October 28, 2010

I Have A Flavor

Me - trying to look sweet and convincing (is it working?)

Well kitties, some of you know that my Mom has Type II Diabetes and I can tell you that it is no fun for her to have it. It effects her life in ways that you may not even imagine. Between the monitoring, the medicine, the pokes, the prods, the food she should not eat, the regular doctor visits, the expense and the worry about how this will impact her health in other ways, well, I just want to find Diabetes and poop on it's pillow! But what would be even better is if we could find a way to cure it and make it go far, far away and leave all of us alone. So I have a little favor to ask all of you - for the month of November would you please take this cool Diabetes awareness pic (thank you Zoolatry!) and put it on your sidebar? Pretty please with Splenda on it?

Parker says "Diabetes Sux!" Srsly.

Thank you - from the bottom of my furry little heart.


Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Our daddy haf da diabetes too, it really isn't fun fur anyone in dis house. Da fact dat he haf no inshurints doesn't help things either!

Samantha & Mom said...

We will post your Graphic Parker!! Our dad had that Diabetes thing, too!!
((((((HUGGGGSSSS)))))))) from your TX furiends,

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

Of course we'll post. Jack has transient diabetes, so we've had a taste of all that involves too. Tell your mom to take good care of herself, especially so she doesn't get any complications.

Catio Tales said...

We think it sucks big time too - we will post the picture right now

michico*Adan*Lego-小芥*阿丹*樂高 said...

We will post, Parker!!!!!

Cat with a Garden said...

We'll put it up! We'd like to puut the bitey on Diabetes tooo.

Brian's Home Blog said...

Of course we will put it on our sidebar, it will be there November 1st. Ann made a very nice sidebar badge!

Daisy said...

We copied it so we are ready for November. Our gramma has diabetes.

Millie said...

You got it girl! Happy to help.

AFSS said...

We will be happy too. We have several cousins with diabetes. One was even born with it.

Hannah and Lucy said...

We have copied the picture and mum will put it on our side bar for us.

ibcmeir said...

For Sure, we Meir Cat will gladly put on out blog! Tell your Mom Moshe says "hello lady".

OKcats said...

Miss Parker, we will have our mom put your pretty picture on our sidebar this weekend. It will be the first one we have, so she'll have to work to figure out how to do it, but she should have the technical experience to do so!

Cory said...

Of course Miss Parker, we will post the badge on our sidebar. My mom rode her bike 100 miles this past summer to raise money for the Diabetes Association and she said posting the badge will be LOTS easier!

The Island Cats said...

We will definitely put it on our site, Parker! Diabetes does suk!!

The Meezers or Billy said...

we will post too. our the mom has diabetes and takes 2 different kinds of insulin and has poke her fingers 8 times a day. and she grumbles about foods all the time. {{HUGS}} to your mom!

Raymond and Busby said...

Of course we will do that, Parker! We have some human Aunts and Uncles who are diabetic. We sure hope they find a cure for it soon. xoxo

Admiral Hestorb said...

You are a precious baby!!

Admiral Hestorb said...

It's posted, sweet one.

Forty Paws said...

Okey dokey! We'll do it! Many hugs to your Mom! And Gatsbi has to get a shot everyday now because she has diabetes too.

Luf, Us

Jans Funny Farm said...

Since blogger is forcing us to go the extra steps to add a widget (resizing all sidebar pix to 150 so it can UPsize to 180) we have it ready to post if we don't forget. When it comes time to post it, could you remind us all and let us know if there is any particular url it should link to - yours or ...

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE will post the badge, too. Our Dad has this awful diabetes, too!

Amy & the house of cats said...

Hi Parker - consider it done (well, ok, done on 11/1!) Hey do us one favor and mention it again that day so mom doesn't forget to add it to the side bar!

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

It will be our purrrrpleasure to do so -

We've shared in the past and have been watching fur this years!

Khyra and The Golden Khousins
PeeEssWoo: Hi Diamond!

Kat's Kats said...

The Teenage Mutant Ninja Kitty Horde has forced mom to make a new graphic for their blog. Their dad has had Type I for 38 years.

Mickey's Musings said...

We will gladly post your new badge :)
WE have an old one to replace(Mom is super lazy) heehee
Purrs Mickey,Georgia & Tillie

Mr. Echo said...

Done and Done. Our momma had diabetes but had a gastric bypass and lost a squillion pounds it went away. Not everyone is so fortunate. We are more than happy to help spread awareness for yoo and yur momma.

Milo and Alfie Marshall said...

Parker, mom will put the Diabetes Awareness up on our blog this weekend. She knows how hard Diabetes is to cope with, as her sister and son have both been diagnosed in the last year ~ and are finding it very hard to cope with the symptoms. Let's hope they find a cure.

Quill and Greyson said...

Purrs your Mom stays very healthy for a long time!!