June 3, 2011


The 'rents left us for vacation this afternoon. We'll be fine, our sitter comes tonight to stay with us. All you southern Nevada kitties keep a watch out for the 'rents. They'll be by the Colorado river. They keep leaving us and going where there is water. I think they are nuts...
We'll see you next Thursday. Smoochies!


Rosemary B❤️ said...

Well, I know you four and Mr. Diamond will be good as gold while the 'rents are away. Miles and I are always good, but somethings "things happen"
Have fun with your special servant.


Random Felines said...

Geez - if they wanted water, they could have come to visit us a couple of weeks ago - with all the rain, we had plenty of water. MOL

Have fun with the replacement!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Be good for your sitter, there might be treats!!!

ibcmeir said...

Let us know if you want the naked kidz to come up; they'd love to snuggle in that fuzzy throw.

meowmeowmans said...

We hope you have fun with the sitter. Will there be treats involved? :)

Gemini and Ichiro said...

oh man! No fair! Come visit us!

Katnip Lounge said...

Parker, we've got our eyes peeled!

Say...you Mom and Dad could come visit US if they wanted too...

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...


Admiral Hestorb said...

if you have a house party can I come too?

Just Ducky said...

I agree, time for house trashing party.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

we hope your "rents" have a great time!!

that is wonderful that you have a kitty sitter coming to stay with you....until then...."PARRRRR-TAAAAYY!!"

Sparkle said...

What the--! Why would ANYONE want to spend days hanging around water! Water is evil. Well, I guess it's just another human quirk us kitties will never understand. Have fun during your break, Parker et al!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

What is it with Beins and water? We mean, like just how much of it can they DRINK annyway? And there is always plenty at home...

Mariodacat said...

Hope the rents have fun. Now when is the house party cuz I'll be there.

The Island Cats said...

Oh man, Parker...we hate when the humans leave us. We hope they have a nice time...but also feel just a little bit guilty for leaving all of you!!

Teddy Westlife said...

You can think of it as your own vacation from the parents!

Anonymous said...

We hope they enjoy themselves and yoo and yoor sitter have some fun too!

Hansel said...

Beans are weird. There is plenty of water in the bathtub right? Why do they have to go in search of more? I will never understand. -tesla.

Daisy said...

I hope you can get away with lots of stuff since you have a babysitter!

Marilia said...

U-hu!!!!!!!!!!! Cat partyyyyyyyyyyyy!

Amy & the house of cats said...

That stinks that tehy left you - it is a good think that you have a good sitter. But still, we think that parents just should not be allowed to take vacations. Ever.