November 15, 2010

The Rudy Report

Namaskar kitties! It's me - Rudy! - With your Rudy Report! Well the 'rents weren't kidding about taking me back to Dr. Joe for a check-up last Thursday. I was once again stuffed into the PTU and taken to the opposite of the most wonderful place on earth. They examined my ::whispers:: pee and I still have some bacteria. Sooooo....for 14 days I have this liquid gunk (Orbax) shot down my throat. Let me tell you kitties, I give the 'rents a run for their money. Mommy said she never knew that I could be such a squirmy-worm! Four days down and ten to go and then I have to go and see Dr. Joe again!!! Cripes kitties, this is getting old! Stupid bladder infection...
I do feel pretty good. I have learned a new place to get the best water. Right before Mommy brushes her toofies every morning, I jump up for a good lonnnnng drink. This really torks Powder off because that was her "thing", now she has to wait for me to finish before she gets a turn. What can I say, I'm just not a gentlecat like that. After Powder gets a shot, Mommy can finally get down to the business of getting ready for her day. She can wait, we're worth it.
All weekend the 'rents cooked and all weekend we got nothin' - they are sticking to this "no tastes for the kitties" thing. Which sux mightily because you know what holiday is right around the bend. Let it be known - I will not be denied my turkey!!!


Raymond and Busby said...

Wow Rudy, that is one stubborn infection. We hope the next ten days go by quickly and your pee is perfect on your next vet visit.

Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Rudy, ya gotta run before the med time. We are sure ya know some great places ta hide!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Rudy I am glad to hear that you are doing well. I am sorry about all the vet stuff though. I never let myself get caught if I know that is going on--I run from room to room and hide and move so that they can't catch me!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

We sure hope you feel better soon my friend, that doesn't sound like a fun thing to have.

Many healing purrs from us both.

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Ack, da medi-sin thing is kinda poopy but if ya wanna get better, ya gotta take it. Are dey thretening to not give yoo any turkey? We think dat is against da law, on Thanksgiving EFFURYONE gets turkey!

The Florida Furkids said...

We hope that nasty bladder thing goes away soon. We can't imagine that your 'rents wouldn't give you Turkey.....that would qualify for cat abuse!!

The Florida Furkids and Angel Sniffie

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Jack says to hang in there with the squirty-mouth funny taste stuff. He's on that too for his pancreatitis. We are hoping for a few turkey treats ourselves come Thanksgiving!

Sparkle said...

Aw man, Rudy, that bladder thing is the gift that keeps on giving, isn't it? I hope your next trip to the vet is your last one for a good, long while!

Teddy Westlife said...

Surely you'll be allowed a bit of turkey as a prize for being such a good boy?

The Monkeys said...

We're pretty sure you'll get some turkey, Rudy. We can't imagine you'd be denied that!

We're also very happy to hear that you're getting better and we hope the icky medicine ends soon!

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Rudy, we are purring for yoor nast :pee: infection to go. It sure is stubborn. And we can't believe yoor rents are being so stubborn abowt the "no tastes for the kitties" thing. How awful!

Daisy said...

Sorry you have to take more medicines. I never heard of Orbax before, but it sounds like it might be a little bit delicious.

Kea said...

Rudy, we're continuing to send purrs -- yes, that IS a nasty infection! We're crossing our paws you're better soon and do get your turkey!

Hannah and Lucy said...

Oh Rudy we so feel for you back and forward to the stabby place - we hope that infection gets banished quickly. How dare your 'rents put a ban on their foods - we hope you give them the back of disrespect.

Dma said...

look on the bright side, you and dr. joe are becoming best buds. the lineup at the sink in the morning sounds exactly like our house....

The Island Cats said...

Hi Rudy! We're glad you're feeling better but we're sorry you gotta still take that awful medicines. We hope this does the trick now and you don't hafta take anymore for a long long time!!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

THat infection just does not want to give up! WE hope you are feeling better, soon. It dies suck that you are not getting tastes!

Katnip Lounge said...

Rudy, at least you're feeling better and that's a good sign. You were a pretty sick guy so you just fight and squirm and take your medicine.
Do you guys have a fountain? We love ours and drink from it lots and lots.
pee ess: we are having HAM! We'll mail you a slice.

Mr. Echo said...

I kannot beeleeve yoo mite be denied turkey jes becuz of sum stoopid pee problem. Yoo can come heer and have sum of ours. I herd Daddy is putting it in a smoker. I shood try that drinking water thing yoo are doing. It is good for us mancats to drink a lot of water. Too bad bout the meddisin. Hope it stops soon.

Brian's Home Blog said...

I sure do hope that bug goes away and leaves you alone!!!

Cory said...

We want to reach out and swat that mean old infection from bugging you!

I think you deserve tons of turkey for all that you've been through. Mom and dad won't be cooking turkey...they are going to visit with family who WILL be cooking the turkey so we've been giving instructions on how to make sure we get our fair share.

Quill and Greyson said...

Ah Dude that sucks!! Glad you're better.

Just Ducky said...

no turkey? not even plan roasted turkey? Bummer dude, that just will not do.