So, a few months ago Mommy got Rudy and me new collars from
FelineFido. He got bumblebees and I got peace signs. This weekend Mommy noticed that mine looked rather, um, well-used. She looked closer and I had pretty much destroyed it with my clawrz - my back ones. It was itching me and I also got a few little boo-boos for my trouble. She thinks I am a delicate flower and the material did not agree with me.
Now I am nekkid and Mommy is looking for a collar that is gentle and safe. She's leaning toward hemp. Do any of you wise kitties or kitty parents have any suggestions?
That is so good of your Mum to worry! We don't have collars here so we don't have any recommendations.
We don't wear collars, either. Parker, you have such a pretty (nekkid) neck! Tripper's gonna blow his final gasket.
We don't wear collars because we both have microchips if we ever accidentally get outside. We think naked is the way to go.
No suggestions here - I am a delicate flower who does not like wearing collars!
Mum and dad just got Teddy a new collar. It lasted four seconds before he got it off.
My one is pretty tough and have a style : )
I'm not a fan of collar but mom want other human to know I'm a decent cat and not a feral. My old collars, most of them has been destroyed by me but not this one. We can't remember the brand. but outside the collar is a tough plastic and inside the collar is the soft fabric..pretty comfy ! My mom bought it from pet can click from here to have a look : Boxing day's Present
I hope it help : )
Hmmm...I don't wear jewelry well, so I'm suggestionless.
I just has one of those safety kind from Pet Smart.
We don't wear jewelry .... for us, nekkid is the only way.......:) xxxxxxx
Mom bought our safety collars from petsmart too. Spud got his off in record time, but everyone else (including Miss Chiclet) keeps theirs on and no one has done them any damage.
We can't help 'cos we don't do collars. We are microchipped though.
Mommy doesn't put collars on any of us through time but microchip helps guard against being thought homeless maybe?
Our breakaway collars from Petco don't give US anny trubbles...
No suggestions but we are glad you are free of your old collar if it was so uncomfortable. Lots of humans wouldn't pay attention to that. Your mom's great!
We only wear the collar long enough to take photos which is about 20 minutes each, so not long enough to know if it irritates us.
Sorry, we just go nekkid all the time.
We were wearing Beastie Band collars but then our mom noticed that all our furs were coming off onto the collars. And so we went nekkid for awhile. Now she got us some soft fabric collars from Paws 'n Tails on etsy. We like them, but we don't know if our furs will ever grow back.
Before we wore calming collars we wore Beasty Bands and loved the, WE are not sure what kind you had and what they were made of but you might look into these.
We don't wear collars=nekkid is good :)...Happy Mardi Gras, sweet friends!!...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki
Only some of us wear collars, but we like RC Pet Products tags because they have cool designs.
We're nekkid here too.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
I'm nekkid too!
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