March 11, 2012

Introducing Whitey 2! A New Kid in Town

ACHOO! Oh, Hi there. You will have to forgive me, but I am a little sneezy and boogery. Four days ago I was sitting on some wood out by our little shelter here in O Hi O and Parker's mommy saw me. I don't know why I was sitting there. I do not remember a lot about my life before I came here. I just know that Parker's Mommy spoke to me so sweetly and when she walked toward me and went to pick me up, I just let her. Something told me I should trust her. I was tired and hungry and I have a pretty bad cold. This is me right after Parker's Mommy took me inside the shelter. I was trying to get her to pet me some more.
I was hoping for some dinner, but the nice people at the shelter had to give me some tests before I could eat anything. I must be pretty smart because I passed all of them with flying colors! Lemme' tell you, I chowed down after the tests, I was a very hungry boy. Even with my sneezing and boogery nose, I wanted to eat, eat, eat!!! I am taking medicine now to make me feel better.

Here I am yesterday getting some lovin'. You can see that my eyes are much better. Everyone at the shelter thinks that I am very sweet and that I will get all better and then I get tutored (I thought I was already pretty smart, but the shelter people still thinks I need tutoring - oh wait - neutering!) - really?!? Yikes! But if that what it takes to get one of these "forever homes" I keep hearing about, it will be worth losing my boy bits...
Since I am a white kitty and a stray, Parker's Mommy asked a friend of hers if she could give me a very special name. She told me about a special kitty boy that lived with a wonderful family in a swamp down south, He left for the Bridge and Mommy thinks that his spirit guided me to our little shelter. Her friend said yes, so now I have a very special name! I like it a lot and Parker's Mommy says that she will see to it that I get a home that is just as awesome as the one my namesake had. So Whitey - I want to thank you for guiding me here. Life is looking up and I promise to be as good a boy as you were.
Boogery Love and purrs,
Whitey 2


The Misadventures Of Me said...

Oh the mom has leaky eyes! This is the best!! Whitey 2 yoo will find the best home ever!!

and newly adopted foster failure

Tracy said...

oh no kidding leaky eyes...Whitey, your story warms my heart and it was so good of you to trust that lady becuase well, it brought you to where you are now; a new forever home with people who love you! Bless you Whitey and losing your boy bits can't be that bad...I lost my girlie parts too to come to my forever home!
Love, Angel-Kitty!

Mo and The Purries said...

Oh Whitey 2, your story makes me have the leaky eyes, too! May you find a loving Forever Home really soon.

Sending lots of love & purrs
from the Purries of Purrchance To Dream

Seville at Nerissa's Life said...

This is wonderful! You're gonna get a new home and family and be loved and loved and loved. Yeah for Parker's mom!!!

Cory said...


Whitey 2, I was in love with Whitey the Wondercat and he was so super special. It makes me purr thinking that he guided you to the little shelter that would take care of you and help you find the most purrfect forever home.
I hope you get to keep your is very special. It make us purr seeing you get tons of pets...hands everywhere!!!



Alasandra, The Cats and Dogs said...

Whitey2 you are adorable. We has our paws crossed you find the purrfect forever home real soon.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

What a beautiful kitty ~ worthy of carrying G-Whitey's name. Wishing him love and luck. xx

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Blink, Blink, Blink...we are thinking of Whitey One and Whitey Two and being happy to have made the acquaintance of both of you...Best Fishes to finding your furrever home, Kid Whitey

Ivan from WMD said...

You came to the right place, Whitey 2!

Myst and Blackie said...

Whitey 2 ... we hope you find a forever home as good as the original Whitey soon. You did good trusting Parker's Mommy. Srly!

Brian's Home Blog said...

You are adorable Whitey and there is no doubt who was guiding you!

Daisy said...

Oh, Whitey, you are a handsome and special boy, just like your namesake!

Katie Isabella said...

Whitey 2, my mommy has very leaky eyes and we are so so happies that Parker's mommy found you and rescued you. xoxoxoxo always dear Whitey and I hope you get the home you deserve and a LOT of love. You deserve it.

A few Good Cats said...

Some things seem to be just meant to be. We're so glad someone was able to help this little cat.

Motor Home Cats said...

Hi Whitey. Mom has watery eyes too. We are so glad that your name sake has led you to a place where you can find your forever home.


Cody and Gracie

Poppy Q said...

It made my mums eyes leak too - good on you little Whitey, we hope you find a fantastic furrever home.

Julie and Poppy Q

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Yoo must be furry smart to follow Whitey's spirit to a place dat will take care of yoo until yoor fureffur fambly comes fur yoo...we all miss Whitey, he was a real sweet kitty. We can tell dat yoo are a sweet kitty too, which is prolly why he wanted to help yoo.


We believe Whitey2 will find a wonderful forever and ever home.

Thinking of you Miss Parker Pie.

Sparkle said...

Whitey, I can already tell that you are a very special kitty. I would not worry too much about finding a real home... not only am I sure you will get one, I think the humans that wind up having you will be SO lucky!

Just Ducky said...

Welcome Whitey, you landed in a pretty good spot. Boy bits are best exchanged for a loving and furrever home.

Barb said...

Whitey, you have stolen Momma's heart for sure! Blessings on you sweet, boy!
We all hope for you a long, happy and healthy life in your soon to be found Forever Home, honey pie! Whitey would be so proud that you are carrying on his name and memory. Smoochies! xoxo

The Island Cats said...

Whitey 2, you are so sweet! We know you will do that name proud!!

Mariodacat said...

Oh - that is such a touching story. We has leaky eyes here.

Mickey's Musings said...

Whitey 2, you are a handsome kitty! You look just like our furcousin(Team Tabby) Bono!!
We purr you get better and get your forever home soon!!!!!!!
Purrs Tillie and Georgia,
Tiger,Treasure and JJ

meowmeowmans said...

Whitey 2, your story made our eyes all leaky, too!

We are purring and praying that you get a forever home soon, sweet one.

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

Whitey, you have a very sweet guarding angel looking over your shoulder.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Gentle purrs to sweet Whitey 2.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

A good name for a new kitty!

MISS PEACH ~(^.^)~ said...

We know in our hearts that each kitty who leaves for the rainbow bridge picks out another to fill a spot in the sunshine it left behind...bless you Helen for finding this precious boy and giving him a chance at love from a human hand...
we love you...XOXOX Karla

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Mum is leaky eyed too. I think that Whitey sure did lead you to Parker's mum and look at you ni that picture getting lots of love. I think someone is going to get a very special kitty in that forever home.. Hugs GJ xx

KitKat said...

Dearest Parker Pie,
Whitey 2 is so beautiful. He is very lucky he met your Mommy Helen. She is a godsend. It's a given he will have a special forever home. Our hearts are filled with joy. We hope you had a good day Missie Girl. We love you so much.
God Bless.
Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady

Pip said...

How very wonderful! You makes my day, Whitey.
Good luck my new mancat furend!

PeeEss- mine mommy's eyes are leaking too! sheesh...

Anonymous said...

i STILL have leaky eyes, and it's a couple of days since this post was put up! How is WhiteyTwo doing??

Clarissa said...

What a handsome boy, Whitey 2 is. He looks a lot like brofur Fred! We are purring that he will find a forever home very soon.