This is my worried look...
Hey guys, Parker here. Thought I would let you know that my bro - aka the Orange Menace is hanging out with Dr. Joe. He's been there since yesterday morning. And to be honest with you - I sort of miss him. He's easy to blame for stuff and while he's in the joint I have no patsy to pin things on. So, yes, I am worried and yes, I miss him. There - I said it - now you all have evidence. And, I am sure that I will live to regret ever admitting that...
...Anywho - The Rudster is stumping Dr. Joe and Dr. Wendy. He's got no lumps and bumps, he uses the box, his labs are is his temp. I guess there are more diagnostics in his furry little future. If they get everything done by close of business tomorrow, he'll get to return to casa de Perfectly Parker in time to help destroy trim the tree that's going to be coming inside (see why I need him back here?!? A TREE! - INSIDE! I really need a patsy!)
Good thoughts are appreciated. We want to thank everyone who left such sweet comments yesterday. Opinions and ideas are welcomed. Mommy is all over the internets trying to figure out what might be going on and she and Daddy aren't a lot of fun right now. So, my job is to try to get them to relax just a little. I have laps to fill and love eyes to make. Take care kitties, we'll update when and if we learn more.
Paws khrossed fur The Orange Menace!
PeeEssWoo: Hi Diamond!
We wish the best fer Rudy. But iffen it doesn't work out, would he make a good tree-topper?
Just askin.
I am sending Rudy more purrs and good thoughts! It's so frustrating when a kitty isn't well and the vet has a hard time figuring out why.
We is purring fur da doctor, dat he can figger it out and fitz Rudy...and we know yoo really like yoor brofur Parker. Why else would yoo let him live wif yoo!
We are purring hard. That is a worry for your Momma. Maybe Rudy and I just need to find the right foods?
We think the fact that Rudy-Toots labs all came back good is great. Hopefully this is something that is going to resolve itself soon. We hope Rudy comes home in time for tree trimming. xoxo
I don't have any suggestions for you, but I will keep my paws crossed!
My sisters and I are sending tons and tons of purrs to Rudy, we hope you feel better soon sweet boy!
Our mom is stumped too. It's not thyroid, right? The mom's co-workers has *two* cats whose T4 show they are HYPO-thyroid, though neither has any kind of symptoms. That has the feline thyroid specialist in Ottawa and their local vet stumped too. Usually a kitty will be hyper-t, as Annie is. But if the T4 hasn't been checked, the mom would suggest it, only because she can't think of anything else. All the blood work is in the normal range? Weird, weird, weird.
We're continuing to send purrs and Light and crossing our paws for sweet Rudy!
We're purring for you Rudster, and hope you feel better soon buddy.
We are sending you our mega purrs, Rudytoots. It's no good at all being under the weather at turkey time!
We would suggest distracting your mum from the internets if you can. There is a lot of bad and confusing information out there. When Lishy was little, mum had him diagnosed with all sorts of things based on what she'd read on the internet, and it was way off base. All she managed to do was freak herself out!
Smoochies to you all!
Purring really hard for Rudy and hoping that things will be better soon and the vet can find what is wrong.
We are sending love and healing purrs Rudy's way. We are guessing that diabetes would have showed up in the blood work by now.
A few weeks ago, Padre was sicky-poo, throwing up more than usual (for him). They gave him an anti-emetic which stopped the horking, but led to the runs. They finally got that under control, but never did figure out what was causing Padre to hork so much. And he's not talking!
We hope that the Rudester gets all better ASAP! You guys have a tree to climb and help decorate!
Padre, Panda Bear, Meerkat, Cookie, and Caramel (& fosters Hunter, Sunny, Sky, Silver, and Rico)
Get well soon Rudy...
Hiya Parker! Mom and I will send purrs and positive vibes to O-hi-o for Rudy. Hope he gets better soon.
Oh, the not-knowing is the hardest thing! Get well soon, Rudester!
Poor Rudy! Poor Parker and family. I miss Rudy too! Mom and I are crossing things to help them find something to make the menace feel better.
Parker....we are purring very hard for your sweet Rudy. You all hang in there. My human sis's Cornish Rex kitty, Harley, had an ongoing battle with his innards, it took a while to figure out he had IBD,Irritable Bowel Disease, then it took even longer to the right mix of meds and just the right food. Poor baby by September he was down to 7.5 lbs. I'm happy to report due to a devoted Mom and Dad and a good Vet, as of last Friday, Harley now weighs 9 3/4 lb. We look forward to hearing that Rudy has made a gigantic turn around.
Madi and Mom
We are sending lots of purrs for Rudy and hope the vets can find out what is the matter. We want to see him climbing up your Christmas tree.
oh my parker! i will say a prayer for the rudy man when i say it for sarge, okay? i am SURE that will help!
hugs, auntie bee
oh hopefully we can leave a comment today - it just nefur werked for us yesterday. we is purrrring very hard for Rudy - he's mine orinch meniss idol!!! - Billy
Parker Pie, we were so hoping your bro would be better today. We must purr and pray harder and harder for the Rudester.
Comforting hugs,
Angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady
We are sending BIG purrs for Rudytoots. Could he have caught a tummy bug (the microscopic kind!) while his system was low with his bladder infection? He may just be fighting that off.
How's his sniffer? Kitties won't eat if they can't smell.
Mommy sends prayers and hugs, she wishes us kitties could talk--sometimes.
We all held paws this morning and started a purr session for RudyToots! Mom says to tell your mom not to go too crazy with the internet searching (yeah, like my mom doesn't do that herself)...she said just make sure all the right tests are run. We will purr that Rudy is in his own little funk and will come out of this just fine. We love the orinchcreamsicle!
We are so sad to hear Rudy isn't feeling well....he is in our purrayers for a quick recovery. xxxxxxxxxxxx
Get well soon Rudy...we are sending headbutts and purrs!
We are sending healing purrs to Rudy. We are all wet and cold so we must go bath, but will be thinking about all of you and looking for an update. Hope they can figure out what is wrong soon.
Oh Honey, me and mommy love Rudy and I promise we are praying for him. Kisses to all of you babies and especially to Rudy. MUAH!
Purrs and gentle thoughts to Rudy all of you that this will be resolved happily.
You are all very dear to us, and we worry so when one of our friends is not up to par.
xxxooo from ss&s & mom
Lots of purrs and tail wags for your brother Rudy to get better SOON!
Purrrrs for Rudy and a prayer that the Dr. Vet finds out what is wrong with him!!!
Purrrrrrs and hugs to all the family!!!
Your TX furiends,
Oh Parker we are so hoping that the vet can find what is going on with Rudy so they can fix it. Is it possible he is congested and can't smell the food - that would explain the not eating part (not the barfing part, but maybe the turkey just didn't agree with him). I know that sometimes vets overlook the congestion thing when other stuff has been going on so be sure they checked that. Other than that we have no suggestions, but we will be sending him lots of purrs and prayers!
Hi, Miss Parker, we don't have any words of advice, just sympathy. Our mom has been through that before with the cat who isn't acting quite right but passes all of his tests with flying colors. She says that's one of the most horrible feelings in the world. We all hope that Rudy lets on pretty soon what is wrong with him (other than being a boy) so they can start to make him all better. We'll send you up some purrs from Oklahoma, k?
We're purring super hard for an easy answer for Rudy. Mom says not knowing is really hard.
The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie
We are purring for Rudy and hope he soon feels better. We are glad that his tests are good. Maybe he has got Powder's Funk as she didn't have it this year.
Sending purrs for Rudy! Thanks for coming by our commentathon!
WE are purring very loud for Rudy! And all the family!
We are purring really hard for Rudy and we hope the docs can figure out what's going on with him and make him better. We're also purring for your mom, Parker, because we know how worried she must be.
More purrs for Rudy. Try sitting on your mum's face in the middle of the night. That will take her mind off of Rudy!
I'm sure you will be doing a brilliant job of keeping everyone calm Rudy!
Purrs and loving thoughts
Srsly...we needs to get to the bottom of this, you needs Rudy to help you "trim" that tree. I'z sending you good thoughts and vibes
I understand your brother is feeling poorly and not eating enough to keep his weight up.
Well, one thing my parents learnt while I was recovering from my heart and kidney problem plus not eating during that time is to syringe feed me small amounts every few hours, even in the middle of the night. They will blend a can of wet food (those 160g type) and squirt into my mouth at least a whole can each day. As I grow stronger, I eat more than 1 can per day.
They realised that if they feed me 2 or 3 big portions per day, I will tend to throw up everything. But when they feed me small portions every 4 hours 5 to 6 times per day, I will be able to keep my food down.
They persisted for more than 3 months before I got back up on my feet again.
All the best to your brother.
Xin Xin, the CRF & HCM cat
Parker, we're purring for Rudy to feel better very soon!
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