December 18, 2007

Tattletale Tuesday

Diamond Paw Prints
We got a lot of snow in O Hi O this weekend. Diamond does not like snow. As you can see, Daddy had to shovel a path for him outside so he could, well, you know... Anyway, tattletale Tuesday is about Diamond this week. He's a wussy dog who doesn't like the snow and has to get Daddy to shovel the back yard before he'll go out to, well, you know!
AND Mommy has two deer in the kitchen! They haven't moved for over a week. I think they are not vishus deer. I'm keeping my eye on them just in case! I'm also thinking about climbing our tree. So are my siblings. AND later this week I am going to tell you about the HAM! Cookies that Mommy made for us. It's a very interesting story...
Well, I've tattled long enough, I need to go keep an eye on those deer!


ZOOLATRY said...

Merry Christmas to Parker 'n pals... your house is so pretty, inside and out. The holiday spirit is alive and well in O-Hi-O and now you've got snow, too.
(P.S. don't climb that tree, cause your DetroitDarling might turn into a DetroitDemon ... )

Leslie said...

Cool deer! We love them!

Dragonheart, Merlin, Devi, and Chloe said...

I don't blame Diamond - I wouldn't like going out in the snow either. Our tree is too small for me to climb, but I keep trying to chew it, even though it's artificial.

Those deer don't look too vishus. So I think you're probably safe.


Oooo I wonder what does snow feel like under your paws??? I don't know if I blame Diamond for not liking to walk on it....Parker keep a close eye out on those vischus deers! You never know what they may be planning!!


Mosaic Cats said...

That's funny, Parker, about DD! Mosaic Dawg was born in snow and lived there for 8+ years, so she hardly noticed it.
HOWEVER, we are ALL going to the SC beach for a week for the holidays and all of us have bet our allowance that she will be very wussy about the ocean! She has never seen one.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Zippy went out in da snow yesterday! She jumped right of da porch into it and it was higher den she is tall! Den she couldn't get out and mom hadda rescue her and den dry her off. Dat gerl is crazy.

Willow said...

We have some snow here but I think that there is more in O Hi O. I'm still going to avoid touching it though. If your deer aren't vishus, they sure are pretty to look at, Parker!

Purrrrrrs, Willow

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Well, those deer are not alive Parkerkins, becaaaause those are deer skeletons. I wonder where your mommy fount them, perhaps in the woods.

Poor Diamond. He should learn how to use a litterbox, and then you could get him a huge one.

Happyy Tuesday

The Furry Kids said...

Diamond, I feel your pain. As much as I like snow, there's just too much here. It's hard to squat when the snow is drifted almost up to your 'tocks. Dad shoveled me a path, too.

Happy Tuesday!


Tara said...

Poor Diamond, I wouldn't like that either!

Keep an eye on those deer!


Pearl C. Pritchard said...

Hi Parker... we loved the Christmas card. It was waiting for us today when we checked the mail.

We have a similar tree in our house but no deer. Good for you for keeping your eye on them but it looks like you could take them out easily.


Pearl & Pumpy

The Meezers or Billy said...

we can't wait to hear about your ham cookies and if you liked them or not.

Queen Snickers, Empress and Princess Renna said...

Momma loves vishus deer decorations! They are all over our house, that is the only thing she puts up besides the Christmas Kitty potholders and the tree. Now she ever has them guarding our giant socks too!

PS We got are card, the pictures are so cute! Thank you!!

The Misadventures Of Me said...

DD is a silly woofie!

Anonymous said...

Lol...Poor Diamond.I love the deers their very beautiful.Please send me your email address so I can send you an email card.

Diamond Emerald-Eyes said...

My Bean likes the deer and the tree. As for your woosy dog, I hope he is not a huskey!

PB 'n J said...

George loves the snow - in fact we try to get Mommy to make her go out so we can steal her spot by the window!

Captain Jack and Sir Dante said...

Snow looks cold so we do not blame the woffie for wanting to go out. Keep an eye on those deer though. They may come alive and attack at any minute!!

Tybalt said...

Well, snow is all cold and wet . . . I wouldn't want to walk in it either.

I'd keep a close eye on those deer, too.

Daisy said...

Hahahaha! Look how Diamond stayed in his lane!

Shaggy and Scout said...

Our Gramma used to shovel a path for her Westies too!

LZ said...

She made the HAM cookies? Oh you're so lucky!! Good job tattling this week!


Motor Home Cats said...

Camie doesn't like going out in the rain to well, you know, but once she is done with her walk, she sure wants to play in the rain. She is a very silly dog.

Tiki, Tavi and Cody

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

The Big Thing sometimes shovels snow to give us a path on the deck. But only when it reaches our butts. Cause we REALLY dont like that cold feelin.

Anonymous said...

Those deer are sparkly and stay still, but you should watch them anyway, you know how sneaky vishus deer can be!

HRH Yao-Lin said...

hehehe that dog is sillY!! Or is the human silly for pandering to him? hehe x

The Crew said...

Hmmm, those deers don't look too vishus, but you never can tell. Better keep a close watch on them!

Your friend

Forty Paws said...

Poor Diamond Doggy. Don't be so hard on him. You might not like snow on your paws and sticking to your 'tocks either, Miss Parker!!!

Go ahead and climb the tree! That's fun. Especially when you get all the branches smashed into a nice flat bed.

Luf, Us

Leona said...

We got lots of snow and ice like crazy this weekend! Keep an eye on those deer...I don't trust them.

Mickey's Musings said...

Are those Vishus Deer taking yer spot on the warm radiator?
Story? I like stories!!!
Purrs Mickey

Shilgiah the Cat said...

I like the tattles you tell! But I'm still in suspense about the deer. Are you sure they are not vishus?

Donny and Marie and Casey said...

Snow is highly annoying. So cold on the feet and it means that we can't go outside! We don't like snow...we don't blame Diamond.


Just Ducky said...

Maybe if you buy Diamond some boots to keep the paws warm and dry.

Artsy Catsy said...

I can understand about Diamond insisting on shoveling. I try to sneak out whenever I can, but one look at that white stuff and I'm stayin' put inside until spring!


michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

There are really lots of snow over there~!!!!!
I also could understand why Diamond dislike that~!!!!

Your decoration is very beautiful~!!!!!!
Please stay near the heater :)

Unknown said...

Those deer don't look too vishus. Too glittery to by vishus. You should try climbin' the tree, Mike says its fun.

Boy said...

Even though those deer hasn't moved, I still think you ought to be weawwy weawwy careful with them!
Ham cookies! I'm dwoowing, just thinking of it!

Karen Jo said...

I don't blame Diamond one little bit. Snow is cold and wet and it must be a real pain to have to squat and get your 'tocks cold, too. I think your deer are pretty and most probably not vishus, but you should keep an eye on them anyway. When I came home from work yesterday, there were six for real vishus deer in my yard, eating the crabapples from the tree.

Tyler said...

Parker, please do tell us about the Ham Cookies. I want to know if they are ay good. Should I write down the ingredients on my mom's grocery list?