December 18, 2010

The Good, the Bad and the Crusty

Who You Callin' Crusty?!?'s me! RUDY! With an early Rudy Report! Anyone have any Twinkies or Fritos they can spare? I'm starving! I need to tell you all what's been up with me lately. First of all, I am FINISHED with that awful, horrid, terrible, stinky, gucky, no-good medicine (Doxycycline). I kicked the Haemobartonellosis in the buttocks and my bloods are A-OK to stop having to take that medicine! I don't know who is happier, me, or Mommy. It's probably a draw. Anywho...
I am still a little picky about eating. Dr. Wendy went to a conference last week and she said she thought about me a lot. One of the speakers gave a lecture about older kitties and IBS and Pancreatitis. Dr. Wendy said that I fit the profile for a lot of what they were talking about. She thought and thought and when she saw me on Friday she spent a lot of time talking to Mommy and said the best thing we can do is to get me interested in eating as much good foods as we can and the best way to do that is to give me some liquid Valium when I turn my nose up at my foods. I started yesterday. All I can say is - IT WORKS!
'Lemme' back up a little bit...since October, I have been very, very sick. And I have lost a LOT of weight. I was eleven + pounds at my wellness check in the summer and during my illness I dropped to a little over seven pounds. I know, I know...we did not share this with all of you because it was just too...well, awful. I'm now up to eight and a half pounds. Progress, right? So, Dr. Wendy wants me to keep bulking up, but I can't eat just anything. It has to be good for my kidneys too. The solution, according to the experts, is to stimulate my appetite through the use of Valium. We did some Valium trials over the last three weeks, but it was with tablets and I did not want to take them. At all. Ever. Not even kinda'. So Dr. Wendy found a pharmacy that will provide us with the liquid version and taking it that way is a little easier on all of us. Yesterday Dr. Wendy gave me a dose while I was getting my Sub Q's at her office and loving up on her kids and the staff. The next thing I knew, I was very, very hungry! Bring on the stinky goodness, 'lemme at those Temptations, you got some Rx dry food? - cool! I'll eat it! Yum! So, I think we've found a solution for the time being. I keep eating, no meds. I get picky, a little Valium. So that's where we are with my health.
Here's something else for the report. It is no secret that I have never liked to groom myself or to be groomed. What can I say, it's just the way I am. So, as a result of my being sick, I look pretty scraggely, rag-a-muffinish, or as Mommy says, crusty! Since I am still such a delicate flower (ha! delicate flower - Mommy's words, not mine!), I cannot be taken to the groomers for a few weeks. We have to watch my stress levels. Kitties, the photo of me that you see is the awful truth, I look like seven miles of bad road. Crusty, skinny and sometimes a little cranky. But, I'm comin' back - trust me kitties, I am on my way.
And last, but not least - I want all of you to know that I can feel the purrs and the prayers and all of your kind thoughts. I'd blame Mommy for being a bad secretary, but she has really spent more time with me and my sibs than she has in front of the computer. She's a good 'rent, so I have to cut her some slack. I hope you kitties will as well.
I send you crusty love from my little corner of O Hi O -
ps - Parker says that in case you were worried, she's still alive and well and eating like an industrial Hoover. Ha!


Cory said...

Hmmmmm, maybe I should send my momma Ellie over Rudy. She is a lickin' machine and spit cleans all of us AND lowers our stress levels all at the same time!

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Rudy, you are SO in luck! We have 11 small bags of various flavored potato chips we are sendin over. Some of them are doodles... Annyway, they are your problem now...

Raymond and Busby said...

We are so glad that you are on the road to recovery, Crusty. Um, we mean RUDY.

Your Vet sounds terrific. We are so glad you are putting on weight. Whatever it takes, dude, keep it up. xoxo

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Truth be told, there is a lokhal grocery store - in sight of where my kibble khomes from - that is khalled Khusty Khorners -

SO, I guess THAT is a term of endearment!

PeeEssWoo: Hey Diamond - why does my mom have a Bob Dylan song in her head about evfurrybody must get stoned?

Chesney Cats said...

Poor Rudy, you lost a LOT of weight!! We're glad you're doin better & puttin some weight back on...we're still purrin for ya!!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

You stay healthy my handsome friend.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Rudy! We are SO sorry ~ we knew yoo was poorly but we hadn't guessed yoo'd lost SO much weight. How awful. We fink yoo should get EXTRA treats, and Turkey and all yoor fave stuff. And we're sending yoo a whole lot more PURRS to help yoo feel better. We love yoo Rudy!

Angel MoMo and Charlotte said...

Good to hear that you are better and eating well with the treatment. Hope you'll be back to your normal self soon.

Mieow!!! :waving paws at Parker:

Kea said...

Rudy, we're glad your blood work is good! And that you have a solution to your picky eating. We're continuing to send purrs and Light; we want you to be 100% again, very soon!

Teddy Westlife said...

Hooray for Rudy! That's great news.

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

OMC! Rudy, that was a heck of a lot of weight to lose. We are really so relieved that you are on the road to recovery and getting some weight back on.
When I was ill a couple of years back and wouldn't eat, I was shooting up the valium. I won't take pills, even the vet can't get them down my throat, so I had my valium by injection and it gave me the munchies.

Tracy said...


Rudy, I am so thankful they ahve found something that works for you. It is NO fun being sick; crusty or not and for you to be getting well is just a blessing!
Keep us posted and hugs to you my dear...

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Oh my! That was quite an update! We know how sometimes it's hard to share bad news, and also know we are all so happy to hear about your progress!

Your vet is right...all the 'digestive' organs--intestine/pancreas/liver are all supposed to work in unison but when something goes out of whack...all sysytems cascade into what that call Triaditis. I think I sent you some links about that before (I'll look back in the comments) but if it doesn't sound familiar...let Teri know and she will send you some links...

Sometimes when a kitty is sick, because cats produce a lot os skin oils to keep their furs shiny, kitties do get a little crusty looking because they are not grooming themselves and the furs start looking greasy kinda. I don't know if you've ever had a bath but sometimes kitties need a little help getting back their 'floof'...

Valium works on the brain to say 'I'm hungry' but it doesn't work sometimes on really ill kitties, so it's great that it is helping you, Rudy! Sometimes the first few doses you get, it makes your hindquarters a little wobbly, but that goes away after the body adjusts.

Oh...and thanks everso for supporting Brighton's Yule Tide Auction...that means the world to us!!

Lisa Kolosey said...

Yay! Rudy! What a wonderful report. I'm glad you've found a solution for your eating issues and I'm glad you have shared that with case we need to use that some day.
We have a couple of not-so-great-grooming kitties too (Wizard and Snafu). It happens.
Have a wonderful weekend all!
~Lisa Co9T

Teri and her Stylish Adventure Cats said...

Yes...I thought about stress, after I said cats are so used to being bathed that while 'they don't hold the soap for me'...they are pretty ok with bathing. Hearty appetites are GOOD!

Marg said...

Rudy we are so glad you are on the road to recovery. That is a really scary amount of weight to lose. We were very interested in what your vet learned at her conference and also the use of valium. Glad to hear that works. You don't look crusty Rudy, you just look tired from being so sick. You will start looking better soon. Take care and we are sending tons of purrs and prayers. And big hugs to your bean for being such a great bean.

Brian's Home Blog said...

That is so great Rudy, I am so very happy to hear that you are doing better and that you have such a wonderful vet that cares about you so much. Have a chow-down weekend my friend!

Mariodacat said...

Oh Rudy - we are so very happy for you and your peeps. That is the best news. We were so worried about you, It's nice to know you are almost all better (well as all better as you can get). Paws up pal!!

Hannah and Lucy said...

We bet your mom and dad are so relieved that you have turned the corner and are on the way up again Rudy - extra foods too - that's the way to go!! Just remember to give your mom lots of kisses cos she was so worried about you.
Luv Hannah and Lucy xx xx

The Furry Bambinos said...

Rudy, you poor baby! We are happy to hear that your V-E-T is so smart and is helping you recover.

We are continuing to send healing purrs your way.

Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel, (& fosters Sunny, Sky, Silver, and Rico - don't worry, Hunter got adopted, and Rico is going to his furrever home in an hour)

Honey P. Sunshine said...

rudee, i will comes ofur and gibs yoo a baff if yoo like. mommie sez my furs a furry soft and silky so my kitty spit iz extra speshul.

The Florida Furkids said...

We think you look handsome no matter what. Mom said Sniffie ate like crazy when she was on the valium, but Birmans can't take stuff like that too much and Sniffie was woozy. We're glad it's working for you.

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Anonymous said...

Thank you for the information and links. I'm glad Rudy is feeling better.
I wrote a comment suggesting pepcid, 1/4 of a tab along with sub Q fluids every other day. (100) and it worked for my kitty. He too went from 11 lbs, to just over 7 lbs in 3 months.

We never tried the liquid valium or pill form. I will keep that in mind and ask my vet if I should have this happen again. He's still kinda picky, but there are foods wet and crunchy he really likes and others not so much. This is new for him. I use EVO crunchy which is a raw diet in kibble form. It's made his fur much nicer and less shedding. He used to shed like crazy all the time. He was like 'Pig Pen' with clouds of fur floating. Not any more. I credit this to EVO. Still feed him all kinds of wet food.
innova, wellness, and he really likes... friskies turkey gibblets! (don't ask me why... it's like crack to him) I also feed him Science Diet AD to bulk him up... but lately he's not been into it. Picky is his new thing.

thanks again for the info. :)


Shaggy and Scout said...

After all you've been through you can go ahead and be a little crusty Rudy. That's A-ok with us.
Keep eating dear friend, glad to hear the valium works as a back up. You are just such a sweet sweet kitty and we all love and care for you so much! Purrrrrrrsssssss

Dma said...

I think you are being a little hard on yourself Rudy... You are one handsome dude...

Forty Paws said...

Wow Rudy! You lost a ton of weight! And isn't that weird that Valium stimulates the appetite? We just thought it put you to sleep! Well, bring on the Valium for Rudy!

Luf, Us

Katnip Lounge said...

Rudy! Mommy got a little teary thinking about you all skinny and bony. You just chow down and have a hit of "Mama's Little Helper" whenever the picky kicks in.
We have a glove with rubber nubbins on it that works for those of us who hate the's just like getting stroked! Mommy got it at Petsmart.
We lubs you Rudy, crust and all.


Rudy Toots we are glad to hear that your bloods are A-OK, and we are also happy to hear you've gained back 1 1/2 pounds. We are so sorry that you had lost so much but we are hopeful (as I'm sure da 'rents are too!) that this course of action will help you bulk right back up and put those muscles right back on your handsome frame. We are purring for you Rudy and we send love and hugs to you and your Mom and Dad (and all siblings too!)

Tommy and Teaghan said...

We are so glad you are eating again, although we do not like the idea of you eating dry food but that's a different battle. We also like da idea of dat feel good stuff. For being sick dat's a good treat!

Mr. Echo said...

I am so impressed your vet lady is so invested in helping you get back up on your paws. Your rents are takin reel goood care of yoo too. Hire a chef first. Stylist later. Purrs to yoo and yours Rudy Toots!

meowmeowmans said...

We sure are glad to hear you are doing better, Rudy. You *did* lose a lot of weight, buddy, so keep on eating, okay?

Sparkle said...

That was a lot of weight to lose, Rudy! I am very picky about food, so I am pretty much permanently on an appetite stimulant, although it is not valium. But unlike you, I groom too much and hack up the hairballs to prove it! I guess we are both high maintenance kitties.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Oh man, Rudy, yoo gots waaaay to skinny! We do haf some twinkies and, um, no fritos but we haf something called TGIF Potato Skins Cheddar and Bacon and Sadie recommends dem highly. If yoo would like Sadie also does baths and cuddles so yoo could get clean and alaxed too. If yoo don't mind yoor mommy petting yoo she can use a nubby glove to help spread da oils out and groom yoor furs wifout stressing yoo. 'Course, we don't care if yoor crusty as long as yoor getting better.

The Island Cats said...

Rudy, we're glad you kicked that hamo...hemo...heamo...whatever you call it...and you are doing better! We're glad you're eating even if it's thanks to that liquid valium stuff...we hope you continue to eat and gain some of that weight back. That's a whole lotta weight that you lost, buddy!! Don't worry about being a little still look good to us!! We're purring for you!!

Fr. Tom Fish said...

Rudy, this is my first visit and I have to say you look like my friend Vinny who's lost a lot of weight, too, but it's due to hyperthyroidism. Jeez, all these illnesses have such long names!! Anyhow, it was nice to meet you and I hope you start getting round like me real soon!


Admiral Hestorb said...

Darling precious Rudy.(MUAH) My mommy and I truly love you. That is scary that you lost that much weight but you are regaining it, dearest one, and despite looking a little different right now, I know you'll be my he-man cat again in no time.

Me and mommy send our bestest love and prayer.

Sunnys Mommy said...

Many hugs, Rudy, for you and your family.

That liquid valium sounds like good stuff. I'm glad to hear it's working for you to increase your appetite!

Sweet Purrfections said...

Rudy, this is such good news. Keeping my paws crossed and the purrs coming for your complete recovery.

Quill and Greyson said...

Glad you're doing better Rudy Toots! Mom got these kitty cleaning wipes (Target she thought) and it helped decrust. Maybe you could try those?

Anonymous said...

Dude, remember how crusty Whitey was about 18 months ago? Yeah... you can totally un-crusty yourself with all the love and purrs you're getting.

Carolyon said...

Still sending purrs your way!

Daisy said...

Oh Rudy, we love you, crusty and all! I hope you will keep up the good eating.

Cats~Goats~Quotes said...

We are so, so happy you are doing better! Keep on keeping on and we will keep on purring for you!
~ The Bunch

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

We are happy that you don't have to take any more yucky medicines.

quiltcat said...

Hi Rudy. We knew you'd been sick but we had no idea you'd lost so much weight...that's awful! REally really glad your bloods are o.k. and your appetite is returning! Keep on eating that good stuff and build yourself back up, o.k.? We're all purring for you.

The Crew said...

We're so glad you're on the road to recovery, Rudy, and that your weight is coming back. Now you gotta eat, Eat, EAT!!

I wouldn't worry about the scruffy look, though. The ladies say that's very Mancatly and appealing!


Team Tabby said...

That is a sad looking picture, Rudy, but we are relieved to hear you are on the mend and Eating again!!

Everycat said...

Rudy fella, we are just very happy that you are around still and we don't care that you are a little rough around the edges. No cat could look their best after being so poorly. This vallium trick sounds brilliant at getting you nomming up the fuuds. Keep on nomming Rudy!

Whicky Wuudler