Hi kitties - I wanted to show you the board that makes sure the animals at our little shelter are well taken care of. Mommy is the lady standing to the left of Santa. She says her work there makes her heart sing. They are a great group of people and they all have one common goal - to improve the lives of the animals in our county. Mommy says that they are what's called a "working board". That just means that they clean kennels, do adoptions, paint walls, scrub floors and anything else that needs to be done. They also run the shelter on a skinny shoestring. Anyhow, I just thought I'd share this with you.
I'm so very, very tired anymore. I have enjoyed getting holiday cards from all of you and I want to say thanks. I nap most of the time. When I'm not napping I am eating. When I am not napping or eating I am sticking close to the 'rents. Mommy is calling me her Christmas Miracle because I'm hanging in there. No pain and no complaints, but I am slowly fading and sometimes I dream about the Bridge. I'm not scared and I feel surrounded by love. I will try to post more this Christmas week. Mommy has time off from her other job, so maybe I can convince her to help me.
Big smoochies to all of you - I love you all very much and realize your prayers and good thoughts are keeping me going...
My sweet friend... I wish we could do something to help you. Please give your mummy a little cuddle from us if you feel up to it, and I'm purring for you all.
That is a wonderful shelter bunch. We love you Miss Parker!!!
prayers and purrs to you all.
What a nice looking group of angels. We'z glad yoo is hanging in der Parker, we say a purrayer fur yoo effury day and are glad dey is working.
What a great picture!! Parker, we purr for you all the time and we are glad you are hanging in there. You know we all love you lots.
Oh no Parker Pie. Please don't dream about the bridge just yet. That makes us so sad. We love you so much sweet girl. Our hearts are filled with hope and sweet dreams for you. We are purring and praying for you so much. Our hearts are broken to think you would be off to the bridge. No, no no... Thank you for your lovely Christmas card. I am sure PJ got adopted. What a sweet doggie.
Smoochies and purrs from all of us. Santa will be here soon Parker.
Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady
P.S. Your Mommy looks just beautiful and is an amazing person.
Purrs to you, Parker. I'm glad you you found such an awesome human to spend your life with - one who cares about all animals in addition to the ones in her family.
You are making us a little bit sad, but we are happy that you are enjoying efurry day. Purrs, purrayers, and pawsitive thoughts being sent your way. Merry Christmas from all of us at Prancer Pie. xoxo
WE are glad you are still eating and are not in pain!
Sweet little Parker, Santa will be heartbroken if he doesn't get to say hello to you; you are a furry special little girl!!
I am new to your blog and am touched by the immense love which you and your fambly hafs for one another - Mine eyes is leaky now thinking of you, but I am praying for you all...
Many blessings
Happy Christmas to all, from us four here in Australia =^..^= ♥
Merry Holidays to you all.
I have been diagnosed with something and I too am taking the time to soak up all the lovin my rents can give me. We think of you often Parker and hope you are enjoying your days as I am enjoying mine. I still purr for you sweetie!
i think christmas miracle is a very accurate name for you... i admire the great work your mom and the other board members do...
December 23rd: Happy Christmas dear friends ~ and a joyful and healthy new year to you all. Especial love and healthy wishes for Parker. xx
Parker, we treasure your posts.
We hope you and your family have a very Merry Christmas.
Stopping by to say Hi to you, Parker. We think of you often and say a little prayer for you. We hope you are still feeling all right.
Gentle ((hugs) from Mom Bobbie and many purrrs from us.
~ The Bunch
You have a great bunch of people on your shelter's board. I am sure their efforts are appreciated by many of the residents there.
I am sorry to hear that you are slowly fading away toward the bridge. I know that you will be well, whole, and happy at bridge; but, please don't be in a hurry to go there---at least as long as you are not suffering. We, your friends, fans, and family will miss you terribly when you do go.
May you and your family have a great Christmas,
Miss Parker
We are so happy you enjoying this special Christmas. We are purring for you and your rents and we hope efurryone has a good and gentle happy Christmas. We send you BIG SMOOCHIES!
Love ya Parker!!!
Your mommy is a speshul lady to takes care of all the kitties what not hasa home yet.
We are purring fur you everyday little girl! Chrispymouse will be here soon, me bets him has a grate presunt fur such a sweet girl!
Merry Christmouse Parker and everyone at your house.
Merry Christmouse Parker and family. I have been following you blog for years and feel as if I know you and your family. It makes me really sad to hear you are dreaming of the bridge. I hope you have the best holiday ever.
Laura in Colorado.
Miss Parker - we are purring for you and your mom. Mom Paula sends special thoughts to your mom because she remembers how tired Sweet Praline got. Mom Paula gets a little leaky just thinking about your mom and you right now.
Truffle and Brulee
Lots and purrrs and prayers for you Parker!! You & your family is in our thoughts every day!! Have a wonderful Christmas!! We love your Little Shelter Picture, too!!
Hugggggssss from your TX furiends,
You have a very special Mom, Parker, so spend so much of her time caring for animals who don't have a home yet. I am sorry that you are fading away, but glad that you are still eating and not in pain. Herman purrs for you every day and I think of you and send positive thoughts often. Merry Christmas to all of you!
We are thinking of you and your family Parker and wish you all a Merry Christmas.
smoochies parker
Dear sweet Parker, we are glad you are still eating & pain-free. It makes us sad that you are getting closer to the Bridge, but we know you will be happy there.
We want to wish you & your family a furry Merry Christmas!
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