The Buttz family.
Mommy did something for her health on Friday. She had a colonoscopy. She's fine, and we want to tell all of you beans that for your health, if you are over 50, you ought to do the same thing! Wow, that's a lot about buttz in one post! HaHaHaHaHa!
ps - Purrs to our buddy Mickey, please go and leave a comforting word for him and his Mom.
ps - Purrs to our buddy Mickey, please go and leave a comforting word for him and his Mom.
Very interesting and informative post! My mom has had that test done numerous times!
We have been purring hard for Mickey. If the Woman does that, does it mean I can look at her rump like she looks at mine?!
There might be a lot of butts in the post, but they are cute butts!
We wanted to make a smart remark and ask if you Mom's hiney was a fuzzy as all y'alls...BUTT we can't think of a good lead in!
heh heh.
pee ess: good for your Mommy! It's important to have stuff like that done.
Hey Diamond -
If woo need my help with khrowd khontrol, please let me know!
Srsly, good fer Mommy, but TBT says they better invent something easier...
I am surprised all of you fit on and/or around your human there!
And such lovely furry butts they are too! Er, except for your mum, of course.
What a cat pile! These pictures are too cute. Rudy, you and your sister look like paintings, you're so beautiful.
We're glad yoor mommy is fine. And we love those butt shots!
Now dat's what I call a real cuddle pile. MOve over, I'm joining in.
We bet you were feeling cosy with the lovely fire and all your floofs.
luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx
'nother fine report rudy. i heard those colonscopys are a ton of fun.
Our mom is NOT looking forward to that test once she turns 50 in a few years!
We're glad you were warm and cosy this weekend...We had freezing and rain and several more inches of snow yesterday, so the only thing for us to do was to curl up too!
-Nicki and Derry
we is glad you haf all 'acided to get along for the day!!
I loved seeing you guys all huddled up there on your bean!!! ♥♥♥
Y'all look pretty darn comfy to me! Yep, been sending purrs to sweet Mickey.
Those pictures are brilliant and I bet you all get along great realy. Glad your mum is ok. dad had that tesy last year and he was ok too.. Hugs GJ x
Our woofies always sleep Butt to Butt! We're glad your Mom's okay...she must have studied hard for her test!!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
We all hope that the deep freeze in O HI O ends soon and that spring finds your little corner of the world!
Rudy, we think you've got the best seat in that pile!
Your daddy sure is a lucky man to have such a great pile of furs on him during the cold Ohio winter! You all look so contented too, even Diamond!
Our mom had her "procedure" a couple years early cuz she was having pain. She's all good now - she had internal hemorr...whatever thingies - and now she's happy its over & done with. TMI, we know.
You all have the right idea on how to stay warm!!
Our mom had one of those tests done recently too...she put it off and put it off...but finally did it. She said it wasn't too bad BUTT she's glad it's done!!
Rudy, how can yoo not love Puff. Isn't she yoor mommy? And speaking of mommies, glad yoor mom gots dat butt check done. Our mom sez she'll do it as soon as da price comes down about $2300 or she gets inshurints.
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