February 9, 2010

Trouble....Oh, Trouble, Trouble, Trouble, Trouble, Trouble...

Oh kitties, I gots trouble...I started going to the litter boxes a lot last night and producing nothing for my troubles...
There's another wicked bad storm coming to O Hi O  AND I have to go and see the VET this morning...Mommy is worried sick about me. She gave me a dose of Cat-A-Lax last night, but it has not helped. Something has me blocked and if you want to know the truth, I'm OK with going to see Dr.Joe. I don't feel so hot.
Any extra purrs you have lying around sure would be appreciated...not being able to, well, you know...poop...kinda sux.
I still send all of you smoochies, after all, smoochies make the world go around!


Cory said...

Oh sweetie Parker...that cute nose in the camera will get us every time! We are purring hard for you...and your mom and dad have to take you out into a snow storm! Yikes! Our sweet Mikey had pooper problems too so we know what that's all about. We'll be thinking of you!

dArtagnan Rumblepurr/Diego Hamlet Moonfur said...

Oh no... we hope you're doing ok, we're sending you lots of Rumbles and fluffles that you feel better... hopefully the humans will feed you lots of nommy things to make you feel better!!

Gemini and Ichiro said...

Oh we will purr as hard as we can--so that you feel better and so that you and your Mom are safe on the drive over to the vets.

Sweet Purrfections said...

Sweet Parker, I hope everything thing is okay at the vet's office. Please be careful on the road and keep us up to date.

NAK and The Residents of The Khottage Now With KhattleDog! said...

Oh no...

I hope woo feel better soon!

PeeEssWoo: Hi Diamond - please help Parker feel better...

Poppy Q said...

Dear Miss P, I hope your pooper starts spitting things out real soon, and the storm doesn't hit too hard.

Feel better soon sweetie.


meemsnyc said...

Oh no! Sorry to hear you are not feeling well. Hope things get unblocked real soon!

Tina T-P said...

Oh Parker - We're sorry to hear that you are not feeling well. We hope everything is OK - we'll all be waiting to hear what the V.E.T. says. T.

Teddy Westlife said...

Poor Parker. I hope you feel better soon. Sorry you have to go to the v-e-t.

Forever Foster said...

Sweetie, we're so sorry to hear your pooper has forgotten how to poop. We hope Dr. Joe can help you get things moving again toot sweet.

The Island Cats said...

Oh Parker, we hope Dr. Joe can help you out and you're back to your "regular" self soon!!


Daisy said...

Oh dear! Poor Parker! I sure hope you get unstuck soon! I'm purring for you!

Anonymous said...

O mai goodness! Poor Parker! Whitey and all the Gs iz purring our best healing purrs for you!

Alastriona, The Cats and Dogs said...

Parker we are purring for you. Feel better soon and have a safe trip to and from the vet. ~AFSS

Forty Paws said...

Oh goodness Parker! We are sending smoochies to you too! We hope that everything comes out all right in the end...

Luf, Us

Kea said...

Oh, no, Parker...We hope the vet can help and that you are back to normal soon. Sending LOTS of purrs and healing Light to you and (((hugs))) to your mom, because she's worried and might need a bit of comfort too.

The Florida Furkids said...

Poop problems are no fun at all. We hope everything "comes out" okay.

Sniffie and the Florida Furkids

Mariodacat said...

Oh noooooooo. I'm going to be soooo worried about you now. I hope everything will be okay. I keep you in my thoughts & prayers. I send you healing, soothing purrs purr purr purr

Tatyanna (and Dorian too) said...

OHHHH Parker!!! Mom and I just found your blog TODAY and have had such fun reading it ... that is, until THIS!! Mom says you are just "sooooo adooorrrrable" and well, I think you're pretty cool too, little man (I am 16 lbs, so it appears that you are the little man next to me, hehe). Anyway, YES, we are sending purrrrrs to you! We feel positive that this Dr. Joe will have the cure for what ails ya (doesn't sound fun at all... um, I usually have the, uh, opposite problem, if ya know what I mean). We are in Chicago, and snow is everywhere here too, but don't let it stop ya from getting some medicine! Nice to meet you! I am Dorian, and my mom is T.U. :)

KitKat said...

Oh, no Parker! We hope you feel better real soon. Dr. Joe will fix you up like new. We are purring hard for you. We hope your Mommy does okay in all that snow
Kissies, purrs and gentle head bonks from Grady.
Bridge angel Normie, Mika, Sasha & Grady

Dma said...

prayers from mn. hope u feel better soon...

Fambly kittens said...

We is purrin' and purrayin' and crossin' all of our paws fur you and we told the woofies to do it, too. GET BETTERS, NOW!

Empress Bee (of the high sea) said...

oh honey pie, i'll purr for you all day long in the whole wide werld...

hugs, auntie bee

Monty Q. Kat said...

Uh-oh. Don't be gettin' sick now...:(

Pip said...

We is purrin and praying real hard for you Parker. I hopes all your stuff gets unstucked real soon!

Angel, Kirby and Max said...

WE are so sorry you are not feeling well. Kirby went through a bout of 'nopoopatal' last month.

Raymond and Busby said...

Oh poor Parker! We sort of hope it's definitely number 2 that is the issue and not a bladder problem. May we recommend a teaspoon of plain canned pumpkin mixed in with your food every meal? Pumpkin tastes good and has a lot of fiber. We will be purring for you!

The Meezers or Billy said...

noooooooooooo Parker! We hopes you feels better furry furry soon!

Anonymous said...

Parker dear... Get well soon. Smooches and purrs to you!!!!

Brian's Home Blog said...

Oh my sweetie, my sisters and are have the purr party started...please get all better soon!

Lisa Kolosey said...

Oh no you don't! You'd better get fixed up and get home asap! Let us know what Dr Joe says. We will be purring and praying for our sweet and perfect Parker girl.
~Lisa Co9T

JB's Big and Small Worlds said...

Oh noes! Parke, we are all purring for you to poop! WE sure hope you are ok!

Lisa Wallace + current cat said...

We're sending our purrayers that your insides will start working right again soon. The snow, being sick...that's a lot to deal with at once.

Sabrina, Sam and Simon said...

Parker, I am purring and purraying for you ... I had pooper problems a couple of months ago and I know they really suck. I hope things get moving for you again really, really soon.
Hugs, purrs and headbutts,

Whimpurr said...

Oh sweetheart, we are sending purrayers that the vet can get you all fixed up and you can once again feel better! *purrs*



Dear sweet Parker
We hope you have gotten to the Vet and seen Dr.Joe and he has your pooper workin....we understands how impawtant this is.
We is purrayin furr yoo!
purry purrs

Memories of Eric and Flynn said...

Oh no! We are purring for poops for you. I know it is no fun when you can't poop. Have a safe visit to the vet.

Fat Eric said...

Oh Parker, I am sorry to hear you are not feeling good. Sending very LOUD purrs for your swift recovery...PURRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRSSSS!

Anonymous said...

I send you lot's of purrs. Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr...

catsynth said...

Oh no. Hope you feel better soon!

Jans Funny Farm said...

Oh, no, Parker! Sending lots of good purrs and tail wags that you're okay.

The Furry Kids said...

We are purring and purraying for your 'tocks, Parker. We hope they feel better soon.

One Cats Nip said...

Oh no this is serious! *sends out as many mega purrs and purrayers as possible* I hope you can get the clog unstuck

Mr. Hendrix said...

purrrrrrrrrrrrrrs purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrs
you start pooping dear Parker. was that inappropriate to say? stay safe with all this snow and if you have to go out to the VET.
maybe some more Cat-A-Lax?? When my IBD flairs up and I get backed up, I am supposed to get my Laxitone 2 times a day.

Tiki, Kirby, and StanLee said...

Oh no! Parker we hope you feel better soon! Purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr

Lynx217 said...

We all send purrs your way. I know what it's like all too well, and the news wasn't good. We anxiously await an update from you!

Anonymous said...

Poor sweetie! We hope effurything comes out ok for you...literally as well. We are sending you super, speedy healing purrayers! Duck! Here they come!

Zippy, Sadie, Speedy and M'Gee said...

Purrrin' fur yoo to poop Parker. Not poopin' is bad!

The Crew said...

Parker dear, are you OK now?

Laila and Angel Minchie said...

Oh noes! We hope you got relief at the vet today!

Rosemary B❤️ said...

OH Parker!!!
I hope you got back from the vet and that your tummy is all betters. Did you get tortured?
*shivers* I am sooo afraid of the vet.
I hope they were nice to you.

bonks and purrayers

meowmeowmans said...

Oh no, Parker! We hope you and mommy made it to the vet and back, and that you are back to feeling like your normal self soon. Purrs and prayers!

Admiral Hestorb said...

Parker darling, me and mom both will be purring for you, thinking of you, sending you love and so hoping all is well. tell mama to write us all right away as to how you are. Parker, we love you. Be well, darling.

quiltcat said...

Hi Parker. We sure hope it's your pooper and not your pee-er that's having problems...and we hope that nice Dr Joe gets you feeling better soon. We share your Mommy's worry about what to do with another snowstorm coming. We agree with the other furriend who suggested adding canned pumpkin to your stinky goodness, if pooping is indeed the problem. We hope to get an update from you soon...feel better! purrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!

Milo and Alfie said...

Hi Parker, we sure hope yoor pooper is better soon! Smoochies right back at yoo.

Just Ducky said...

Purrr, purrr, purrrr. Feel better Parker.

Quill and Greyson said...

Poor Parker... hoping there is already an update that you're... well perfectly Parker!


Mark's Mews (Marley, Lori, Taz, and Binq) said...

Priority one, get you to the V-E-T!

You gotta poop good. Nothing else matters.

Shilgiah the Cat said...

Oh Poor Parker!! We just found out about your pee troubles. We tried to post on the newest post but for some reason were couldn't get through to post. Anyway Parker we hope that all your pee probs are all better soon! Smoochies to you and your whole family!