You say it's time for my medicine?...let's roll!
The treatment for Haemobartonellosis is 21 days of Doxycycline (liquid) and I am here to tell you that I really, really don't like to take it. I even kinda' sorta' sometimes make Mommy cry a little. I can't help it - it's awful! AND, since my appetite is not so very good, I have to take a little Valium as well. Good times kitties, good times...
No one knows how I got it. We only are outside on the upstairs deck and Diamond swears he did not bring in any fleas. He's on a monthly treatment for them and always has been. Dr. Joe and Dr. Wendy says it only takes one rotten nasty flea and that in our little corner of O Hi O there have been many, many cases of kitties coming down with this terrible disease. Dr. Joe says that it's the worst year ever for it.
The other bummer is that every 2 or 3 days I have to go to see Dr. Joe for Sub Q fluids and a check up. I now call it my home away from home. Mommy drops me off in the morning and I get to spend quality time with Dr. Joe and Dr. Wendy. The only good thing about this is that I get to see their two kids when they come in after school and I play with them! That's right kitties, I have become a rock star at the vet's! All of the vet techs and the receptionists know me by name. They all say I am very sweet and loving. What can I say? I am very sweet and loving - except when it's time for my medicine! I'm not out of the woods yet, but I think I see a light at the end of all of this. We want to thank all of you again for your good thoughts and prayers and support. A special shout out to the Creek Cats who made Mommy feel so much better when they told her that their foster Sweetie had the same thing and she came out of it fine! And - thanks to Zoolatry. You are such a sweet friend!
Rudy, our guardian angel cat ::bows head:: Maxfield had Haemobartonellosis a long time ago. Now don't let that scare you because he's a Bridge Angel. He had that disease when he was younger and he recovered just fine. He too hated 3 weeks of meds, but he was good about it and it made him feel better. I will ask Maxfield to watch over you and be your special angel, ok Rudy? The rest of us will purr extra hard for you and Grete promises to wag her tail in your honor.
xoxo Cory and family
Paws khrossed here!
And since Grete is wagging her tail fur woo, I am too!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Diamond! Please take good khare of evFURRYone!
Oh, Rudy, we just knows you are gonna beat the carp outta dis here nasty ol' bug and be good as new. Fleas have the darndest way of getting inside to find sweet, furry meat like you to eat.
oh Rudy tootie - we are purrrrring hard for your complete recovery. but please don't make your mom cry - we is shur that she feels really awful about hafing to give you such horrible med-i-k-shuns
Rudy you are one lovely orange kitty!
Get well soon my friend - I am glad other kitties have gotten better from this!
Gosh Rudy it sounds awful! We hope the antibiotics help you to feel better soon!
Oh Rudy, we have read about many kitties recently that have had the same HAS been a bad year! All the kitties got better, so you just take your meds like a Wild Fighting ManCat and you'll be fine.
Mommy wonders if steroids would help with your muscle wasting? Also, is there a compounding pharmacy in your area to make the medicine more palatable?
We will purr and purr for you to feel better, and if you make your Mom cry again Johnny says he's coming over to sit on you and teach you a lesson.
Our Teri works at a cat vet and she says they see lots of kitties with hemobart (they renamed it mycoplasma haemofelis recently) and they recover with the doxy, so that is great mews, huh!
Here are some links to info on it:
Hope the awful medicine works and you get your appetite back!
Sending prayers from me and PURRS from the purries of Purrchance To Dream.
We had never heard of this disease but reading your comments it seems as though it is curable.
We are sending lots of kisses and gentle headbutts to you Rudy and your mom - please don't make her cry any more. If you take all your medication you'll be racing up the Christmas Tree very soon.
Luv Hannah and lucy xx xx
We are so glad you are getting better. We are sending more healing purrs and we are sending comforting purrs for medicine time. We understand all about that. We just got our flea treatments and lets just say Scylla sounds and acts as if she is being KILLED. She scared the rest of us to death so we acted all weird when the rents came to find us. Mommy keeps telling Daddy to do the B**** Queen last, but he doesn't listen. He was to get the hardest one out of the way first MOL.
We are still working on pronouncing what you got. We have been getting in ticks something awful this year. So far no fleas.
Feel better Rudy, we loves U.
Rudy, we hope you take your meds and do not make your mom cry! We want you to get better so we can have our Rudy Reports!
Hey Rudy, my sisters and I are sending you tons and tons of purrs. We love you Rudy and will keep those loving purrs coming your way!
Oh, dear, we never heard of this. It sounds awful, especially the nasty tasting medicine part. We send lots of purrs and tail wags for you and for your poor mom who has to give you the nasty stuff. We're going to get Zoolatry's graphic on our blog just as soon as we can finish our post. Get well!
pfui! that meddysin stuff is orful!! but you must be steadfast in takin' it, so you can post an' teach us fur a long, long time yet! we purrs an' purrays fur you, rudy, an' fur yer momma, so's you bofe hafs patience! you know she only does it acause she luffs you!!!
Healing purrs of comfort and love to you Rudy.
Day by day, little bu little and then the meds and fluids and vet trips will be over.
We love you and send our best (((hugs))) to your mom & dad. xxxooo
At our vet back in the 1990s we were able to treat haemabart quite easily. The hard part is finding out that that is what is going on--and apparently getting YOU to take your meds. Some cats LIKE the doxycycline (can you imagine?) We hope that you do well and that you get your appetite back and get rid of that little pest Rudy. We are purring for you.
We actually had a couple of cats with it in our household--both were FELV positive and both were able to be treated successfully.
We are glad to hear Rudy's illness has been diagnosed and he is being treated......we are purraying that in no time at all, he will be 100% again. xxxxxxxxx
Our Al had that too and he is fine - he got it once when he was a tiny little guy. Luckily he eats well so Mom just put the Doxy in a piece of pill pocket and down it went. he was not eating, lethargic and not himself. We keep an eye on him but he has never had if again.
Oh good heavens Rudy! That is awful! All of that yucky medicine, and going to the v-e-t so frequently has to be major major major stressful! Dude! We feel for you! Hang in there buddy! Take the medicine, even if it tastes nasty. Don't make your Mom cry. Just take the nasty stuff, and you'll be all better very soon, ok?
Luf, Us and Maw
We're glad you got a diagnosis that is cured with meds, even if they are terrible; we hope you feel better soon, sweet boy...Purring for you, lovely friend, we love you...xoxo...Calle, Halle, Sukki
We are purring and praying that you will get well soon, Rudy. We do not like to know your Mommy has been crying..we have done the same to ours, and know how bad it makes her feel.
Sometimes she has to take us to the v-e-t to take medicine, and sometimes she can put it in stinky food.
We hope you get back to making your reports quickly!
~ Anna Sue
If they know what the problem is and it can be treated, then you're gonna be all better in the time it takes to say Haemobartonellosis three times.
Could be better, could be lots worse. Sending healing vibes and purrayers for rock star Rudy...
Oh Rudy,
Please take your medicine like a good kitty so you can get better. You are in my thoughts and prayers. I found you on Brian's Home blog and wanted to wish you well!
I use to live in Ohio so I know how cold it can be so cuddle up and stay warm!
Rock Star Rudy, we are so sorry to hear yoor noos. We are gonna PURR and PURR until yoo are better. Yoo can do this BIG boy, yoo are tuff, and we are ALL rooting for yoo. Please get well soon.
Love Milo and Alfie xx
Purrs from us, too. get better real fast.
We are purraying furry hard that you get better ASAP~!!!
Rudy, we are so sorry you have a parasitic disease- we aren't going to try to pronounce it! Good thing your beans and vets found out what it was and you re getting extra special time with your mom. The most important thing is to take your medicine even if you don't like it!!! Our mommy has spent times crying giving Perf his medicine- so she undertands how your mom feels!
The sub Q's will make you feel better! Our angel Winton had to get fluids ever day.
We are sending purrs, woofs from the dog ad mom is sending hugs! She knows how hard it can be to have sick furbabies!!!
Kodak, 3 Perf, Blossom, Skye, Velcro the dog and Penny human bean
We're purring and praying for you. We know medicines can be nasty at times but you HAVE to take them. We know you'll be fine!!! At least they found what was wrong so you can get better FAST!
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
All of us are purring and praying for excellent results from all these doctor's visits, medicines, etc. We are confident that kitty-docs become more knowledgeable every single year, and they're doing what's necessary for you to come out of this OK. Purrs and prayers ... on their way to you!
Grace & Company
We heard about you from Brian's blog and wanted to stop by and say we are purring and woofing for you to get lots better. Mom is familiar with that medicine cause she had to take it for a month for rocky mountain spotted fever caused by a stupid tick. We really hope and pray you get much better. We know the medicine isn't fun to take but it will make you better. Lots of love to you, Holly and mom
Rudy, I feel so badly for you, having to take that awful medicine to do deal with this illness. I am just glad that you don't have to take it, and go to the vet's for the sub-q thing forever. I am sending you lots of healing purrs and licks.
Oh Rudy, dat sounds just awful! We had fleas in our howse fur da firstest time dis year, an no doggie to bring them - they infighted themselves in! Medicine is yucky, but it will make you feel better. Fighting the meds shows you have the strength to fight the disease. Hugs and purrs and head licks,
Victor, Nina & Tabbymom Jen
We are sending out our strongest and loudest and bestest purrs to you, Rudy. Please take your medicine and PLEASE get well. You MUST get well!
Oh Rudy, we are sending healing purrs your way! Thank heavens you have such smart V-E-T's who were able to diagnose you so that you could get treated!
Mom says that if either your Mom or Dad is not too squeamish, that they could learn how to do SubQ fluids at home. At our house, when Clyde was sick and needed fluids daily, their V-E-T tech taught them how to do it. Now that they foster, they have had to give fluids to itteh bitteh kittehs - which they think is harder than giving fluids to a big kitteh like yourself.
Dad is squeamish, so his job does not involve needles - he holds the kitty still while Mom does the "dirty work". Since Clyde disliked the V-E-T, it was so helpful to be able to do the fluids at home to save him the stress of traveling and being at the V-E-T's.
Your parents are such kind and wonderful people that we know that you are getting all the love a kitty needs.
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel (& fosters Hunter, Sunny, Sky, Silver, and Rico)
purrayers to you rudy
Rudy, I get chased by fleas all the time, and hate it. Mum was using Frontline, but that seemed to attract them, so now she uses Revolution, I don't mind my treatment as much.
Hope you keep taking your medicines and get better real soon buddy.
Hey Rudy, We are glad the doctors figured out what was wrong, but we are very sorry you have to take medicines FOR 21 DAYS. Jeezzzz. But you better take your medicines even if it is unpleasant. We are purring very hard for you. We hope you are all better soon.
The mom can't even pronounce that once, never mind say it three times fast.
Oh, Rudy, sweetheart, we're sorry you have to go through all of this. We're sending MEGA purrs and healing Light to you and to your mom too, who must be so upset and worried about you.
Goddess Bast keep you safe in her paws and bring you back to full health very soon, Rudy!
We are glad they have found what is wrong with you Rudy so they know what meds to give you. 21 days of icky meds is not nice, but it is up to you to be a brave mancat and take it like a good boy so you don't make your mum cry. We are purring for you to soon feel better.
Oh! We've heard of this Haemobartonellosis stuff! We're super glad your vet has nailed down a diagnosis, Rudy Toots. We're sorry about the meds, but hey, the Valium should mellow you out and improve you appetite, so that's a good thing. We are sending a big bundle of purrs your direction. Feel better our Orange friend, and try to smile and take your medicine like a good dude.
Rudy: That disease sounds horrible. We hope you feel better an' get your appetite back really quickly 'cuz there's lots of great stuff to eat during the holidays especially! Feel better, okay?
Rudy, don't feel bad about not liking your medicine. Tavi used to hate his too. He even put his tooth thru Mom's thumb trying to avoid it (he didn't bite her, he just jerked his head away and her thumb got in the way of his tooth). Our first greyhound, Hunter, had a tick or flea disease also, and he recovered from it, so we know you can also. Keep fighting. We are purring for you.
Cody and Gracie
Rudy, we are so sorry you still aren't feeling well...but at least you know what's ailing you, buddy. And we know you can kick this parasite back to where it came from and further!! We're sorry you gotta take the nasty medicine, though. We wonder whether your 'rents checked into possibly compounding the stuff into something that's not so nasty. There's lots of compounding pharmacies now that can make it. Our mom has used a place in Houston, TX that ships the meds overnight...really quick!! Let us know if you want some info about it. But you might find someplace that's local to you. Just a suggestion.
We're purring really hard for you, Rudy!!
Ruty want you to stay well come soon, I'll ask my buddies who are in heaven for you but good, but you have to take the romedios
I'm a friend of Brian and he asked that he come to visit you ... I'm here and if you want we can be friends .. go to my blog know me
Ronronzinhos of
Rudy, you handsome man cat. We, me and mom, love you so much. We are praying and purring for your complete recovery. I will tell you a secret. I have made my mommy cry too when it came to medicine. I don't mean to do it but I get so scared and it tastes so bad. Be a good boy now and help mommy help you.
purrs and head bonks and prayers.
Rudy, My and my mom are so sorry !
We hope your med. works well for you and I will purrs for you non-stop
Since we couldn't agree on who would be Comment #50 Daddy made the Executive Decision that we share. ;-D
We are all 3 of us sending best wishes to you, and yours!
You know, that desease is harder to pronounce, and even longer, than Daddy's last name! ;-D
Oh man, Rudy dat just plain sucks. We is purring fur yoo, even mom! Okay, mom sez she agrees wif us now, WE HATE FLEAS! Dey is an abomta, aabon, er, horrible and need to be wiped off da face of da earth.
Dem medicines are not good fur the nom but will make you all betters. =^_^= PURRS2u
Rudy, we are so sorry to hear about this! We have never heard of this condition before but it sounds like you will get better soon. You have to take that yucky medicine though. You can do it!!
We will be purring lots for you and your 'rents too.
Purrs, Goldie, Banshee and Shade
Hello! Me and my cat Charlie came over from Brian's Home!! We are sending you tons of healing purrs and hugs!! We know you will fight this disease that sounds thoroughly unpleasant!! You are a very brave kitty for sticking to your meds - please get better! Take care
Brian gave me a heads up about Rudy. I'm hoping his medicine makes him better.
We wanted to come and give you some of our super purrs! You are indeed a very brave kitty! We hope that you feel better very soon.
(((((hugSSSSS))))) from uSSSSS!
We don't know you but we heard about you from Ann....we wanted to come and give our support and tell you we are praying you get better soon.
We are now following you.
What part of Ohio are you in? My Mom used to be from Cleveland.
Cody and Caren from Cat Chat
All our purrs for you. That sounds like no fun at all.
sorry to hear you are sick and have to take meds.
Momma cat learned with a sick kitty we used to have to roll her up in a towel with just her head sticking out, very tight (she calls it burrito cat) then lay cat on its back and a little bit of holding, she got the meds in the kitty. I hope you are better at getting the meds. She had to do sub q at home too. She knows you are not happy about any of it but sends purrs for you to get better.
Try not to give your mum too hard a time when she is giving you the meds, Rudy. It's for your own good. And keep eating! We want to see you piling on the pounds.
Dora is still purring up a storm for you.
Kate D and Dora the Explorer-Kitten
Oh Rudy, you are so brave! You stay strong and finish all your medicines so you can feel all better again. We are keeping you in our thoughts and purrs.
Dearest Rudy,
We are so sorry you are goin' through this. Do your best to take all of your medicines. We love you and will say prayers for you and your family every single day! We know how hard it is on your mommy and daddy...we're here if you needs us!
Very truly yours,
The Whiskers and Purrs Gang
You have got my purrs my friend. I so hope you are feeling better real soon. With the power of the paw behind you, you will come through that tunnel. HUgs GJ xx
Rudy--all of our prayers are with you. You're a feisty kitty and we KNOW you're gonna be back to your ol' self!!
Noir, Mommy, Uncle MaxMaxx, Daddy Peyton and my Brother Earl Gray (and Tommy the human)
Psalms 50:15
Aw! I hope you get better soon!!!
sending my love,
Sending you purrs
Spirit n Pixie n Tarmie ♥
Bless your sweet little heart, Rudy!! We are so sorry you are fighting this nasty infection. It sure is a major downer. When Sweetie had it, she would not eat a thing for over a week and had to be force-fed. She fought the feedings and this made our mom cry. She was also very anemic from the horrible flea infestation she had. After a little over a week of the doxy, she was eating all on her own again and her appetite increased by the day. We will purr and purray that Rudy will start feeling better asap. This infection makes kitties feel like total crud, but we know you will come out of it soon and feel much, much better!!! We love you Rudy!!!! We'll be praying very hard for you!!
Maggie May and The Creek Cats
Ah Rudy Patootie Cutie we are sending our best healing vibes your way sweetie! Let your rents take great care of you and you take care of you too! Purrs and hugs Rudy!
We are glad that the vet figured out what was ailing you and that it can be treated. We will send strong mega healing purrs to help in your recovery. We send {hugs} to you and your Mom.
Very informative post. We're purring you get better soon.
Thank you for letting us know what is going on. I'm keeping my healing purrs going for you.
We will continue till you get better.Sorry the meds taste awful,but please take them. We want you around a long time...OK??!!!!!
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie
Rudy, I hope you get better. I know Parker thinks you can be a pest, all sisters really love their brother deep down inside. I've got my purr-er purring in overdrive for you to get better real soon.
As crappy as it is that you're feeling no good, it is great news that you have a firm diagnosis and are already on the road to recovery.You be a good boy and be nice to your mummy, because she will help you feel better in no time.
When our daddy is overseas for work, he has to take doxy every day! Together with another medicine, it stops him getting malaria if a bad mozzie bites him. Daddy doesn't like taking it either.
Our friend, Brian, told us about you and we are sending our purrrrrrrs your way!
Chloe, Cecil and Mom Shawn
We will keep purring for you! We hopes that the treatment, while not nice to do, will make you all better.
Glad you are the hit of the office! Ginger boys tend to be right in the middle of the social mix.
We will keep you in our special purr-ayers...But you'z a "rock star" so you gotta make it out of theese...
Purrrrs and lots of quick healing vibes to you Rudy!!
Your TX furiends,
Oh nos, I just heard about your illness and hurried over to add my purrs for you to get well soonest.
zoolatry alerted us about you as we are not actively blogging anymore! we are sorry to hear about your bad luck of catching such a nasty thing but we think you'll be coming out fine in the end!!! and as for the medicine, our coco has to take a big pill EVERY morning and night! for the rest of her life, she has an eye virus, poor thing.
lots of purrs from all of us!!!
the cat realm
Purrs from all of us for you to get well soon, Rudy!
Purrs and loving, healing vibes coming your way Rudy. And give your mum a smooch for me!
Nasty as it is, I am glad that the vet knows what is wrong with you and how to cure it. You will get through the nasty medicine. I had to take an awful medicine for 20 days when I was so sick and I still have to take it one week every month. My Mom doesn't cry, but she yelps sometimes when I stick a claw in her. I just know that you will get through this and be all better again. I am purring my best for you.
That does not sound like fun. FAZ
Dear Rudy!
I do hope that you get well very very soon!
Lotsa Licks
Casper Bear
Gosh Rudy, that sounds just awful. You poor thing. We certainly will cross our paws and send tons of purrs to you in hopes that you get better soon. That medicine sounds horrible. Take care Rudy and we just hope you are all better as fast as possible.
We came by yesterday and this bloggie post was not up yet, so we were worried. Now Miles and I are somewhat relieved, but this is going to be a big fight Rudytoody. You are a huge mancat, so I personally know that you can kick this.
Okay lemme try: Haemobartonellosis-HaemobartonellosisHaemobartonellosis.... whewwwww
Here goes Miles: (aka "the schoolbus" don't ask)
I hope you have an easy recovery, and I know alllll about big fights. I have been fighting giardia cysts stuck to my tummy pipes for three years now. I have good stretches and then it goes nutty. I do not have to take bad medicine though, just teensy pills that are really expensive and sometimes I throw them out in various places around the house.
BIG BONKS to you. You are the icon of mancatlyness!
We came over from Milo and Alfie's. Please be good and take all your medicine so you can get better quickly, Rudy.
Big Purrs,
The Poupounette "Chans"
Oh dear! We lives in O-H-I-O too but have never heard about this bad disease. We hopes you have a speedy recovery.
Rudy, yoo orange menace we is ALL rootin fer yoo! Wif the CB behind yoo, yoo'll be betters in no time - jus keep takin dat icky stuff (perhaps they cud put sum tuna juice in it?).
Get well soon Rudy.
rudee patootie...oh dat iz so crappity, mommie had to take docycycline when she hadded bronkitis last year and it gived her really bad headaches. we hope dat yoo do not git headaches whiles yoo are gittin better, we are purring fur yoo
Purrs, Rudy. We hope you are all better soon!
Pip, Smidgen, Minnie, and Hollie
Hi Rudy,
That sounds like a back sickness to have, I can't imagine not wanting to eat. A flea did alla this you say. That's worrisome. I've not encountered a flea, but I go out in the backyard a lot. I surely don't want to get that sickness and I hope yours is cured very soon.
Umm that was supposed to say "that sounds like a bad sickness..." guess I fat pawed the keyboard. MOL
We are purring, praying and rooting for you, Rudy!
~Lisa Co9T
Just checkin' back to send more purrs to Rudy. I hope he ate today and didn't fight his meds too much. Kisses to the Big Boy!
MomKat Trish
Heya Rudy...we are soo sorry that you have to get nasty meds and the pincushion treatment, but listen buddy, you have to get better!! We are stopping by to tell you that are purr machines are on over-drive purring that you get all better. You can do it!! Go Rudy!! Go Rudy!! Purrs and treats, Lautrec, Tiny and the dawg Ellwood
Whoa, dood, my paws are crossed extra hard for you. All those stabby place trips? Man, I feel for you...
Oh dang, Rudy, we're sorry to hear about this, but we are glad you finally have a diagnosis. We don't know anything about the disease, but we do know about fleas and how indoor only kitties can get them once in a while. One of us (our mom forgot who) had to go to the vet, and he commented on said cat having fleas. Our mom said 'no way, uh uh, they're indoor only cats now'. Vet said yes way uh huh, fleas, and no matter they are indoor only. Those nasty little fleas hitch rides on people's pants legs, socks, shoes, whatev, then they hop on juicy cats and chow down.
Anyway, feel better soon, Rudy!
Wow, another disease we never heard of! Well, we know ya will be gettin better soon cuz Dr Joe seems ta know all about it... We're sendin ya our best purrs.
we'll be purring for you...darlin'!
Those dirty rotten filthy stinkin fleas! Man, if Bendrix could, he'd kick their butts for you. As it is, there is no way that some disease we can't even pronounce is going to keep our Mancat buddy Rudy down.
We are purrrrrrrrrrrrrrring and praaaaaaaaaaying very hard for you. We know it sux, but you have to take your meds (OK, fight just enough so you feel tough but no more than that) so you can feel better.
You keep your rents with you and we'll be waiting for an update whenever they get a chance to post. purrrrrrs to them too
Stupid, yucky fleas!
We are so sorry you are sick, Rudy, but we are glad there is a treatment for it (even though it is gross and you don't like it, and you have to go to the v-e-t so often). We are purring and praying for you, buddy. Get better soon, okay?
(((Purrs, prayers and headbonks)))
we have never heard of this sickness. now mom will know to watch out for it. here in the south the fleas can get really bad. we take meds to kill the fleas but if all it takes is one little flea then it might be really hard for mom to catch that one little nasty flea. we are gonna purray that you keep getting better.
kazoku neko
We came over from Ginger Jasper's site to visit and to offer our prayers and purrs for your recovery.
Like many of your visitors, three of our rescue cats have had the same disease as you. With treatment, all survived. The medicine is terrible and the course of treatment long. Oscar, our first cat treated, cried so pitifully when give him his med (like no cry he had made before) that it made mum have doubts if she was doing the right thing for him. You will start to feel better, just hang in there.
Our love to you.
Rudy, old plan, we're so glad you seem to be over the worst of this. Now eat everything and get strong again.
Your friends
George, Tipper, Max, Misty, Tiger, Cricket & Gino
Oh Rudy, we just read your post. At last you have a name to give the enemy. It sounds nasty indeed. Sending many healing purrs,
Siena & Chilli
We are purring for you Rudy!
Well, Rudy, yoo know yer my Food Lady's favorite, so we've all been rooting fur yoo to git better, but don't tell Parker we woodn't wunt to hert her feelings.
I think this is the dizeeze that Jeter's brudder Mickey had. Mickey got terribul sik frum it. We're shur yoo'll git all better.
Rudy, we hope you are still taking that icky medicine to get rid of that even ickier disease. We're purring fer you to git better soon.
Mindy, Moe, BonBon, Cookie & Mike
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