December 17, 2010

Diamond Time

Ready to nap and dream of 'Da Bears...

While Rudy goes to see Dr's. Joe and Wendy this morning for some Sub Q fun, I am going to take a nap and enjoy a Friday with Daddy. Mommy has to go shopping all day and then pick up the Rudester from his "spa" day. Honestly, he's a lot better, but he's not a great groomer (never has been) and he's gettin' "crusty". Since he hates grooming, we haven't tried to clean him up and stress him out even more. Four more days of his gunky medicine. Then more tests to see what his bloods have to say.
I am glad I am a dog. Yeah, I have to go out in the snow to take care of business, but you can wrap any medicine in a piece of meat and I'd happily take it!
Enjoy your Friday!


SeaThreePeeO said...

We're glad that Rusty is feeling a lot better. Shen says that medicine is cheese is good for dogs too.

Cat and DOG Chat With Caren said...

love that photo!! "Da Best!!"

Goldie, Shade and Banshee said...

Good news about dear Rudy! You enjoy your nap Diamond!

Dma said...

hope rudy gets through his groomin...

da bears? boo.

Raymond and Busby said...

Diamond, great to see you! We hope our Bears can beat what's left of the Vikings on Monday night. Playing outdoors at night in subzero weather is going to be interesting.

Glad Rudy is feeling better and hope he enjoys his spa day. Happy Friday!

Cory said...

Grete here! I don't see what's the fuss with kitties and their medicine. All us woofies need is a chunk of cheese, a dab of peanut butter...a slice of roast beef and ::gulp:: all gone!

woofs, Grete

Forever Foster said...

Hi Diamond Doggie! You look uber comfy there, and are making us a little bit sleepy. We wonder if the groomer will put a bow in Rudy's furs...

Kea said...

Aw, Diamond, you look so adorable curled up there! Yeah, giving meds to a woofie is a lot easier than to a kitty.

Extra purrs for Rudy today!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

FINALLY, woo get to post!!!

Happy Friday Diamond!!!

Keep up the great work with those KHATS!!!


The Meezers or Billy said...

looking cool there Diamond! we is purring for Rudy

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

You look very warm and comfy there, Diamond

Katnip Lounge said...

Diamond! Mommy lubs you even MORE in your Da Bears hat. You get a BIG old snooter smooch.
Poor Rudy, getting fussed over all day. We bet he just detests it...not!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

We're purrin for Rudy. We love that boy.

Of course we lOVE yoo all too!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Rudy, I know what stealing our bloods is like, and mommy will have something nice for you to nom when you get home, sweet furriend.

Tatyanna (and Dorian too) said...

WOW! We didn't know you were Bears fans! Although our house is more baseball-fanatical, we ARE in Chicago, after all! I know I am glad that the game will be on while I am warm in my cat bed, that's for sure! If the field is frozen, my humans were saying that it would be like playing football on concrete! My paw-pads freeze just THINKING about it!

Hope all goes swell for the cats and their tests!! ***Purrs***--Dorian

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Not ta ignore yer post, but we LOVE yer holiday banner...

Tracy said...

So how did the Dr. appt. go today?


We are sure purrin for Rudy!


Brian's Home Blog said...

You sure look cute in your hat Diamond! Purrs to that handsome Rudy!

Jans Funny Farm said...

You're right. That's one of the things Jan likes about us dogs. We take just about anything wrapped in food.