

Parker we hope your Christmas stocking is full to overflowing! We agree that the best gift would be to find forever homes for all the homeless kitties.

Midnite & Stray Kitty

HRH Yao-Lin said...

hehe excellent list- the last one really conjures up a heartwarming image. I would wish for that one too. x

Mickey's Musings said...

In spite of yer mom's things,you have fine list. I like it :)

The Crew said...

Hmmm, I doubt if a self-cleaning litterbox would fit in that stocking, but then again, Santa is magic so, who knows?!


PB 'n J said...

Hey, we asked for some of the same things! You know what they say about great minds?

But you're gonna need a bigger stocking!

Anonymous said...

I think you might get some of those wishes taken care of as soon as I can get my meowmy off her butt to mail your secret paws gift - guess who???

Tara said...

I think your sock is going to fall of the mantle, it will be so heavy!


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

Hahahahaha, this is really wonderful list~!
I hope you could get it all~!

Karen Jo said...

You have a great list for your Christmas stocking. I especially like the last one. It would be really fun to help Santa deliver all the homeless kitties to forever homes.

Thank you so much for your kind words about my sister-in-law. They helped me tremendously.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Wow, wotta list! Well thought-out, we should add!

Gretchen said...

Oh, yummy, yummy, yummy...I hope you get everthing you wished for.
That's a beautiful sockie, too.
