December 13, 2010

The Rudy Report

I still hate the medicine!
Happy Holidays kitties! It's me! RUDY! with your Rudy Report! I am very happy to report that I am still hanging in here. I'm at about 70%, I still fight the good fight with my medicine (7 more days...) and my appetite is a lot better, but boy-oh-boy am I ever picky about the foods. I have the 'rents buying stock in stinky goodness. AND - I think Parker has gained a squillion pounds. She sneaks up behind me after I pick at the food and hoovers it up before Mommy can catch her. I, on the other paw, still need to bulk up a bit. I'm still on the skinny side for me and I blame Mommy and the awful gunky medicine. It takes my desire to eat away. So then, I get a little Valium and I eat a little. Better living thru chemicals kitties...
The good news is that I have not had to get Sub Q's or visit Dr's. Joe and Wendy for over a week! I mean, it's great to visit them and all, but I prefer to stay home and enjoy our tree and the 'rents laps.
I appreciate your good thoughts and purrs. I'm still on the road to recovery.


Gemini and Ichiro said...

I am very glad you are doing better Rudy! I can't wait until you are all back to better and can eat your own share of food!

Raymond and Busby said...

Hang in there Rudy! We're glad the valium is helping your appetite. Keep eating and keep taking your meds. Seven more days is nothing! You'll be done with them in no time. Purring for ya buddy!

Martin Hooper said...

Rudy glad your doing well my friend! Hope you get totally better quickly and without too much fuss and visits to the vet!!!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Mom is snikhkering at the better living part!

PeeEssWoo: Hi Diamond - make sure woo keep Rudy honest!

Dma said...

We're hoping you are 100% very very soon. But man Rudy, you are one handsome dude...

Jans Funny Farm said...

Good for you, Rudy. Keep getting better. It is making everykitty and your rents happy.

Sparkle said...

I am glad you are getting better, but the food thing...! I have the same issue with Binga - I am finicky and eat slowly and she steals my food if no one watches, or even takes their eyes away for a second! And if it's not her, Boodie will sneak in and take my food the moment I walk away. I have to be fed separate from the other two cats. My human is considering putting me and my food into a closed room at meal times. Maybe yours should try that too?

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Keep up the good work, Rudy. You need to be 100% by Christmas. Tell Parker to contain herself and not to eat so much.

Bogdan, the editor said...

We are happy you are feeling better. We hope you get to 100% Rudy very, very soon!

Brian's Home Blog said...

I sure am glad you are feeling a bit better Rudy, just keep getting better my friend!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Rudy, we are so pleased to hear yoo are feeling better. We are still purring for yoo buddy.

Tommy and Teaghan said...

Hang in there Rudy! We want to see yoo feelin' good enuf to climb da christmas tree heh heh.

Daisy said...

Keep up the good work, Rudy! I hope you will be all better before Santa Claws comes!

The Island Cats said...

We're glad you are feeling better, Rudy! Won't be long now before you are 100%!!

Gemel said...

Sending you more purrs


Spirit n Pixie n Tarmie

Mariodacat said...

So happy to hear you are feeling better buddy. Keep up the good work and get all better. More healing purrs coming your way pal. purr purr purr purr purr purr purr purr

Marg said...

Rudy it is so good to see you again. We are happy you are a little better. We are sending lots of purrs and will cross our paws for you to get all better. Our Mom will talk to the donkeys and get them to cross their hooves too which is quite hard for them to do. Take care and keep taking that medicine.

Kea said...

We're glad you're feeling better, Rudy, but we'll keep purring until you are 100%!

Cat said...

YAY Rudy, it is so good to hear that you are on the mend!!!

Team Tabby said...

Keep up the good work Rudy!

Mindy, Moe, BonBon, Cookie & Mike

Forever Foster said...

We're so happy that you're feeling better, Rudytoots.

One thing we've had great success with in getting weight on older kittens (including Lishy, who gets a bit skinny sometimes) is baby kitten formula. It has good fats and nutrients in it. We've never had a kitty who doesn't love it, too.

Admiral Hestorb said...

Rudy, me and mommy both love you dearly and want you to be 100% better and right away! Try to eat more, and please please don't tell the 'rents that you won't take your medicine. Giving it to you causes them to be stressed because YOU are. And soon, you will be all better and glowing with health and bulked up to where you also weigh a squillion pounds. I can't wait. xoxoxoxox

Forty Paws said...

Hang in there Dude. You're almost done with the yucky meds and you will gain weight and feel much better very soon!

Luf, Us and Maw

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are so happy that you are feeling better!

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

70% better is more than halfway there!!!

Woooooo hoooooo!!

Sending more pawhugs and prayers!!

Katnip Lounge said...

Rudy, we're happy you're feeling better...Mommy feeds KonaKitty separately, she's a slow eater. You may just only be able to eat a little bit at a time right now. We'll send you a TON more purrs...and only 7 more days of yucky medicine!

♥I am Holly♥ said...

Rudy, we hope you get better really soon. Keep taking your valium and the other meds and then maybe more valium and that will definitely be better living! Lots of love!

SeaThreePeeO said...

Keep doing so well Rudy!

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

We are glad you are improving Rudy. Seven more days of meds isn't so bad. You are almost there. 70% is good and now we are purring for the final 30%.

CCL Wendy said...

Well, that's good news, Rudy! Even if you don't like the medicine, it's still better than feeling so ill. We hope you'll be at 100 PURR cent very soon. Purrs until then.


Rudy we'll take the 70% -- that's great for right now. Maybe this week you can work it up to about 80% and then before you know you'll be at 90% and then da-dah 100% Rudy toots.
We are purrin hard for you Rudy!

Ellen Whyte said...

Poor sweetheart! Purring you get better soon. Au is always ready to eat ham, and when he does, he later wants his healthy fish for kitties. maybe it will work for you?

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Glad yoor feeling better Rudy, keep taking yoor medi-sin and watch out fur Parker and don't let her haf all yoor foods. If she gets really huge she just may be able to skwash yoo!

The Florida Furkids said...

We're so happy to hear that you are better! Keep 'em guessing is our favorite game!!! The more varieties of stinky goodness the better in our opinion!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Cory said...

Rudy, I'm so so happy you are feeling better...but I'm laughing because I'm a hoover kitty like Parker!!!!

Everycat said...

Good work big fella Rudy, if those medicines mend you and help get da fuuds into you, keep on necking 'em down. There may be nice human fuuds at Christmas too, to tempt you more and lots of lap time yum

Whicky Wuudler

Petey said...

We're so happy that you're gettin' better.

The Crew said...

Well, this is good new, Rudy. But gotta eat!!

Cat Street Boyz said...

Hey Rudy, we have been checking in on you and we are so happy you are getting better. ICE had another seizure on the second of December so he had to have his blood checked. Now he is getting used to his stronger medicine and he has to go back for another test.
ICE is on Phenobarbital and it makes him want to eat more....funny how meds work! Still purrrrrrin' for ya Rudy and thank you for sending purrz to us for Cherokee.=^Y^=