December 1, 2010

Rudy Update - Home!

Hi-ya' kitties, I came home last night!
What an ordeal! I had so many pokes and prods - so many tests! I'm really stumping the experts...all of my labs are perfect...until they looked at a stain of my bloods and Dr. Wendy saw an itty-bitty infection in them. She thinks that I may have been bitten by a flea and that I got an infection from it. She says it may have been months ago and that it only takes one little bite for this to happen. My bladder infection is all gone - so that's good news. Now I have to take some more medicine (C-Doxycycline 50 mg) for 21 days!!! Both Mommy and I are so happy that we'll have 21 days of quality medicine-taking time together...
I do feel better, the Sub Q fluids helped perk me up and the great news is that Dr.Wendy and Dr. Joe said that I can eat whatever I want - I need to bulk up. I have lost over a pound in the last month. So now I have lots of Rx stinky goodness that tastes great! I really hope that this stoopid flea bite was the culprit and that I can put all of this behind me.
Both Mommy and I want to thank all of you for your good thoughts, advice and prayers. We know that they are helping and that we are very blessed and lucky to have all of you as friends.


Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Hey Rudy! We are glad to see you back home. That is good news that they found what is wrong with you, and even better news that you can eat whatever you want. Now get nomming and get that weight back on. Oh, and be a good boy with your meds okay.

Jacqueline said...

Great news=so glad Rudy is home, they found his problem and he will be better soon...Have fun (and try to stay out of trouble!) with that new Christmas tree, sweet friends :)...kisses...Calle, Halle, Sukki

Forever Foster said...

A very big welcome home to our favourite Orange Menace! We are purring big time that Dr. Wendy has found the culprit, and that you will be feeling better in no time. Smoochies to you, buddy!

The Island Cats said...

Rudy, we're glad you're home and that they figured out what is going on with you. And there's a bright side to all of get to eat all you want!!! YAY!!

The Monkeys said...

Such wonderful news that you're home, Rudy!! We're glad you're on the path to good health again!

My Mind's Eye said...

MOL Mom and I are cracking up at the '21 days of quality medicine taking time'!!! Anyone who has ever tried to pill a cat is sending your tons of good wishes. Hopefully Rudy will realize that it is for his own good and will take it, if not willingly, at least with as little fuss as possible. Best news is he has a free pass to
the buffet.
Madi and Mom

Cara n Crew said...

Rudy, we are glad to hear you are home. What a relief to know what is wrong! We hope the new medicines do the trick. Enjoy the special 'medicine time' with your mom ;-/ Purrs-

Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, Hollie

AFSS said...

Sorry you has to take medicine for 21 days, but do be a good boy and take it all so you will get all better. WE are sending healing purrs and have our paws crossed that you are back to 100% soon.

The Misadventures Of Me said...

RUDY!!!! We is so happy yoo is home and on the mend. Wud yoo like sum nip - we has lots (even sum fresh stuffs outside still).


Sweet Purrfections said...

Rudy! I am so glad that you are home. I hope this last round of medicine gets rid of all of your problems. I had some reactions to a flea bite, which caused flea fever about two years ago and I was a very sick kitty. I'm doing much better now. Healing purrs for you.

Hannah and Lucy said...

Just think Rudi - you and your mom are going to spend the next 21 days having fun playing "I'll spit the pill out and you find it". We know you'll both enjoy having quality time together!
We are pleased to hear that that you can eat like a little piggy to put some weight back on.

c said...

We are so glad you are home, Rudy. It is not any fun at all to be at the v-e-t, especially without your rents! Take your medicine and stay well!
~ The Bunch

Quill and Greyson said...

Feel even better soon Rudy Toots!! Sandy Claws is coming and since you haven't been bad you;ll really clean up.

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

great news sweetie!!!

smiles, auntie bee

SeaThreePeeO said...

We will continue to seend those thoughts and purrs until you're 100% better

Noll said...

Glad there's an Rx plan to make you all better. Hugs and purrs!

The Meezers or Billy said...

oh oh oh we hopes that you get all better so fast

Cat said...

Glad to hear you are on the mend Rudy!

Kea said...

We're so glad you're home, Rudy, and will continue to send purrs and Light. Nasty flea -- we hope that's all it was and that you'll be 100% soon!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Rudy, fank goodness yoo are home and OK. We hate to fink yoo are poorly. Get well soon buddy.

We are sending healing purrs.

Random Felines said...

Yeah Rudy - we are glad you are back home and feeling better. Enjoy the stinky goodness!

KitKat said...

Oh, Rudy we are so glad you are home and on the mend. Be nice to Mommy when she gives you your meds. Have fun bulking up. Nom nom nom...
Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Welcome back home Rudy! Have fun bulking up!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

That is EXCELLENT news! Enjoy your foods... I never got the good stuff.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Khount us in amongst those laughing at the 21 days of khwality med time!

Maybe Diamond will share some good woofie stuffs to fatten woo up!

PeeEssWoo: Hi Diamond!

Angel Ginger Jasper said...

Sorry not been over and didnt know you were at the ves. I am glad though that you are ome and hopefuly on the road to recovery. Hugs GJ x

Rosemary B❤️ said...

Rudy, this is such bonkful news. -- oh but I am sorry about the torturing at the vetplace. I do not like that place, but if mom is there with me then I will do it.
You look great! I hope you enjoy that new food to help you get bonkiebuff!

Forty Paws said...

Let's hope that the doxycycline gets you over your problems from a flea bite or whatever it was that bugged you! We are sending you tons of purrs and purrayers, ok? Many hugs too. And a few poodin' kisses also.

Luf, Us and Maw

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE are glad they have found something that has been making you feel bad! WE are so glad you are home@

Katnip Lounge said...

Rudy, Rupert take BOTH 'Rents to pill to immobilize and one to insert the pill and pray they retain all their fingers. You enjoy that special time with you Mom!

Srsly, we are all happy you're home and you have a diagnosis. Belly up to the food, and CHOW DOWN!

Anonymous said...

Phew, glad to hear you are home Rudy. Dora has been purring and purring on your behalf. Now you need to EAT and EAT and EAT to make sure you are always a fine figure of a floofy ginger boy, OK?

Dora the Explorer-kitten and Kate

Jans Funny Farm said...

Yeah, you're home! And you get to eat anything you want? Turkey, ham, salmon, tuna...? Yummy.

The Florida Furkids said...

YIPPEEE!! We're so happy you're home and doing better. Please don't scare your Mom (and us) any more!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Sparkle said...

Welcome back home, Rudy! I hope this medicine does the trick and you are all well after that.

Daisy said...

I'm glad you are home, Rudy. Now be a good boy and eat up!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Welcome home Rudy. Dem fleas is bad news. Mom sez it is bad to hate but we really hate fleas.

The Creek Cats said...

Rudy!! Did the vet say it may be haemobartonellosis? If so, that's the same thing that our shelter foster, Sweetie, had. She was on a 3 week course of Doxy and fully recovered. We hope you recover quickly, Rudy! We are all purring and purraying for you!

Motor Home Cats said...

Rudy, we just found out that you've been sick. We are so glad to hear that the vet found out what was wrong with you. Those fleas can be nasty. Our first greyhound got sick from a flea too. We are purring that you will be better at taking your medicine than Tavi was.

Thank you everyone for stopping by to give us purrs when you aren't feeling well Rudy, and when you are busy taking care of him Parker, Powder, Puff and mom.

Gracie and Cody (and mom-Tara)

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

We are glad you are back an feelin better! Watch out fer those fleas in the future...

Admiral Hestorb said...

Rudy I am SO extra glad you are home..eating, feeling good and gonna have to bulk up. Thank goodness they checked your bloods, Rudy.

Me and mommy did not let go of you and we purred and prayed and we love you a lot.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh Rudy, I'm so happy to hear that you are back home...happy dances all around! Now, quit reading your comments and go eat some of that stinky goodness!

OKcats said...

We're glad you have a possible diagnosis!! 21 days of pills does sound, er... fun. My mom had to look twice at your vet bill - she said it's much lower than she expected!!

Just Ducky said...

Rudy so glad that you are home and feeling better. We all hope that these pills will fix what is not right inside. Plus yipee for getting to eat whatever you want.

Shaggy and Scout said...

So glad you're home Rudy!
The flea theory is interesting. Maybe they have hit on something and your new meds will take care of it!
Rest and eat!

Raymond and Busby said...

Hurray! The best news is that you can nom on whatever you want! We're sorry about the 21 days of medicine, yuck. Glad you are feeling better Rudy!

A few Good Cats said...

Sounds like a lot of good news today, Rudy! We're real glad to hear it, too.

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

I'm so glad you're feeling better my friend... I'll send you all kinds of purrs!!

Samantha & Mom said...

Rudy we are glad you are home and feeling better!! Sounds like the Vet have found the culprit and you'll be back to normal in no time!!
((((((HUGGGGSSSS))))))) from your TX furiends,

Dma said...

The Boyz and I are very glad you are back home and feel in better...

Cory said...

We are so relieved that you are home and feeling better Rudy! Fleas are nasty little beasts.

Marg said...

Sorry Rudy, we didn't know you were sick. Our human is so lax. But we are thrilled that you are home and maybe they have found the problem. Love the quality time of taking the pills or medicine. That will have a lot of quality to it. We are sending tons of purrs and prayers that you continue to get better and stay that way.Take care.

Anonymous said...

Just learning about Rudy's troubles (thanks, Ann).
This comes with glad tidings that you are home, and wishes for a speedy recovery.

Rusty's Mom said...

I just heard about Rudy. I'm glad he's back home and I hope he keeps improving. Sending lots of good thoughts your way.

Rusty's Mom

Buckwheat Snapp said...

Was that discount given because of your handsomeness? We've never seen a discount on a vet bill before. MOL